Music Camp International шукає Директора проекту в Україні


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Організація Music Camp International працює в Україні понад 14 років роботи заради гідності, надії та впевненості у власних силах дітей з різних куточків України. Місія – розвиток дітей, навчання вчителів та зміцнення громад через дар музики.

Music Camp International is searching for Project Director in Ukraine. Music Camp International and Ukraine have an illustrious history—over 14 years of bringing dignity, hope, and self-confidence to children in cities and towns throughout Ukraine. Its mission is to develop children, to train teachers, and to strengthen the global community through the gift of music. Music Camp International believes that all children are talented and when involved in a positive, dynamic, and interactive environment, can discover and develop their inner giftedness. Music Camp encourages children to set high goals, and work together to achieve them. It’s not about making professional musicians, but about developing responsible, compassionate, citizens and leaders. More information about Music Camp International

Knowledge and experience:

  • University degree
  • Experience in leading positions (at least two years)
  • Knowledge about main players of Ukrainian third sector and international donors
  • Successful experience in fundraising among international and national donors (business companies, private foundations and ets.)
  • Skills of strategic thinking and financial management
  • Managements skills
  • Communicable, open minded, ready for business trips
  • Fluent in English, Ukrainian/Russian (writing, reading and speaking) required
  • Computer skills—Word, Excel, Merge files

Duties and responsibilities

  • Represent the interest of Music Camp International (MCI) in developing relationships with persons with whom MCI can collaborate and develop its projects – including but not limited to:
    • Day Music Camps for general children in middle school
    • Music Camps for children with special needs
    • An annual Christmas festival
    • Any specialized government projects
  • Systematic communication about the Project through social and mass media:

– generate daily news on Music Camp International Ukraine Facebook page;

  • Communicate a minimum of twice weekly regarding priorities and upcoming activities (beginning of the week) and at the end of the week provide a summary of hours worked completed tasks and a status report of ongoing assignments
  • Engage in dialogue and contact negotiation regarding all proposed projects between MCI and appropriate persons representing collaborators and sponsors
  • Research and secure training on writing applications for sponsorships and grant funding
  • Develop network of potential collaborators and partners in various cities and regions
  • Represent MCI to potential sponsors
  • Maintain contracts, legal papers, banking, and all personal and professional interests of MCI to satisfy legal requirements for the country of Ukraine
  • Maintain the interest of Employer as relates to the office rent, internet, repair, and any other needs arising from tenant/landlord issues
  • Other duties as may arise from time to time and as may be assigned to MCI.

If you are interested please send motivation letter and CV to the e-mail address: [email protected]. Deadline is: 2nd of October 2015.


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

Генеральний/на менеджер/ка з організації консультативних послуг у сфері посилення спроможності інституцій

Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader