IFES оголошує конкурс на проведення серії регіональних тренінгів


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Kateryna Makhova

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IFES оголошує конкурс на проведення серії регіональних тренінгів

IFES оголошує конкурс серед громадських організацій на проведення серії регіональних тренінгів. Дедлайн – 05 листопада. (далі – англійською)

IFES is an independent, non-governmental organization (NGO) with headquarters registered in the United States of America. IFES supports citizens’ rights to participate in free and fair elections. Our independent expertise strengthens electoral systems and builds local capacity to deliver sustainable solutions. As the global leader in democracy promotion, we advance good governance and democratic rights by providing technical assistance to election officials, empowering the underrepresented to participate in the political process and applying field-based research to improve the electoral cycle. Since 1987, IFES has worked in over 145 countries – from developing democracies, to mature democracies.

IFES Ukraine requires the following services, on an as-needed basis for a 12-month period (multiple blanket agreements) that should be provided by Ukrainian commercial companies and/or civil society organizations (CSOs):

  • Provide a team of at least 10 professional trainers with specific knowledge on electoral issues to deliver the series of regional trainings for SRV staff and DEC, TEC and PEC members using the IFES methodology and training materials (detailed requirements are listed below);
  • Provide full-range logistics support for the regional trainings, including venue and equipment rental, catering for participants, local transportation and accommodation for trainers and participants, training supplies, postage of reports, etc.
  • Oversee and coordinate the process of trainings in the relevant regions
  • Submit reports on the conducted training events to IFES on a schedule and in formats to be determined by IFES
  • Organize and conduct a system of monitoring and evaluation of the training events conducted under the contract in accordance with guidelines provided by IFES.

 The Service Delivery Proposal must contain the following for all services:

  • Strong evidence/description of experience in providing electoral trainings using the international methodology provided by contracting organization;
  • Strong evidence/description of experience in providing full range logistical support for the trainings including venue and equipment rental, catering for participants, local transportation and accommodation for trainers and participants, training supplies, etc.;
  • Strong evidence/description of experience in overseeing work of a big trainers’ team, including timeline and detailed workplan development, monitoring visits, keeping the reporting documents and other records required by the contracting organization;
  • Evidence/documentation of experience with international organizations and/or international technical assistance projects, including understanding of international reporting requirements;
  • Price Offer, Availability, and Capacity to provide services to IFES (please, complete Table 2 and Table 3 below);
  • CVs and training certificates of all proposed trainers;
  • Organizational documents including bank details.

All quotations should be addressed to Mr. Najeebullah Yousef at [email protected]  and Ragheed Al Ameen at [email protected]   with “Electoral Related Training Services in Different Regions of Ukraine” in the subject line no later than November 05, 2018 7:00 PM Kyiv Local Time.

Request for Quotations rfq-19-003_training_services and Annex 1 can be downloaded as the attachments to this announcement.

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