Аналітик даних проекту ПРООН


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Аналітик даних проекту ПРООН

Програма розвитку Організації Об’єднаних Націй відкрила вакансію Project Data Analyst  у проекті «Індекс соціальної згуртованості і примирення ООН для східної України».

Location : Kyiv, UKRAINE

Application Deadline : 28-Jan-18 (Midnight New York, USA)

Type of Contract : Service Contract

Post Level : SB-4

Expected Duration of Assignment : 10 months


The United Nations Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index for Eastern Ukraine (USE) is based on the methodology of the Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), originally developed in Cyprus by UNDP and the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD). USE is a state-of-the-art, tailor-made monitoring and assessment mechanism designed to provide high-quality analysis for targeted recovery, peacebuilding and development policies and interventions, specifically within the context of eastern Ukraine.  The USE data is subject to both descriptive and predictive analysis, which provides an understanding of social dynamics in conflict-affected communities.

 The USE methodology engages national, regional and local government and civil society partners throughout the entire process, which allows for an appropriate measure of the relevant dimensions for current, planned, and potential interventions in the field of social cohesion.  Consequently, USE is both a transparent procedure and a purpose-designed analytical tool that allows for informed strategic choices for recovery and development assistance by implementers and policy makers alike.

 The first USE wave of data collection and participatory analysis was conducted in 2017 and the results are available on a dedicated, interactive website: use.scoreforpeace.org.  On the basis of the success of the first wave, the three participating UN agencies (UNDP, UNICEF and IOM) intend to conduct three more annual waves (2018-2020), and are seeking to recruit qualified professionals to join a dedicated USE team.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of the USE Project Team Lead, the Project Data Analyst will be responsible for the following key tasks:

Engage throughout the entire USE implementation cycle: stakeholder consultations, update of the conceptual model(s), analysis and presentation of the USE data, and responding to agency requests;

Provide support to USE team and USE participating agencies in analysing and reporting on USE results including, but not limited to:

  • undertake research and data processing using relevant statistical and econometric tools (e.g., regression modelling and cluster analysis) to analyse and interpret USE data;
  • assist with preparing reports on the basis of USE results, including presentation of data in visual or other formats targeted to both internal and external audiences; and
  • conduct ad hoc analysis in response to specific requests from participating agencies and/or from the Peace and Development Advisor (PDA)

Monitor and assess incoming datasets from the USE field work (qualitative and quantitative surveys and interviews) to ensure accuracy of data and provide high quality analysis of USE data at all stages of the USE cycle;

Monitor, update and maintain the USE interactive website, including by liaising with SeeD and other partners as required to ensure timely upload of datasets and other information, accuracy of search functionality, etc.;

Contribute to project reporting requirements, including preparation of text and visual data for reports and publications, preparation of material for presentations and public events, etc.;

Frequent travel to eastern Ukraine (government controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, as well as Dnipro, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia oblasts) will be required;

Provide other required support related within the scope of the project, as directed by the USE Project Team Lead or the PDA.                                                                                                                                            

Measurable outputs of the work assignment

  • USE is produced based on high quality data and field research;
  • Reports, presentations and memos based on USE data are of high quality and prepared within set deadlines;
  • Contribution to the results of the USE implementation cycle is of high quality and delivered within the set deadlines.


Core Competencies:

  • Communication;
  • Delivery;
  • Innovation;
  • Leadership;
  • People Management.

Functional competencies:

  • Strong organizational and time management skills;
  • Ability to work in a team;
  • Ability to work under continuous pressure and meet deadlines;
  • Demonstrate/safeguard ethics and integrity;
  • Mature judgment combined with a proactive, energetic approach to problem solving;
  • Strong computer skills are mandatory;
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
  • Self-development, initiative-taking;
  • Create synergies through self-control.

Required Skills and Experience

Minimum qualifications and experience:

  • Master’s degree in a discipline that includes extensive training in quantitative methods (mathematics, psychology, sociology, economics, education, statistics, development studies, or other relevant discipline);
  • At least three years of relevant progressively responsible analytical and reporting work experience at the national and/or international level;
  • Proven knowledge of statistical and econometric modelling is required (for example, cross tabulation of item frequencies; replacement of missing values through multiple imputation; scale reliability analysis; exploratory factor analysis; confirmatory factor analysis; mediation analysis; moderation analysis; regression analysis (linear, logistic and multinomial); cluster analysis; Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA); latent class analysis; structural equation modelling; latent growth modelling);
  • Knowledge of gender desegregated data analysis, child/youth related data analysis and methodology, and the SCORE methodology is a strong advantage;
  • Knowledge and experience of innovative data illustration is a strong advantage;
  • Fluency in English, Ukrainian and Russian is required (both spoken and written).

Application Instructions:

  • Click on the “Apply now” button.
  • Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation. You can type in or paste your Resume into the last box.
  • Upon completion of the first page, please hit “submit application” tab at the end of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to upload your Resume.Instead of uploading your Resume, please submit a fully completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form (P-11). When completing the Form and, even though not currently requested, please include email addresses for your Supervisors.
  • Without the completed and signed P11 your application will not be considered. The UNDP Personal History Form can be downloaded at link. Failure to disclose prior employment or making false representations on this form will be grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of his/her application or termination, where the appointment or contract has been issued.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and please ensure that copies of your educational qualifications are available when contacted.

This is a locally recruited position and no expatriation benefits will apply.
UNDP will use a transparent and competitive screening process, though will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest. Applications may only be submitted for specific vacancy. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

Генеральний/на менеджер/ка з організації консультативних послуг у сфері посилення спроможності інституцій

Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader