Конкурс на участь у Проекті “До демократії”


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Конкурс на участь у Проекті “До демократії”

Національний Студентський Союз спільно зі Студентським Парламентом Республіки Польща організовують спільний проект, суть якого полягає у демократизації суспільства.

Організатори шукають 20 активних молодих людей, які бажають змінити своє суспільство та зробити власний внесок у його розвиток!

Захід відбудеться у Польщі, у чарівній Варшаві.

В рамках проекту учасники матимуть змогу зустрітись з відомими журналістами та успішними бізнесменами Польщі.

Усі витрати на транспорт, харчування та житло бере на себе приймаюча сторона.

Робоча мова – англійська


National Students’ Union of Ukraine in cooperation with Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland, to perform a solid cooperation act, organize a youth-oriented project called “Towards Democracy”, the principal idea of which is to motivate youngsters for change performance, enhance their social skills and share experience in the sphere of democratization. Besides, workshops and classes will be conducted by highly professional trainers, journalists, outstanding Polish businessmen and media representatives. In addition, trainees will be able to talk to important people in the public life of Poland.

Project conduction date – arrival November 5, departure November 9.

Place: Poland, Warsaw

The trainings consist of the following workshops:

– How NGOs can influence government decisions?
– The social dimension of education
– Responsible citizenship in Europe
– Energy security in the region
– The essence of internal and external security
– Public Relations in a work of NGOs
– Public Appearances
– Social Media NGO in a work of NGOs
– Manager and leader skills

Candidates are required to write a short essay (in English) on “The Civil Society – my contribution and my expectations from the others” which will be evaluated by a selection committee composed of experts – organization representatives.

Participant eligibility:
1) aged 18-30
2) English competence
3) involved in social activity

Costs cover:
Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland covers all expenditures on accommodation, transportation and meal. Participant will have to deposit 20 euro as a guarantee of their coming (the money will be given back at the moment, young people arrive in Poland).

We are currently looking for 20 youngsters to take part in the project. Therefore, do not hesitate to apply. If you have any question, feel free to contact:
Adam Gajkadze – agajek@psrp.org.pl


DEADLINE – October, 5 23:59 (Kyiv timezone)
The project undoubtably demonstrates the extent of Polish-Ukrainian student organisation cooperation.

For additional information, visit: http://kudemokracji.org/towards-democracy-main-page/

Автор: Demyd Maiornykov

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