USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) Економічна підтримка східної України шукає консультанта з розвитку туристичного сектору Приазов’я


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Oksana Gupalo

вакансія vacancy job
USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) Економічна підтримка східної України шукає консультанта з розвитку туристичного сектору Приазов’я

Azov Sea Tourism Product Development Training Lead 


USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), implemented by DAI GLOBAL LLC, empowers business and community development in eastern Ukraine. As of December 2019 the Economic Resilience Activity has begun supporting the Tourism Sector of the Sea of Azov region.  After the conflict beginning in 2014, and exacerbated by the Russian blockade of the Kerch Strait in November 2018, the region has suffered a decrease in tourist activity and a shortening of the tourism season. ERA will be supporting the sector with a broad-based, four-pronged program directed toward: 1) promoting tourism product development; 2) promoting destinating marketing of the Sea of Azov region; 3) improving destination excellence; and 4) promoting tourism industry partnerships.

To strengthen the tourism and economic development team in Azov Sea region, we are looking for an experienced Consultant to serve as Tourism Product Development Training Lead. You will lead the project’s initial interventions to support the capacity of local tourism stakeholders to create new and improved tourism products.

 About the job

The Tourism Product Development Training Lead will advise ERA on inclusion of product development groups in a Sea of Azov.

 The Consultant will be responsible for the following: 

 Prepare brief handbook/training materials for tourism product development for dissemination at training sessions and available online.  

  • Conduct three two-day trainings in three cities (20 participants each) on tourism product design and packaging. This will include designing curriculum, assisting in participant selection and training organization.  
  • Organize a Sea of Azov tourism pitch and demo event/workshop for travel operators in Kyiv.  
  • Provide follow-up consultancy support to local product development groups with the aim of preparing eligible for grant support by ERA.
  • Advise ERA on inclusion of product development groups in a Sea of Azov booth at UITT in March 2020.

 About you

To be successful in this role we expect you to have proven experience and capability to work on tourism development in Azov Region and/or other Ukrainian touristic regions; to be knowledgeable in training manual and handouts development and use, to have experience in conducting trainings for tourism infrastructure stakeholders and key-players in Ukraine.

 We also expect the following:


  • Minimum 5 years of relevant professional experience;
  • Experience of conducting training and producing training report with recommendations for how best to support the most promising tourism products;
  • Demonstrated ability to work and coordinate effectively with a wide variety of stakeholders;
  • Site visits in the Azov region (Mariupol, Berdiansk, Melitopol, etc.);
  • Spoken and written fluency in English, Ukrainian and/or Russian
  • Private entrepreneur registration.


  • Work experience with internationally funded projects preferred;
  • Strong communication and analytical skills;
  • Experience working in economic development and tourism projects;
  • Good interpersonal skills, and ability to succeed in a multi-cultural environment.


Contract length: Independent Consultant Agreement January 13, 2020 – September 30, 2020.

Compensation Level: We offer competitive market-based Consultant rate.

 Application process

All applicants must send a cover letter and updated CV (no longer than four pages) in English to [email protected] , please specify in the subject Azov Sea Tourism Consultant. Closing date for applications: January 07, 2020

 For further information about the DAI GLOBAL LLC, please consult our website

If you want to learn more about Economic resilience Activity, please visit our facebook page.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Inclusion Advisor

Вакансія: Facilities and Inventory Management Lead

DAI Global LLC шукає Technical Copy Editor

Press and Media Coordinator - Посольства США

Public Health Specialist (Strategic Information) - Посольство США

Administrative Assistant in the Community Liaison Office (Посольство США)