DIXI Group шукає постачальника на проведення семінарів щодо угод про розподіл продукції


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Viktoriya Vasylyuk

DIXI Group шукає постачальника на проведення семінарів щодо угод про розподіл продукції

DIXI Group calls for holding workshops on Production Sharing Agreements.

Call for Proposals for holding workshops on Production Sharing Agreements

Date of release of CfP:                                                March 4, 2020

Closing Date for Submission of Proposal:              March 18, 2020, (by 7:00 PM local Kyiv time)

DiXi Group NGO calls for proposals of service providers on holding workshops for the members of the Interagency Commission on Organization of Signing and Implementation of Production Sharing Agreements (IAC) to build capacity necessary for proper protection of the interests of Ukraine. Services will be held in the framework of the USAID Energy Sector Transparency project.

Amount of services expected:

  • 2 workshops (1 day each) held in Kyiv, Ukraine for the members of the Interagency Commission on Organization of Signing and Implementation of Production Sharing Agreements (IAC)
  • the 1st workshop on the topic “Conducting negotiations with investors on production sharing agreements (PSAs)” is planned to be held in March-April 2020
  • the 2nd workshop on the topic “Establishing the roles and responsibilities of the Steering Committee for PSAs implementation” is planned to be held in April-May 2020


In 2019, the Government of Ukraine (also GoU) announced its intention to tender a number of onshore and offshore hydrocarbon blocks within its territory. After selecting winners of the first 9 blocks, the GoU also announced 3 new onshore blocks to be tendered (winners to be selected in March-April 2020).

To represent the GoU at all stages of PSA procedures, the Interagency Commission on Organization of Signing and Implementation of Production Sharing Agreements (further IAC) was formed. The IAC includes the representatives of governmental agencies and organizations and Ukrainian MPs.

The IAC representatives possess insufficient to no experience in the PSA negotiation process, as well in conclusion and execution of PSAs, including their monitoring and implementation. The IAC thus requires substantial capacity building to conclude effective and fair Production Sharing Agreements to better manage the risks associated to the State in concluding unbalanced agreements.

Following conclusion of the agreements, IAC does not have sufficient capacity in governing and managing contractors/investors under Production Sharing Agreements, with no formal “steering committee” having been formed in the past on behalf of the GoU.


Build the capacity of the IAC through providing its members with the practically applicable knowledge and know-how, training their skills and teaching them particular tools and approaches within the series of 2 one-day workshops aimed at improving their understanding and carrying out the procedures of PSA negotiations, conclusion, implementation, monitoring and enforcement, while also raising awareness of the importance of negotiation strategy and the role and function of the steering committee to safeguard and enhance capital deployment and contractual delivery.

In particular, the consultant should provide the following:

  • 1 training session over 1 day for the development of negotiation skills and raise awareness of key areas to be negotiated, standard negotiation practise and negotiation strategy;
  • 1 workshop over 1 day to outline best practise in a steering committee function, including but not limited to; the roles and functions of a steering committee, the steering committee construct, conduct of meetings, decisions and authority internationally for steering committees and importance of the steering committee in managing and governing contracts. 

Applicants must submit a proposal covering the two requested trainings/workshops.

The proposals should include:

  • development of respective curriculum and agenda for the 2 trainings/workshops;
  • conducting the trainings/workshops;
  • collecting and processing feedback from the IAC participants of the workshops and provision of further recommendations based on the feedback.

Over the course of the initiative, the target audience is expected to significantly improve their capacity to represent the state in the processes of the PSAs conclusion and implementation.

The deliverables include:

  • agenda for each of 2 workshops, to be agreed by USAID EST & ESP;
  • training methodology including detailed implementation plan aimed at holding 2 separate workshops, as outlined above;
  • materials (readings, presentations etc.) for the 2 workshops/trainings;
  • collection of feedback from participants and recommendations based on such feedback.

The chosen contractor will work closely with the USAID Energy Sector Transparency project and the USAID Energy Security Project on the workshop/training development, implementation, monitoring, and reporting. 


The target audiences comprise the members of IAC and other relevant representatives of the GoU.


Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

I. Price                                                                                                                                 30%

Reasonability of the price according to the local and international market of training service, type of proposed services and quality.

II. Experience of providing workshops for public officials                            20%

USAID Energy Sector Transparency project will consider applicant’s experience of working with governments and other state institutions on similar topics.

III. Relevant experience in the area of Production Sharing Agreements   50%

USAID Energy Sector Transparency project will evaluate proposals based on the trainer(s) relevant knowledge and experience about PSA negotiation process, strategy, and techniques (tools and approaches targeting PSAs) and PSAs implementation and monitoring; and the training methodology submitted.


The Offeror shall submit its best price offer/proposal in accordance with the SOW and shall contain the following:

Proposal Cover Letter signed by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Offeror.

Technical Proposal consisting of the Offeror’s profile, Relevant Past Experience and Technical Approach parts (agenda/methodology to deliver the SOW).

Budget with narrative. Offerors must provide a full, final and detailed budget.

Certificates. Offerors need to include the certificate of the company’s (entity’s) registration, the certificate of the tax registration.

The completed application for participation in competitive selection, which can be launched at: http://bit.ly/38pLubY.

Please see the detailed requirements to the format of the proposal in the Appendix A to this call.

USAID Energy Sector Transparency project intends to issue a Firm Fixed-Price contract for this work.

-   Costs incurred by respondents for the preparation of a proposal and the negotiation of contract are not reimbursable.

-   The project is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted.

-   The project reserves the right to accept any offers of proposal without further discussion.

-   The project will only evaluate proposals from qualified firms to implement and complete the work under this project.

-   The Offers must be able to complete fully and finally the objectives stated.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Proposals with accompanying documentation will not be returned to unsuccessful candidates. Besides, unselected proposals, including the proposed concept ideas will not be used by the USAID Energy Sector Transparency project in any form under any circumstance without prior written permission by corresponding candidates. Proposals received after the exact time specified for receipts of offer shall be considered late and may not be evaluated.

The proposals shall be submitted via e-mail and shall be to the attention of Viktor Chornysh and Viktoriya Vasylyuk at [email protected]

The full version of the Call for Proposals can be launched at: http://bit.ly/2VPUt3P.

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