Головний/а спеціаліст/ка з питань розробки архітектури сховища даних та бізнес-аналітики


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Головний/а спеціаліст/ка з питань розробки архітектури сховища даних та бізнес-аналітики

Deloitte is seeking qualified candidates to serve as Senior DWH and BI Functional Architect in support of the USAID Health Reform Support.

Project Description

The purpose of the USAID Health Reform Support (HRS) is to support a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system that is capable of meeting the needs of the Ukrainian people. Advancing health sector reforms, enhancing transparency, and tackling corruption will reduce out-of-pocket payments and improve access and availability of high quality, evidence-based health care services for Ukrainians. Elimination of corruption is a cross-cutting theme across all objectives to be achieved by this activity, which include:

  1. Improve health sector governance.
  2. Support the transformation of the healthcare financing model.
  3. Strengthen the health workforce.
  4. Enhance transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of the health care system.
  5. Improve service delivery system at all levels.


The Senior DWH and BI Functional Architect will develop data warehouse and business intelligent systems for storing in high productivity system a nonpersonal data for billing, contracting and another functionality for the information system NHSU and for the developing analytic reporting and dashboards.


  1. Develop DWH and BI architecture and full ready to use system, including:
  • Creating specific type of database for building data aggregates is a centralized NHS data warehouse
  • Develop warehouse a single logical warehouse structure
  • Develop mechanism that ensures collective development code, support the work of conservation systems and version control (SVN or other), regardless of the data source. Ability to combine different data sources into one logical model and combine tables located in different sources using the system
  • Develop the ETL data cleansing product and the DBMS (database management system) for the data warehouse
  • Develop curricula training course (basic, specialty, specialized and highly specialized curricula) of DWH and BI
  • Develop visual training materials (charts, diagrams, slides, etc.)
  • Prepare training manuals, guides, reference books (for NHS personal)
  • Prepare detailed ToR for the development of software (if the training material can be created with the help of a special interface and / or simulator, etc.)
  • Prepare tasks for baseline, modular and final testing; cases
  • Other efforts to accomplish this task.
  1. Take part in DWH and BI system implementation in role system architect:
  • Business process visualization in BPMN 2.0 notation, business process descriptions and deep learning, modification and optimization.
  • Formalizing business requirements in technical language
  • Analyze and approve any decisions from supplier of DWH and BI systems
  • Create and approve a business requirements and functional design of reports, dashboards and data showcase
  • Testing and works accepting like a main technical requestor from NHSU
  1. Provide expert support for the DWH and BI, including:
  • Provide answers to questions that might be from NHS personal about DWH and BI system
  • Provide expert support


  • Experience in DWH and BI system implementation more than 5 years in company\plants with quantity of staff above 500 people or more (two projects minimum)
  • Knowledge in project management processes. It`s must be confirmed by experience in activities of projects planning and\or in knowledges in planning area
  • Experience of work in consulting companies in consultant, senior consultant and team lead role.

Qualified candidates are expected to send their CVs, cover letters, and two professional letters of reference to [email protected] no later than December 4, 2019. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: Senior DWH and BI Functional Architect”. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Спеціаліст/ка з моніторингу і оцінки, Хмельницька область (смт Теофіполь, с. Жванець) або Закарпатська область (м. Мукачево)

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Графічний/на дизайнер\ка

Водій/ка з власним авто (Хмельницька обл)

Водій/ка з власним авто (Теофіполь)

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