Community Mobilization Officer, UNDP, Мariupol


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Marina Antonova

Community Mobilization Officer, UNDP, Мariupol

UNDP Ukraine invites applications from highly qualified and experienced Ukrainian professionals for the post of the Community Mobilization Officer to ensure the implementation of activities and support to management at the local level.

Main Functions:

Providing support to the implementation of the programme activities: 

  • Collect and analyse information disaggregated by sex, age, and other identifiers to map numbers, locations, and other data of security and justice institutions within target region;
  • Lead needs assessments in target areas to inform program development and implementation utilizing tools developed by Community Security and Social Cohesion Specialist and other rule of law and community security personnel of the project;
  • Identify communities with particular needs and vulnerabilities where Project activities should be prioritized in keeping with the programme implementation strategy;
  • Provide technical advice to local communities to assess and prioritize key threats to community security, taking into account experiences and needs of women and men, and help them develop plans to respond at the local level for enhancing security and access to justice;
  • Mobilize local communities, police, public prosecutors’ offices, and local government to implement community security coordination mechanisms that benefit equally women and men;
  • Prepare the work plan for all community mobilization activities. The content of community mobilization activities will include but are not limited to the following: local problem analysis; assessment of vulnerabilities and gender inequalities, capabilities, and available resources; preparation of community profiles; support and capacity building of Community Security Working Groups (CSWG); assisting communities in developing community profiles, preparation of prioritized Community Security Action Plans (CSAP) and implementing them through project-based activities; supporting target communities in monitoring and evaluation activities implementing;
  • Provide support for the strengthening of community-based organizations and associations to undertake their own development initiatives with special emphasis on empowerment of vulnerable men and women (including IDPs, youth at risk, elderly people, people with disabilities and others); 
  • Ensure coordination with local partners to facilitate the implementation of community projects through the Small Grants Facility managed by Small Grants Officer and assist him/her in monitoring how funds are used, and results are achieved;
  • Together with the Community Mobilization Specialist, lead in the capacity building activities, including trainings for community organizations, leaders or focal points; 
  • Ensure that capacity development activities will target all stakeholders through on-the-job training, awareness-raising activities, knowledge and information sharing, and formal capacity development activities, particularly in community mobilization;
  • Develop training designs, modules, and a work plan and organize training programs in relation to the gender-responsive program implementation

Building partnerships with Project stakeholders and partners:

  • Liaise with local authorities, civil society organizations, security services providers, and local business partners to ensure programme related activities are implemented in a coherent and coordinated manner; 
  • Ensure expanding partnerships and cooperation between communities and the local municipalities for the implementation of local community projects and to ensure local needs, priorities and initiatives are integrated into the planning of the local authorities, police, public prosecutors, courts, and security services;
  • Promote skills for achieving the gender equality agenda with partners and beneficiaries;
  • Ensure close coordination with the activities of other UN agencies, with special focus on those by UN Women, UNFPA and UNICEF. 

Provide support to the Project management and implementation:

  • Lead the quarterly community programme review;
  • Provide inputs and maintain a systematic database to store and information on community needs, capabilities, and resources available disaggregated by sex, age, and other identifiers;
  • Provide inputs into regular programme reports to the donor;
  • Collect and maintain information for hromada profiles – safety, security and environment risks (i.e. information regarding key personnel, locations of key institutions, SWOT analysis etc.).

Recruitment Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in Social sciences, Law, International Relations, Political Science, Civil Engineering or other relevant areas
  • At least 3 years of relevant experience in community development and community mobilization and civic activism, including 2 years of practical experience in a field related to human rights/access to justice/community security, or related area; 
  • Experience of work in conflict-affected settings would be an asset;
  • Experience of work with security services providers (police, emergency etc.) with connection to on citizens’ involvement in community security issues, including Centers for Safety and Security;
  • Previous relevant experience with a multilateral or international technical assistance or development organizations would be an asset;
  • Experience in writing reports and analytical documents is desirable;
  • Working level of English and fluency in Ukrainian and Russian are required

This is a locally recruited position and no expatriation benefits will apply


If you wish to apply for this or other positions with UNDP, please visit UNDP in Ukraine website, section Jobs and apply online:

UNDP will use a transparent and competitive screening process, though will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest. Applications may only be submitted for specific vacancy.

Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

Генеральний/на менеджер/ка з організації консультативних послуг у сфері посилення спроможності інституцій

Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader