Спеціаліст з послуг розвитку бізнесу для мікро-, малих, та середніх підприємств (ММСП)


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вакансія vacancy job
Спеціаліст з послуг розвитку бізнесу для мікро-, малих, та середніх підприємств (ММСП)

UNDP Ukraine is looking for a professional to fill in the position of the Specialist on Business Development Services for MSMEs within the Strengthening MSME Business Membership Organizations (Phase II) Project. 

Duties and Responsibilities:

Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager, the incumbent will perform the following functions for efficient and effective implementation of project activities and delivery of project results, and specifically will be directly responsible for implementation of the Project’s Output 2: «Improved access to and utilization of Business Development Services by SMEs»:

Business Membership Organizations Capacity Development: BDS and service Innovation:

  • Contribute to baseline, final and ad hoc assessment of partner BMOs’ organizational capacity in the areas of BDS provision to MSMEs, identify capacity gaps, capacity needs and existing barriers/challenges as well as track the progress of BMO development in these areas during the project life span;
  • Coordinate assessments and research on BDS market in Ukraine to identify the needs of MSMEs and inform the Government, BMOs and other stakeholders in bridging the market gaps in the provision of BDS to MSMEs;
  • Assess the BDS provided by the selected BMOs and their capacity to come up with innovative business solutions aimed at increasing the competitiveness of MSMEs and efficiently deliver the demanded services;
  • Plan, coordinate and implement general and targeted capacity development programmes for the selected BMOs to ensure that their capacities to provide BDS are strengthened according to project targets;
  • Coordinate, design and deliver individualized, tailored trainings to the selected BMOs to address specific BDS capacity development needs;
  • Provide hands-on mentoring, coaching and direct advisory services to partner BMOs on all aspects of BDS provision, including targeting, outreach, delivery and innovation in order to maximize the potential of selected BMOs as providers of market-driven services;
  • Ensure MSMEs involvement in the process of creating new BMO services to facilitate user-driven innovation in services; work closely with UNDP Accelerator Lab to identify solutions, pilot test them and implement through BMOs and/or other BDS providers to increase access to and utilization of services by MSMEs;
  • Monitor latest trends, tools and technologies in area of innovation for private sector development, access to markets and diverse financing instruments, competitiveness and entrepreneurship promotion in order to support partner BMOs with the development of new BDS and innovation-oriented environment for MSMEs;
  • Support BMOs with designing BDS aimed at promoting sustainable practices, raising awareness among MSMEs on their social, environmental, and economic impact, strengthening entrepreneurs’ ability to conform with the required social and environmental standards;
  • Coordinate outreach and communication activities to increase awareness of the MSMEs as to the importance and benefits of BDS as well as disseminate information among MSMEs on service offer of BMOs and other BDS suppliers;
  • Establish and maintain partnerships and provide technical advisory support to the government at national, regional and local level on developing business support infrastructure and engagement of BMOs as service providers;
  • Identify and promote partnerships with business associations and/or enterprises ready to engage in promotion of sustainable development;
  • Coordinate established partnerships with private sector and ensure implementation of agreed activities, monitoring and reporting;
  • Document best practices and ensure facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the area of responsibility;
  • Contribute to design and dissemination of knowledge and communication products on best practices in BMO service innovation, innovation capacity development and related among wider number of stakeholders including other BMOs and MSMEs.

Overall coordination of implementation of Output 2 of the Project:

  • Contribute to planning, prioritizing and sequencing of activities under the Output 2 in close coordination with the Project Team and under the guidance of the Project Manager;
  • Ensure overall operational management of the Output 2 and delivery of results in accordance with the project document, work plans and other agreements;
  • Prepare inputs to annual, quarterly, and detailed project implementation work plans, and other related documents for timely commencement and implementation of the project activities under Output 2 under the guidance of the Project Manager and in close consultation with other project team members and ensure the implementation of activities related to the Output;
  • Ensure budget for the output’s activities is efficiently and properly utilized;
  • Identify, report on and manage risks so that maximum benefit to clients and stakeholders is achieved; ensure up-to-date risk logs related to the Output 2;
  • Ensure overall coordination of the capacity building of BMOs in service provision to MSMEs, including management of the team of experts and stakeholders’ engagement in these activities;
  • Coordinate and supervise technical inputs relating to Output activity design, development and implementation, including preparation of the terms of reference for assignments of the experts or service companies;
  • Contribute to the selection processes of contractors and experts and regularly supervise and monitor the services/works provided by them as well as assess quality of contractors’ outputs;
  • Lead and coordinate a team of experts, consultants and contractors engaged in implementation of the project Output 2;
  • Prepare sections of the project reports, including progress and annual reports, as well as ad-hoc technical reports related to the Project Output 2;
  • Contribute to preparation and implementation of the project communications strategy and workplan. Design, implement, monitor and evaluate evidence-based communication initiatives related to Output 2, including awareness-raising and educational campaigns among MSMEs on the importance and benefits of Business Development Services.

Required Skills and Experience:

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Business Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Business or Public Administration, Economics, Marketing, Accounting and Finance, Management, Law, Social or Political Sciences or related field;
  • At least 3 (three) years of relevant progressively responsible experience in the field of private sector development and/or partnerships, MSME development, project and/or project component support, administration or coordination, management, business development, capacity development or similar;
  • Demonstrated practical experience coordinating qualitative and quantitative surveys, assessments, market studies or other research activities, preferably related to MSMEs, BMOs, BDS, business climate/needs or similar;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian, Russian and English is required.

Deadline for application: 10 August 2020

To see more details and apply, please follow the link:


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

Генеральний/на менеджер/ка з організації консультативних послуг у сфері посилення спроможності інституцій

Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader