ПРООН шукає Communication and Knowledge Management Associate


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ПРООН шукає Communication and Knowledge Management Associate


The EU-UNDP Parliamentary Reform Project (PRP) is aimed at strengthening the functioning of the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU), to become a progressively more effective, accountable and transparent institution in carrying out its constitutional responsibilities of legislation, oversight, and representation with positive influence on the overall process of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement implementation. The project strategy is aligned with the priorities of the EU’s Single Support Framework for Ukraine 2018 – 2020, the Government of Ukraine – UN Partnership Framework 2018–2022, and the UNDP Country Programme Document 2018 – 2022. It is built on achievements and lessons learnt of the EU-UNDP Rada for Europe project (2016-2018) and will continue to support parliamentary reform, including through promoting the implementation of the recommendations of the 2016 Needs Assessment Mission (NAM). For the continuation of parliamentary reform, top level leadership and political ownership is key, which will be assured through continuous high-level consultations with relevant stakeholders and full transparency of project implementation. The project is an EU-funded initiative strongly connected to UNDP’s Democratic Governance Programme and comprises of three components. Component One, #Rada4Reforms, will focus on fostering the parliament’s role in the overall reform process with a particular emphasis on improvement of the legislative process and parliamentary oversight, by providing comprehensive expert support to the implementation of the VRU Roadmap for Internal Reform and Capacity Building, improving the quality draft law expertise and impact assessment, and enhancing parliamentary monitoring. Component Two, #RadaPro, will support the professional modernization of the parliamentary Secretariat, through the finalisation and implementation of its strategic development plan and comprehensive human resource development, including in the Committee Secretariats, along the lines of broader public administration reform (PAR) and the law “On Civil Service”. Component Three, #Transparent&Service-OrientedRada, by making use of new technologies for communications, civic education and participation in coherence will build stronger transparency and accountability links between parliament and citizens with special focus of increasing public trust to the Ukrainian Parliament. In this context, United Nations Development Programme is recruiting a Communication and Knowledge Management Associate with relevant experience and track record.The Communication and Knowledge Management Associate will be directly responsible for implementation of the project’s Communication and Visibility Plan.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator/Parliamentary Reform Team Lead and in close cooperation with the UNDP Communication Unit, the incumbent will:

  • Contribute to the formulation and implementation of internal and external communications strategies for the PRP project;
  • Promote PRP project work in the country with special attention on results and impact through media outreach, using new types of media, including social media platforms and communication tools as appropriate;
  • Promote, advocate and raise awareness around the project activities, results, flagship initiatives through a variety of communication vehicles, such as roundtable discussions, press conferences, briefing session, interviews, report launches, etc.;
  • Ensure communication plans for PRP project are in place to adequately and positively communicate Programme’s highlights and success stories;
  • Coordinate with relevant units and personnel to ensure that the project achievements are communicated to the relevant stakeholders in an effective and timely manner to support strategic positioning of the PRP project to existing and potential partners;
  • Ensure communications tools and products, including briefing notes, booklets, brochures, infographics are effectively planned and developed to reflect UNDP and EU corporate branding and visibility;
  • In coordination with CO communications unit ensure press releases, media advisories, and feature stories for UNDP website and social networks are drafted and publicized in timely manner; provide input and manage social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickers);
  • Ensure delivery of the parliamentary reform messages within Rada and between the stakeholders, including the duty-bearer institutions and partner civil society organizations (CSOs);
  • Develop and maintain a system of monitoring and reporting of project activities;
  • Establish and maintain close working relationships with the media, including editors and journalists for reaching main donors, partners and general public audiences; organize PR and media activities themed on parliamentary reform;
  • Liaise with governmental/non-governmental institutions, CSOs, academia and UNDP;
  • Administer and develop knowledge management and innovations-related activities of the project;
  • Support research, documentation, assessment studies on the project and related policy activities;
  • Assure cross-cutting gender focus, and develop and lead specific gender equality project initiatives, act as the project gender focal point;
  • Organize events including donor/partner visits and support field offices in holding such visits;
  • Coordinate regional press conferences and media events;
  • Develop partnerships with various individuals, groups and organizations, whose support is essential to the achievement of communication objectives;
  • Submit regular updates on the UNDP Ukraine web-site and to the donor if required;
  • Prepare ad hoc information materials about the project;
  • Perform other duties as required.

Measurable outputs of the work assignment:

  • Monthly/quarterly/annual/ad hoc reports are prepared;
  • Donors/partners/media visits are held;
  • Advocacy/public awareness/policy related events held;
  • Comprehensive study on the subsidiary regulations and legislation in the framework of the project is supported.
  • Web-site updated regularly;
  • All assignments performed in a quality and timely manner.

Performance Indicators for evaluation of results:

  • Project related reports are timely prepared and disseminated;
  • Information and communication activities are well coordinated, inputs from the all stakeholders considered and activities are implemented.


Core Competencies:

  • Communication;
  • Delivery;
  • Innovation;
  • Demonstrate/safeguard ethics and integrity;
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
  • Self-development, initiative-taking;
  • Encourage and participate in open communication in the team, communicate effectively;
  • Create synergies through self-control;
  • Manage conflict.

Skills and competencies expected of the individual:

  • Excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Strong organizational and time management skills;
  • Be proactive, energetic, committed and innovative;
  • Excellent writing, n and organization skills;
  • Sound knowledge of modern information technologies including websites and social media;
  • Excellent team and networking skills.

Required Skills and Experience

Minimum qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in communications, media relations, public relations, international relations, social sciences, journalism, business administration or related field;
  • Minimum 3 years of professional experience in the field of communication, media, journalism, public relations, international relations, monitoring and/or reporting programme support service or related field;
  • Solid experience in report writing, editing drafting of periodic reporting for international organizations or non-profit organizations in English;
  • Knowledge of parliamentary reform context in Ukraine is a strong asset;
  • Knowledge and experience in conducting/managing research in social science would be an asset;
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, PhotoShop). Experience in handling of web-based management systems;
  • Fluency in English, Ukrainian and Russian (both written and spoken).


If you wish to apply for this or other positions, please visit UNDP website, section jobs and apply only:



Останні публікації цього розділу:

Site Visit Coordinator, Ukraine Monitoring and Learning Support (UMLS) project/ Kоординатор/ка

Проєктний/а менеджер/ка для створення 1ої черги електронної системи ціноутворення у сфері будівництва

Експерт/-ка з розвитку громад та фасилітації діалогу

Вакансія: Junior Administrative Specialist

Вакансія: Head of Regional office

Експерт/-ка з організації і надання соціальних послуг (послуг соціального характеру)