Проект USAID “Підтримка організацій-лідерів у протидії корупції в Україні “ВзаємоДія” (SACCI)” шукає антикорупційного юридичного експерта


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SACCI Project

Проект USAID “Підтримка організацій-лідерів у протидії корупції в Україні “ВзаємоДія” (SACCI)” шукає антикорупційного юридичного експерта

Legal Expert on Anticorruption (STTA)

Support to Anti-Corruption Champion Institutions (SACCI) Program in Ukraine


Company Profile:

MSI, a Tetra Tech Company, is a US-based international development firm with a 35-year history of delivering development results across the world. Our core expertise is in the fields of institutional development, public sector management, governance and anti-corruption, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). MSI implements nearly 100 projects in 90 countries around the world. As one of the leading companies in our field, MSI has partnered with more than 80 organizations across all sectors of international development with clients ranging from large bilateral and multilateral donors such as USAID, the World Bank and the UNDP to national and local governments, NGOs, think tanks, foundations and universities. For more information on MSI, please visit our website at www.msiworldwide.com.

Project Summary: 

The Support to Anti-Corruption Champion Institutions (SACCI) Program in Ukraine is a five-year USAID initiative with the objective to assist Ukraine to reduce corruption and increase the accountability and transparency of governance. The program seeks to empower key government institutions to fight corruption, build public support for and engagement in anticorruption effort, and reduce citizen tolerance to corruption.


**Please note: Only citizens of Ukraine are eligible for this position**


Position Summary: 

The SACCI project provides support to several national and local level governmental institutions including the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Ministry of Health, the Sumy Oblast State Administration, Drohobych City Administration and others. SACCI assists these institutions with identifying corruption risks in their operations, developing and implementing corruption prevention measures, and strengthening compliance with anti-corruption policies and standards.

Working with the Drohobych City Administration (DCA) in 2018, SACCI applied its Institutional Integrity Framework Assessment (IIFA) methodology to the DCA. The assessment showed deficiencies in several dimensions and the need for establishing an authorized unit of corruption prevention (AU). SACCI and DCA agreed to implement a set of regulatory changes in pursuit of establishing an AU and preventing corruption in 2019. These changes relate to development of and internal audit unit statutes, DCA procedures for corruption risk assessment, anti-corruption screening (expertise), bonuses awarding, conflict of interest mitigation, gifts handling, inspections, whistleblower reporting and code of ethics.

To better cater to the needs of DCA, SACCI is seeking an expert who will assist with development of the above-mentioned procedures, statutes and contribute other corruption prevention related activities. In addition, the consultant will collaborate with SACCI on assessing the opportunity for implementing inspector general functions within AU on the ministerial level.

In parallel, at the national level, SACCI continues its work with the Ministry of Infrastructure (MIU). In 2018, SACCI focused on identifying corruption risks in internal controls and audit, human resource management, and management of state-owned enterprises and companies by the Ministry. Proposed by SACCI activities to mitigate corruption risks were incorporated into the MIU Anti-Corruption Program as well as the MIU-SACCI Action Plan. Also, as part of the Action Plan, SACCI committed to assist the Ministry in identifying best-fit international practices for setting up and operations of inspector general offices in executive branch government entities. Amongst other things, SACCI suggested that the Ministry consider ways to “legalize” this new practice in line with current Ukraine’s regulations.


  • Based on the results of the IIFA assist DCA with developing and implementing policies and procedures to strengthen corruption prevention system, this included but not limited to:
    • Develop the Draft Statute of the Authorized Unit of Corruption Prevention;
    • Develop the job descriptions for the AU employees;
    • Develop the Rules of Procedures on inspections performed by the Authorized Unit;
    • Develop the Rules of Procedures on corruption risks assessment and anti-corruption activities planning;
    • Develop the Rules of Procedures on anti-corruption screening (expertise) of DCA legal acts;
    • Develop the policy related to awarding bonuses;
    • Develop the Rules of Procedures on transferring, storing, accounting and using official gifts;
    • Develop the reference document on conflict of interests, gifts and other restrictions and prohibitions;
    • Develop the declaration on absence of potential conflict of interests and notice of existence of real conflict of interests;
    • Develop the Rules of Procedures on whistleblowers’ reports processing;
    • Develop the amendments the Code of Ethics of the Executive Committee of the DCA;
    • Participate in the consultations with DCA representatives and in presentations of the results;
  • Contribute to the adaptation of the international best practice of inspector general functions of AUs on the ministerial level. This task includes but shall not be limited to:
    • Prepare a package of proposals (keeping in mind the context of Ukraine’s regulatory framework) on piloting an Inspectorate General as integrated into the Ministry of Infrastructure;
    • Develop draft regulations to introduce the pilot in line with Ukrainian legislation / internal Ministry regulations;
    • Suggest issues to consider and possible challenges with implementation of the inspectorate general offices as part of the existing model of Ukrainian central government bodies;

Expected level of effort. The assignment is expected to start in April-May 2019. The anticipated level-of-effort for this assignment is 50 expert days, one-two trips to DCA is envisioned.


  • Master’s degree in law, political science, public policy, public administration or other relevant field;
  • Over 5 years of experience in legislation, policy development and drafting in the field of anti-corruption, transparency and integrity in the government;
  • Experience in developing and implementing anti-corruption policies and legislation in Ukraine;
  • Excellent knowledge of the anticorruption law regulations and its modification in Ukraine;
  • Knowledge of UN, EU and other international standards on anticorruption, good governance and transparency, demonstrated ability to work with international standards and guidelines and summarize the findings into reports and analytical papers;
  • Experience in providing recommendations to local self-governance on internal policy and regulations in anticorruption/transparency;
  • Excellent organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines (time-management, reporting, negotiations skills);
  • Prior experience with USAID-funded projects is preferred;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English language knowledge (writing) required.


Application submission deadline is 11 April 2019, Friday, by 6:00 PM Kyiv time.

Late applications will not be accepted.


Please use Internet Explorer when submitting your application


Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

MSI is an EEO/AA/ADA Veterans Employer.

To apply: Please follow the link – 


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