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ІТ спеціаліст

Проект USAID “Підтримка аграрного і сільського розвитку”, що впроваджується компанією Chemonics International, Inc., шукає кандидатів на посаду ІТ спеціаліста. 

Очікуваний рівень зайнятості: 100% 

Останній термін подання документів на цю вакансію – 23 грудня 2018 року.
Докладніша інформація про вимоги до кандидатів, умови роботи, порядок подання резюме тощо – нижче, англійською мовою. 

IT Specialist

Background: The Agriculture and Rural Development Support project, hereinafter ARDS, is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). ARDS is implemented by Chemonics International, Inc. and began on September 7, 2016 and is scheduled to end on July 30, 2020.


ARDS was designed to support broad based, resilient economic growth through a more inclusive, competitive, and better governed agriculture that provides attractive livelihoods in rural areas. ARDS embraces the collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) framework promoted by USAID. Across all tasks of the contract, ARDS works with government institutions, private sector entities, and other partners in planning, monitoring, mapping outcomes, and thereafter scaling up what works and/or adapting by redesigning strategies and tactics employed to implement tasks.

Position Description: The IT Specialist is responsible for the care and maintenance of the computer network at the ARDS Project office, including all component hardware and software. The office has one server running on Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition and server for ABACUS program with virtual server for ABACUS LOC program. Clients include a mix of desktops and laptops with networked printers. The IT Specialist makes sure that each element of the office network is in good working order and protects data from loss. Included in this basic mandate are numerous subtasks, some simple and routine, others complex and infrequent, from creating new user accounts to managing security and permissions; one of the most important subset of tasks involves maintaining a data backup schedule and guaranteeing that data can be restored if and when it is needed; protecting the network from catastrophic damage due to virus/Trojan horse infection, hacker access, or preventable physical damage. In addition to protecting the network and its data, helping users requires some elaboration, as the network administrator is both administrative and Help Desk, all in one person. Since Project computer users come from a variety of backgrounds with a wide range of computer literacy and skills, it is important that the network administrator be available for assisting users with their specific requests. These requests can range from simple tips on how to perform a function in Microsoft Word, to installing applications or configuring email. At times it may even be necessary to conduct office-wide training on how to do specific tasks, such as how to use shared folders in the cloud, or configuring off-line folders on laptops.

By following industry best practices, and procedures set out by Chemonics’ long history of running Project’s networks, the ARDS Project network should require a minimum of troubleshooting, but if substantial problems arise the network administrator has a team of IT professionals in the Home Office that are ready to offer assistance.

The IT Specialist will work under direct supervision of and report to Finance and Administration Director (FAD) or his / her designee. The post of assignment is the ARDS Kyiv office. The term of assignment, subject to review and satisfactory performance, through the end of the Project.

ARDS operates in a modern IT environment, using most of the elements of Office 365 (MS Project, Teams, OneNote, Power BI, Planner, etc.). Therefore, the IT Specialist must embrace modern technology and be able to efficiently use available IT tools for project management.


  • Local Area Network (LAN) maintenance
  • Hardware/software maintenance – including, but not limited to, installation, configuration, update, repair, replace
  • Network Engineering & Maintenance
  • Internet & Security maintenance – including, but not limited to: firewall and antivirus setup and operating system patches, updates, upgrades, cleaning viruses and worms, repair / quarantine damaged files, enforcing password protection, etc.
  • Backup administration
  • Network setup – including wireless setup and connectivity
  • Configuration of new workstations, laptops and other network devices
  • User administration on project network servers
  • Day-to-day help desk support for network and computer users
  • Identifying trouble spots and ensuring that any problems are mitigated in order to minimize interruptions in day-to-day project operations
  • Provision of basic training to staff on the operation of project hardware and software
  • Desktop & System Administration
  • Other general IT troubleshooting and support for the office
  • SharePoint site configuration and permissions management (such as SharePoint list setup and configuration to create databases within an Office365-hosted SharePoint Online site), possible SharePoint workflow creation and setup either leveraging the new “Flow” capability or using SharePoint designer if needed. Such work would be undertaken in coordination with Chemonics’ home-office IT division
  • General user support and training for the Office365 suite of tools, including SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Outlook email, and related tools
  • Fire safety
  • Labor safety
  • General security systems (video monitoring system, access control system)
  • Create and manage user groups, assign necessary permissions, and control access to network resources through group policies
  • Assist COP and other senior staff manage folder permissions, such as restricted access to financial records
  • Supporting in Abacus accounting software installation
  • Maintaining thorough, timely and accurate network documentation, including but not limited to new software installations, changes to IP addressing, significant networking problems, and noteworthy solutions
  • LIGA-database installation on the ARDS Project’s staff computers
  • Monitoring hosting area size
  • in-time local payments for Internet, mobile telephone communication services, cloud drives, etc.
  • Support HO Team to introduce Office 365 platform. Install necessary applications, support in set-up process
  • Monitoring and adjustment of the Project’s site in Microsoft cloud (creating folders, set-up permissions, etc.)
  • Formatting and reviewing timely provided materials, presentations and CDs related to the Project’s activities
  • Support and communicate with traveling teams, as directed by the FAD regarding necessary equipment. Technical support of traveling teams on sites during business-trips if necessary
  • Report to the Chemonics Home Office IT Department in Washington, DC for additional technical support when needed
  • As the IT field is constantly changing, the IT Specialist is strongly encouraged to seek ways to improve knowledge in the field, through Internet searches, books and professional networking with colleagues
  • Printers maintaining including in-time cartridges order
  • Supporting in technical connection during the Home Office (HO) – Field Office (FO) telecons
  • Jointly with FAD maintaining inventory of all equipment items and indicate their location and condition
  • Supporting in review of the service agreements, contracts, employment agreements and other documents related to IT
  • Providing logistic support related to the technical requirements during the variety of the Project’s events (Skype, presentations, equipment for the simultaneous translation, microphones, etc.)
  • Assistance in drafting and proofreading of the Project’s IT-related documentation (Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA), selections memorandums, etc.)
  • Participate in selection committees as voting member (subcontracts related to procurement of computer equipment, other equipment and software for the Project’s counterparts). Participation in drafting all IT-related tender documentation including RFP and memorandum
  • Support / follow up in drafting documents / providing expertise in agreements and acts (certificates) of acceptance of computer equipment, other equipment and software transferred from the ARDS Project to counterpart on temporary basis during the Project life and on permanent basis during the Project closeout
  • Conducting tenders of office equipment procurement or rent
  • Miscellaneous works around the office (simple furniture maintenance, light bulbs replacement, electric switch repairs or replacement, etc.)
  • Provide other support to the ARDS project as requested by its Director, Deputy Director or Finance and Administration Director


  • Minimum five (5) years professional experience in a similar position in terms of the job tasks and responsibilities outlined above.
  • Masters’ or equivalent degree in IT.
  • English proficiency: minimum level 2 (limited working proficiency).
  • IT literacy/proficiency: Word processing (Microsoft Word), spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel), e-mail (Microsoft Outlook); accounting software; online banking system; MS Teams, MS Planner.
  • Sustainable skills for setting up, operating, troubleshooting Fortinet equipment (FortiGate, Wireless, FortiSwitch etc.).
  • Proven ability to work professionally, constructively and collaboratively as part of a team, meet deadlines, communicate effectively, and deal with diverse partners in a challenging environment.
  • Ability to manage daily activities and achieve expected results without direct oversight.

Application Instructions: Send electronic submissions to [email protected] by December 23, 2018. Please submit your CV and cover letter with “IT Specialist” in the subject line; please do not forget to additionally indicate your name in the subject line of your e-mail. No telephone inquiries, please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

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