SME Development Officer, Сєвєродонецьк


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Operations Manager

вакансія vacancy
SME Development Officer, Сєвєродонецьк

USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), implemented by DAI GLOBAL LLC, empowers business development in eastern Ukraine. The project works in particular with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing and engineering sectors to promote innovations and expand to new markets across Ukraine, the European Union, and other destinations.

To strengthen our team and business development footprint in the region, we are looking for a highly qualified SME Development Officer for Sievierodonetsk. You will provide versatile business advice to selected dynamic businesses and share the best practices across various business facets.  

About the job

The SME Development Officer will assist manufacturing firms in eastern Ukraine to adapt to the challenges brought on by the armed conflict and achieve growth and market expansion through assistance in strategy development, market research, improvement of management structure and efficiency, quality certification, fostering R&D, technology upgrades, etc.

The SMEDO will help to identify and onboard eligible small and medium manufacturers, and together with the Manufacturing and Business Internationalization Lead help those firms develop and implement personalized growth strategies. Tools for this will include direct coaching and consulting, engaging outside consultants on a case by case basis, assisting firms in preparation for trade missions and expositions, etc.

The SMEDO should be prepared for diverse, personalized and long-term relations with individual businesses focusing primarily on increasing their sales, but also employment, foster innovation and improve their competitiveness.

Your main duties and responsibilities will be:

  • Provide mentorship to manufacturing and engineering companies on a wide range of business issues which may include building modern systems and processes for sales, exports, marketing, HR, financial management and business expansion abroad, strategic management and planning, operational efficiency, digital transformation etc.;
  • Facilitate the participation of companies in ERA “Innovations for Manufacturing” program activities within the geographic area of responsibility;
  • Introduce “Innovations for Manufacturing” program to relevant stakeholders including local business owners, local representatives, and business service providers. Foster ongoing positive cooperation with these stakeholders;
  • Catalyze business environment promoting business ties and cooperation within Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts and between the region’s businesses, the rest of Ukraine and foreign markets;
  • Identify, assess and manage business projects in the region linked with manufacturing and engineering sectors within USAID ERA area of responsibility.

About you

To be successful in this role we expect you to have a proven experience and capability to consult top management executives of Ukrainian small and medium enterprises; solid experience in building sales and export systems in companies; consulting practice and professional coaching and/or mentoring cases for manufacturing and/or engineering companies in their business development efforts.

Moreover, we also expect the following:


  • MA in business, marketing, economics, or a related field, from a recognized national or international university
  • Solid leadership and organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in both English and Ukrainian;
  • Good interpersonal skills, and an ability to succeed in a multi-cultural environment.


  • Strong analytical skills
  • Willingness to work in the field
  • Direct, hands-on private sector experience
  • Experience working in the field of international economic development
  • Good interpersonal skills, and ability to succeed in a multi-cultural environment


Contract length: 12-months employment agreement with a possibility of extension until August 2023.

Salary Level: We offer competitive market-based salary level for candidates with relevant experience.

Duty station: Sievierodonetsk (1 position)

Benefits: all benefits envisaged by Labor Code of Ukraine, corporate medical insurance for employees and immediate family members.

Start date: February  2020

Application process

All applicants must send a cover letter and updated CV (no longer than four pages) in English to [email protected]

Closing date for applications: February 25, 2019 COB

For further information about the DAI GLOBAL LLC, please consult our website

If you want to learn more about Economic resilience Activity, please visit our Facebook page:

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Site Visit Coordinator, Ukraine Monitoring and Learning Support (UMLS) project/ Kоординатор/ка

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Експерт/-ка з розвитку громад та фасилітації діалогу

Вакансія: Junior Administrative Specialist

Вакансія: Head of Regional office

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