Запит цінової пропозиції (RFQ) на надання SMM послуг для міжнародної організації Pact Inc


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Pact Inc

Request for Quotation (RFQ) for SMM Strategy and Services


Pact is an International NGO with offices throughout the world with a mission to enable systematic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems and transforming markets into a force for development.

Since 2008, Pact has been implementing USAID’s civil society programs in Ukraine, including the USAID/ENGAGE activity, which was launched in October 2016 (www.facebook.com/usaidengagehttps://engage.org.ua/).

This RFQ is a part of the Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement Activity funded by USAID and implemented by Pact in Ukraine (USAID/ENGAGE). The purpose of USAID/ENGAGE is to increase citizen awareness of and engagement in civic activities at the national, subnational and local levels.

USAID/ENGAGE’s communication strategy puts an emphasis on the need to enhance the activity’s social media marketing (SMM). Thus, Pact is searching for the services provider that can assist with developing an SMM strategy and provide the needed services to then carry out this strategy.

The selected Vendor is expected to provide the set of services, in particular:

  • Development of a social media strategy to be used in social networks, which were previously identified and included in communication strategy (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).
  • Development and implementation of media content plan to be used for ENGAGE social networks.
  • Development and publishing of visual content for ENGAGE’s social networks mentioned above.
  • Development and publishing of textual content for ENGAGE’s social networks mentioned above.
  • Monitoring of analytics in ENGAGE’s social networks mentioned above.
  • Development and implementation of anti-crisis communication plan to be used in ENGAGE social networks.
  • Conducting constant monitoring and analysis of ENGAGE’s social media landscape and – based on the results – developing an additional action plan (per request).

Submission Instructions

Electronic submissions must be received at the address specified below by May 04, 2020.

Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only in PDF and Excel (all calculations) to [email protected]. Quotations should not contain any unnecessary promotional material or elaborate presentation formats (black and white is preferred). Vendors must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment. Please indicate “RFQ P4767-2020-06” in the e-mail subject line.

  1. Quotes must contain:
  • a completed quote cover sheet;
  • a copy of registration or incorporation in the public registry, or equivalent document from the government office where the Vendor is registered, copy of company tax registration, or equivalent document (if available);
  • proof of relevant experience (portfolio that proves the experience in conducting the requested services; sample of a weekly content plan (one post per day, one week) specifically developed for ENGAGE’s Facebook page);
  • 3 letters of reference;
  • the organizational charts or any other relevant documents or certification that proves Vendor’s availability of qualified personnel to perform the works).
  1. Proposals submitted through hard copy will not be considered.
  2. Quotations received after that time or at a different address may not be accepted.
  3. All quotations and delivery dates must be valid for a period of 45 days following the submission due date mentioned above.

Questions and Clarifications Due by April 24, 2020

NOTE: Before applying please read the full text of the RFQ here: 


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