Проект CUTIS шукає кандидатів на вакансію Координатора проекту


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Проект CUTIS шукає кандидатів на вакансію Координатора проекту

Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support Project

The Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the Conference Board of Canada to implement a five-year project funded by Global Affairs Canada aimed at increasing trade and investment between Ukraine and Canada. The Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce is seeking to fill the following team position in Ukraine:

Ukrainian Project Coordinator

This position will be based in Kyiv, Ukraine and will report Directly to the Ukrainian Project Manager in Kyiv.

The selected candidate will be a self-motivated, independent, resourceful and results oriented individual who has demonstrated an ability to multi-task, work under pressure and meet deadlines.

Main Responsibilities

  • Perform data mining activities for information needed to achieve Project goals and targets
  • Organize seminars, business forums, B2B meetings and trade fairs for project participants in Canada and Ukraine including venues, logistics, accommodations and travel
  • Assist project participants to identify and benefit from opportunities in the Canadian market
  • Assist in the development of website information portals
  • Assist the Project Manager to monitor, evaluate and track progress of assigned project activities
  • Assume Project Manager’s responsibilities in his or her absence.

 Job Qualifications

The successful applicant will have a Business or Finance degree or comparable experience in a related field.  In addition, the successful individual will have a minimum of four years of work experience in project management as well as strategic planning and data mining.  Excellent written and oral communications skills in both Ukrainian and English.

NOTE:  Please submit CV along with a covering letter for this position no later than October 15, 2018 electronically to [email protected] 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Спеціаліст/ка з організації публічних заходів (круглі столи, конференції слухання)

Вакансія: Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Employment Strategy Development Consultant (Education Consultant)

Senior Policy Advisor в проєкт USAID «Сприяння доброчесності у публічному секторі»

Менеджер/ка з безпеки / Security manager

Спеціаліст/ка з гуманітарних питань (Дніпро)

Спеціаліст/ка з гуманітарних питань (Київ)