Конкурс на послуги з управління контентом та медіа моніторингу


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The USAID Energy Security Project, implemented by Tetra Tech ES, Inc. seeks offers for content management and media monitoring services.

The main responsibilities of the successful offeror are:

  • Coordination of the work of the ESP website developers to publicly launch the site, including content uploading
  • ESP website daily content management before and after launch, including content management and coordination of content validation by tech teams
  • Daily checks of MediaMonitoringBot, identifying vital communication topics for ESP,  drafting relevant content and coordination of its validation with tech teams (articles on behalf of ESP and fb posts)
  • Assist with the development of weekly internal newsletter and ESP monthly newsletters in Ukrainian (Mailchimp) and in English (Adobe).

 The successful offeror shall deliver to Tetra Tech the following deliverables:

  1. Website content uploaded / validated / actualized
  2. Proposed and agreed with tech teams topics for articles and Fb posts to be presented as those on behalf of ESP (an article/per month and at least one fb post/per week) –  those based on top news from MediaMonitoringBot
  3. Number of internal newsletters based on the number of weeks involved minus the first week
  4. Monthly newsletters (a number of newsletters corresponding to the number of month of involvement)

  An estimated period for this assignment is 3 months.

Offerors should provide their portfolios and the total price for the scope of work above. The successful offeror will be awarded a fixed-price contract

 Evaluation of the offerors will be based on cost and non-cost factors (offerors’ portfolios)

Please send your questions and offers at the address [email protected]

 The deadline for this request is September 04, 2020, 14:00

 Looking forward to your offers.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Закупівля дизельного палива

Конкурсні торги на закупівлю ліків

Тендер: послуги з розробки веб-порталу для БО ММСП

Відбір на тренінгову програму для фасилітаторів/ок груп психологічного ресурсування

Тендер на закупівлю обладнання для харчоблоків навчальних закладів Хмельницької області

Тендерна пропозиція щодо постачання нестандартних непродовольчих товарів