Journalism Bootcamp 2018 у Чехії


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Journalism Bootcamp 2018 у Чехії

Applications open for Journey: Journalism Bootcamp –  an intensive 10-day international summer course in journalism

August 4 14, 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic

Applications deadline: May 6, 2018 

About the program

The program is aimed at giving aspiring journalists real-world training that will help them pursue successful careers. The course is a mix of lectures and exercises where students will learn by doing under the supervision of  journalists from leading international news organizations. We have hosted lecturers from the BBC, Bloomberg, CNN, The New York Times, ProPublica, Reuters, Storyful,, and the Wall Street Journal. Our lecturers have included several Pulitzer Prize winners, such as Seymour Hersh, Jesse Eisinger, Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber.

Objectives of the program

The program focuses on best practices and standards in an ever-evolving landscape of modern-day journalism. The student will discuss relevant topics in journalism during lectures and test their skills in practical exercises throughout the week under the guidance of experienced editors. Students will also spend two days reporting from Prague, where they will produce stories under the deadline. By the end of the course, students should be able to more confidently report and write breaking news as well as produce long-form stories while adhering to the highest ethical standards. Each student will also be required to pitch, report and write a long-form story on an assigned theme.

Is the Journey for you? We are looking for …

  • Journalism or media studies students who have completed  at least two semesters of university education  and who have a strong interest in reporting and writing news;
  • Students of related study programs who have shown a deep interest in journalism and have a work experience in journalism.

Apply online at by May 6, 2018

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