Заступник Керівника Програми USAID “Конкурентоспроможна економіка України” в Chemonics International


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Заступник Керівника Програми USAID “Конкурентоспроможна економіка України” в Chemonics International

Chemonics International Inc. відкриває вакансію Заступника Керівника Програми для роботи в Програмі USAID “Конкурентоспроможна економіка України”.

Chemonics International, a global consulting and international development firm, seeks a Kyiv-based deputy chief of party (DCOP) for the USAID-funded Competitive Economy Program. This five-year program will encourage startup businesses and small and medium sized enterprises, increase domestic market competition, and support the competitiveness of Ukrainian firms in international markets. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

The DCOP will assist the chief of party (COP) in monitoring all program components and providing management oversight of staff and operations. S/he will support the COP in overseeing the quality, cost effectiveness, and timeliness of performance of all work to ensure that the activity meets its objectives and targets. The DCOP will also represent the program to USAID and other constituents, as needed.

Specific Tasks and Responsibilities

The DCOP will be responsible for the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • Work alongside the COP to promote and implement a coherent, strategic vision for the program with buy-in from USAID and key stakeholders.
  • Work with the COP to lead the project team in the development of work plans, annual reports, and key technical deliverables.
  • Supervise technical teams in the development of activities and deliverables, and drafting of scopes of work for individual consultants, grantees, and subcontractors.
  • Assist in the identification and supervision of local and international short-term consultants, grantees, and subcontractors.
  • Review and assess activities periodically with the COP to ensure progress and achievement of desired results and impact.
  • Represent the project to public and private sector stakeholders, beneficiaries, USAID, and other donors.
  • Serve as acting COP when delegated, and perform other duties as assigned.


The DCOP should have the following qualifications:

  • At least a Master’s degree – or equivalent experience – in business, economics, or related field.
  • A minimum of 5 years of experience in business/trade/investment development or related fields managing complex economic growth assistance projects in Europe and Eurasia region, including Ukraine.
  • Professional experience in implementing donor-funded projects and strong management experience.
  • A track record of working collaboratively with host country government and the local private sector.
  • Thorough knowledge and understanding of the Ukrainian context of trade and competitiveness development issues in Ukraine.
  • Strong interpersonal skills to maintain good relations with the relevant partners and counterparts, including government, business, civil society, donors, and other partners.
  • Well organized, able to work independently, skilled in handling multiple tasks, able to adhere to deadlines, and diplomatic.
  • Professional-level English and Ukrainian or Russian – both written and oral.

Application Instructions:

Please send a CV and brief letter of interest indicating related experience and achievements by February 8, 2019 to [email protected]. Please include “deputy chief of party” in the subject line. Candidates will be reviewed and interviewed on a rolling basis until positions are filled. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

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