Спеціалісти з мобілізації громад (2 посади), Краматорськ, Северодонецьк, ПРООН в Україні


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Спеціалісти з мобілізації громад (2 посади), Краматорськ, Северодонецьк, ПРООН в Україні

The ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine has had a direct and highly negative impact on social cohesion, resilience, livelihoods, community security, and the rule of law. Recognizing the need to urgently address reconstruction, economic recovery and peacebuilding needs in areas affected both directly and indirectly by the conflict, in late 2014 the Government of Ukraine requested technical assistance and financial support from the international community to assess priority recovery needs. In late 2014, the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Union conducted a Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment, which was endorsed by the Cabinet of Ministers in mid-2015.

In response to the situation, in 2016, UNDP has established a Project Office in eastern Ukraine with a view to consolidate and deliver the various recovery and governance projects through a comprehensive, area-based Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (RPP) in five conflict-affected oblasts: Donetsk and Luhansk (Government Controlled Areas), as well as Zaporizhzhya, Dnipro, and Kharkiv oblasts. RPP frames UNDP’s interventions in Eastern Ukraine to address the recovery needs of conflict affected population and communities. RPP has three components focusing on: (1) economic recovery and restoration of critical infrastructure; (2) restoration of governance and support to decentralization reform; (3) strengthening community security and social cohesion.

UNDP Ukraine invites applications from highly qualified and experienced Ukrainian professionals for the post of the Community Mobilization Officers to ensure implementation of activities and support to management at the local level.

Organizational setting

The main Project Office is in Kramatorsk, with a sub-office in Severodonetsk. The Community Mobilization Officer (CMOs), will work under the direct supervision of Community Mobilization Specialist and overall supervision of Community Security and Social Cohesion Specialist. The Community Mobilization Officers (CMO) will support the scale up and implementation of community engagement and empowerment initiatives. They will be responsible for implementation of project activities to strengthen community security and social cohesion by overall mobilization of the communities. The CMO works closely – to provide design and implementation support to Community Security and Social Cohesion Specialist and other rule of law and community security personnel of the Component to support program implementation in target areas.

The CMO will work closely with programme team to ensure strategy documents and lessons learned are appropriately documented and communicated and all programme implementation needs are adequately addressed with appropriate tools and process flows.

Key stakeholders the CMOs will work with are: local communities, rayon and hromadas administrations, amalgamated communities, civil society organisations (formal and informal groups in the community), community leaders, active citizens, volunteer groups, local business representatives, and district police. The CMOs will also be required to coordinate closely with other Community Mobilization Officers working on related projects, and with UN Women’s and UNFPA’s implementing partners on the ground. While not working directly in non-government controlled areas, CMOs will be required to be aware of, and sensitive to, the needs of communities and individuals in those areas and ensure that their specific needs are taken into account in programming.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Under direct supervision of Community Mobilization Specialist and overall supervision of Community Security and Social Cohesion Specialist, providing support to the implementation of the programme activities:

  • Collect and analyse information to map numbers, locations and other data of security and justice institutions within target region;
  • Lead needs assessments in target areas to inform program development and implementation utilizing tools developed by Community Security and Social Cohesion Specialist and other rule of law and community security personnel of the;
  • Identify communities with particular needs and vulnerabilities where Project activities should be prioritized in keeping with the programme implementation strategy;
  • Provide technical advice to local communities to assess and prioritize key threats to community security and help them develop plans to respond at local level for enhancing security and access to justice;
  • Mobilize local communities, police, public prosecutors’ offices, and local government to implement community security coordination mechanisms;
  • Prepare the work plan for all community mobilization activities. The content of community mobilization activities will include but are not limited to the following: local problem analysis; assessment of vulnerabilities, capabilities, and available resources; preparation of community profiles; support and capacity building of Community Security Working Groups (CSWG); assisting communities in preparation of prioritized Community Security Action Plans (CSAP) and implementing them through project-based activities; supporting target communities in monitoring and evaluation activities implementing;
  • Provide support for the strengthening of community based organizations and associations to undertake their own development initiatives with special emphasis on empowerment of vulnerable men and women (including IDPs, youth at risk, elderly people, people with disabilities and others);
  • Ensure coordination with local partners to facilitate the implementation of community projects through the Small Grants Facility managed by Small Grants Officer and assist him/her in monitoring how funds are used and results are achieved;
  • Together with the Community Mobilization Specialist, lead in the capacity building activities, including trainings for community organizations, leaders or focal points;
  • Ensure that capacity development activities will target all stakeholders through on-the-job training, awareness-raising activities, knowledge and information sharing, and formal capacity development activities, particularly in community mobilization;
  • Develop training designs and modules, work plan and organize training programs in relation to the program implementation;
  • Prepare regular progress reports, and other reports as required;
  • Promote the Project by providing substantive input for stories, articles and other PR activities;
  • Assist with donor visits, provide services of donor guide during donor visits and events;
  • Perform other duties as required.

2. Building partnerships with Project stakeholders and partners:

  • Liaise with local authorities, civil society organizations, security services providers, and local business partners to ensure programme related activities are implemented in coherent and coordinated manner;
  • Ensure expanding partnerships and cooperation between communities and the local municipalities for the implementation of local community projects and to ensure local needs, priorities and initiatives are integrated into the planning of the local authorities, police, public prosecutors, courts, and security services;
  • Ensure close coordination with the activities of other UN agencies, with special focus on those by UN Women, UNFPA and UNICEF.

3. Provide support to the Project management and implementation:

  • Lead the quarterly community programme review;
  • Provide inputs and maintain a systematic database to store and information on community needs, capabilities and resources available;
  • Provide inputs into regular programme reports to the donor;
  • Collect and maintain information for hromada profiles — safety, security and environment risks (i.e. information regarding key personnel, locations of key institutions, SWOT analysis etc.);
  • Contribute to external communication by drafting input for press releases and information notes, producing news write ups, maintaining thematic blogging and social media accounts, etc.;
  • Ensure supervisors are aware of changes to community security and access to justice issues on the ground;
  • Perform other duties as necessary.


Core Competencies:

  • Leadership;
  • Communication;
  • People Management;
  • Delivery;
  • Innovation;
  • Demonstrate/safeguard ethics and integrity;
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
  • Self-development, initiative-taking;
  • Encourage and participate in open communication in the team, communicate effectively;
  • Create synergies through self-control;
  • Manage conflict;
  • Informed and transparent decision making.

Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Functional competencies:

  • Excellent organizational skills;
  • Excellent computer skills (including, MS Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.);
  • Sound knowledge of local community development principles, trends, and policies in Ukraine;
  • Participatory methods implementing skills;
  • Familiarity with the rights-based approach to development;
  • Ability to set priorities, meet specific objectives, use political judgment and knowledge;
  • Good interpersonal skills, diligence, open mindedness, and dedication.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in Social sciences, Law, International Relations, Political Science or other relevant areas;
  • 3 years of relevant experience, including 2 years of practical experience in a field related to human rights/access to justice/community security, community mobilization or civic activism or related area;
  • Experience in community development and civic engagement is essential;
  • Previous relevant experience with a multilateral or international technical assistance or development organizations would be an asset;
  • Experience in writing reports and analytical documents is desirable;
  • Working level of English and fluency in Ukrainian and Russian are required.


If youwish to apply for this or other positions with UNDP, please visit UNDP website, section jobs and apply only:



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