Менеджер з медіа-адвокації в соціальних мережах


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Менеджер з медіа-адвокації в соціальних мережах

Digital Advocacy Manager for Tobacco Control in Ukraine

Position Overview

LIFE Advocacy Center (LIFE), is looking for a part-time Digital Advocacy Manager (DAM) to support the tobacco control advocacy activities of the organization.  Specifically, the manager will be tasked to engage top political decision-makers and help to convert them into tobacco control advocates/champions in Ukraine. Additionally, he/she will work to increase LIFE’s online audience, particularly youth, and convert followers into tobacco-control supporters. The DAM should have command of best practices and trends in social media marketing, enjoy being creative, and understand how to both build and convert a digital audience.

Note: this is a part-time consultant position (20 hours a week) for three months. Depending on the projects and the ability of the DAM, this contract could be extended into 2020.    

Salary will be commensurate to the experience and the skill set of the consultant.  


  • Build and manage tobacco control’s social media profiles and presence, including Facebook, Twitter, and potentially additional channels (Instagram, Periscope, YouTube, Telegram, etc.).
  • Create shareable content appropriate for specific networks to both spread tobacco control umbrella brand and content and links.
  • Create monthly content calendars and solicit feedback from key stakeholders prior to publishing. 
  • Listen and engage in relevant social discussion about tobacco control and the tobacco industry.
  • Run regular social promotions and campaigns and track their success, ranging from Twitter chats, to Google+ Hangouts, to LinkedIn conversations, as well as the content and links posted through these and other channels.
  • Work alongside other team members of local and global team and content producers to help distribute content that educates and entertains our audience.
  • Explore new ways to engage and new social networks to reach tobacco control target advocates.


  • BA/BS degree or equivalent work experience. 
  • 1-3 year experience managing social media accounts and building communities for a global brand or organization.
  • Demonstrates a strong understanding of issue advocacy and how to influence the public policy development process.
  • Understands how to utilize online tools to build and mobilize communities to achieve public policy objectives.
  • Has a strong understanding of online/offline interactions, participation in 360° campaigns including events as an advantage. 
  • Excellent communicator and creative thinker, with an ability to use both data and intuition to inform decisions.
  • Result-driven, able to set necessary and sufficient KPI’s and reach them within a certain deadline.
  • Proficiency in Facebook and Twitter internal analytics, external analytical services and social listening tools. 
  • Bonus experience and skills include graphic design, blogging, and community outreach. 
  • Ukrainian as a native language and fluency in written and spoken English is essential.  
  • Experience working at the international level and in cross-cultural settings.
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks in fast-paced environment.

How to Apply

To apply for this position, please email a cover letter, including salary history, and your resume to: [email protected]

Please reference the position code DAMTC in the subject line of your email. Application deadline November 5, 2019.

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