Національний Демократичний Інститут оголошує конкурс на надання медіа-послуг
Національний Демократичний Інститут є некомерційною, неурядовою організацією, яка працює задля посилення демократичних інститутів у всьому світі шляхом залучення громадянського суспільства, сприяючи відкритості та підзвітності влади.
The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) seeks a company to provide media support to the public information campaign that aims at increasing the level of acceptance of the LGBT+ community in Ukraine. The selected vendor will work closely with the NDI LGBT+ Inclusion Program to develop and implement all components of the media support. The media support will be held nationally, targeting urban young Ukrainians with unformed or partially formed opinions regarding LGBT+ people.
When all citizens are equally able to participate in social and political processes and decision making, policies are more likely to be transparent and responsive to their needs, thereby advancing democracy and stability. Regardless of the profound societal changes that happened in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity, Ukraine’s LGBT+ communities continue to face stigmatization, discrimination, hate crimes and are generally underrepresented in social and political life.
To promote the inclusion of LGBT+ communities in Ukraine, NDI has been implementing a three-year LGBT+ Inclusion program funded by the governments of the U.K. and Sweden. Through these efforts, NDI partners with CSOs across Ukraine to develop their capacities in public outreach, evidence-based communication, and project planning. After 2 years of the program, LGBT Inclusion program partners and NDI recognize the need to communicate the messages of equality and human rights to a wider audience. There is a momentum that allows for the mobilization of a critical mass of people who are ready to stand against discrimination and for equality and to be advocates of change. An evidence-based public information campaign has been developed to ensure the sustainability of existing achievements and support efforts on advancing equality for LGBT+ people in Ukraine.
The information campaign will be launched in February 2020 and will aim at amplifying the voices of the community and allies who are ready to support LGBT people publicly. The campaign products are digital and include video, audio and textual materials featuring personal stories of LGBT people and messages of support voiced by allies. The main task of the selected vendor will be to support existing messages and successes of the campaign through various media channels and using multiple engagement tools to ensure long-lasting effect and sustainability of the campaign products.
The full description of the call for proposals is available in the attached document. Call_for_proposals_media_support2020_NDI
Вікторія Саліхова, [email protected]