Старший технічний радник, керівник напрямку фінансування та економіки охорони здоров’я/ Technical Advisor, Health Financing/Health Economics


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Старший технічний радник, керівник напрямку фінансування та економіки охорони здоров’я/ Technical Advisor, Health Financing/Health Economics

Technical Advisor, Health Financing/Health Economics

Project Profile and Assignment

The purpose of the USAID Health Reform Support Project (HRSP) is to support a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system that is capable of meeting the health needs of the Ukrainian people. Advancing health sector reforms, enhancing transparency, and tackling corruption will reduce out-of-pocket payments and improve access and availability of high quality, evidence-based health care services for Ukrainians. Eliminating corruption is a cross-cutting theme across all objectives to be achieved by this activity, which include:

  1. Improve health sector governance.
  2. Support the transformation of the healthcare financing model.
  3. Strengthen the health workforce.
  4. Enhance transparency, accountability and responsiveness of the health care system.
  5. Improve service delivery system at all levels.

Palladium is a partner on HRSP. Palladium is specifically responsible for leading Objective 2, which is focused on health financing reforms and generation of evidence for better decision-making for health resources allocation and spending at all levels of the health system. Some aspects of the Objective 2 workstream include assisting the government in implementing primary healthcare reform, including the PHC Center model and the proposed capitation-based budgeting; support the people-centered health financing reform through support to the National Health Service of Ukraine (the proposed single purchaser), including contributing to the design of a reformed hospital payment system; assist the government in creating a Hospital Sector Master Plan, which rationalizes hospital numbers and management districts. The project also supports the planning and financial modeling towards the adoption of a state-supported benefit package which will be financed through the single purchaser.

Responsibilities of the Contractor:

The Contractor serving as the Technical Advisor, Health Financing/Health Economics will lead the activities under Objective 2 of HRSP. The Contractor will provide technical and managerial oversight to activities, focusing on high-level management and achievement of results. S/he will serve as liaison between the project team in Ukraine and the Palladium home office technical experts (Washington, DC), and is ultimately responsible for the health financing and health economics activities meeting all compliance, programmatic, and operational requirements. S/he will take guidance from the project’s senior leadership and shall be responsible for ensuring quality control and the overall responsiveness of technical assistance provided under the award.

In addition to providing management and leadership, the selected candidate will provide technical inputs towards strategic planning and workplanning processes and lead the design and development of the project’s health financing response. Where requested, the Contractor will contribute to design of the project’s workplan in other objectives/components. S/he will be expected to identify issues and risks related to program implementation in a timely manner, and suggest appropriate program adjustments. The Contractor will lead a team in Kyiv implementing the Objective 2 component of the workplan, and will provide technical leadership and guidance to this team to achieve results.

Duration:              Ongoing

Location:              Kyiv, Ukraine

Key Responsibilities of the Objective 2 Lead role:

Project Management and Leadership

  • Provide guidance, oversight and quality assurance for all project activities, outputs, and deliverables related to designing and implementing a new health financing model in Ukraine. Assume overall responsibility for the effective implementation of work plans to ensure delivery is on time, within budget, meets client and stakeholder expectations and is contractually compliant.
  • Oversee project planning, contribute technical expertise as necessary to ensure project implementation, with a focus on results and financial accountability for all project activities.
  • Provide strategic vision on program sustainability.
  • Identify staffing needs on the team to implement health financing (Objective 2) activities and develop scopes of work for essential staff and consultants based in Ukraine and internationally.
  • Maintain a strong working relationship with the project’s senior leadership team and provide input as needed on technical approach and direction
  • Develop strong working relationships and a regular dialogue on activity progress and challenges with relevant Project staff in Kyiv and remotely located staff providing short-term technical assistance.
  • Maintain relations across project staff and represent Objective 2 with the wider project office as needed
  • Develop strong working relationships with the government of Ukraine, relevant stakeholders and institutions, balancing the varied interests of these stakeholders and fostering collaboration and partnership

Technical Leadership

  • Responsible for meeting contractual obligations, producing deliverables and meeting targets, and achieving project results as specified by the project
  • Facilitate discussions among the project team and with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders to develop and implement the project strategy and workplan;
  • Write and review components of the project strategy, workplan, and project implementation reports, specifically those related to health financing, but also provide text for other objectives as requested
  • Develop and implement plans for results measurement, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, value for money analysis and communication management.
  • Plan and conduct assessments and analyses as needed to inform development of the project strategy and workplan;
  • Monitor implementation progress; maintain up to date project logs and registers; work to resolve issues, manages and mitigates risks
  • Conduct training and other capacity development efforts within the project team and with country stakeholders.
  • Prepare briefs, reports, and analyses based upon project, client, and counterpart need
  • Ensure the project provides and demonstrates good Value for Money
  • Any other duties as assigned

 Staff Management and Supervision

  • Supervise and mentor the in-house technical team, ensuring their continued professional and effective performance.
  • Ensure good staff management practices including staff planning, recruitment, on-boarding, performance appraisal and development.
  • Perform regular check-ins with direct reports to promote quality performance and provide constructive feedback and mentorship in technical and management skills
  • Contribute to capacity assessment of the team, developing and implementing performance improvement plans and on-the-job-training where appropriate

Qualification Requirements

  • Master’s degree or higher in economics, public health, public policy, health systems, business administration, or a similar degree program
  • 9+ years of experience providing leadership and program management, particularly with USAID-funded projects
  • 5+ years of experience providing technical assistance at the national level on UHC, health financing, governance, health policy, using data for decisionmaking, capacity development of public sector, sustainability, planning, and leadership.
  • Experience implementing programs and providing technical assistance at the national and subnational levels in Eastern Europe and/or OECD
  • Experience working with public sector, private commercial sector, and NGOs in the health sector.
  • Experience developing and applying systems management and monitoring tools and conducting assessments and analyses.
  • Sound knowledge of methodologies used in financial analyses, cost-effectiveness analysis, quantitative analysis, and statistical/econometric analysis;
  • Proven experience conducting training events, workshops, and building the capacity of counterparts to strengthen financing, planning, and governance at the national and subnational levels.
  • Experience working on USAID-funded projects is desirable.
  • Proven experience providing mentorship and leadership to teams.
  • Demonstrated strong written and verbal communication skills and charismatic orator.
  • Demonstrated experience in disseminating work through conference presentations, publications, and journal articles.
  • Understanding of regulatory and financial framework of the health system in Ukraine required.
  • Spoken and written language proficiency in Ukrainian and English.   


Interested candidates should submit a current resume with a cover letter online at ThePalladiumGroup.com or email to [email protected].

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Advisor on Migration and Diaspora Policy

Вакансія: Senior Grants Finance Specialist (SGFS)

Вакансія: Environmental Compliance (EC) Specialist

Вакансія: Grants Officer

Провідний/а економіст/ка з фінансової роботи

Вакансія: Senior Grants Specialist (SGS)