Вакансія: Project manager on the implementation of the Unified State Register of Convicts


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Вакансія: Project manager on the implementation of the Unified State Register of Convicts

Agriteam is committed to provide equal employment opportunity for all employees and applicants on the basis of merit.

About Agriteam Canada:

Agriteam Canada is one of Canada’s leading international development firms, providing management and technical expertise to developing and transitional country partners on projects that promote sustainable growth and meaningful opportunities for people to improve their lives. Over the past 30 years, we have implemented over 370 projects in more than 65 countries.

Agriteam has two offices in Canada and 11 offices around the world, including an office in Ukraine. Over the almost thirteen-year of Agriteam presence in Ukraine, the team successfully implemented five international technical assistance projects.

About the project:

In October 2019, Agriteam Canada launched a new five-year project in Ukraine: Support to Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance (SURGe).

SURGe’s Ultimate Outcome is to help the Government of Ukraine (GoU) to deliver governance and economic reforms that better respond to the needs of its citizens. To achieve this, the Project will strategically enhance and strengthen the GoU’s reform management functions, namely its capacity to undertake planning and analysis of reforms that consider citizen impact, and to implement these reforms.

Reform initiative and position summary:

The expert team assists the Ministry of Justice with the planning and implementation of the penitentiary reform, which aims to promote more wider application of non-custodial measures to offenders who committed minor or medium gravity offences and to create proper conditions for the detention of convicts in penitentiary institutions promoting their rehabilitation and decreasing the risk of re-offending.

For this reform, SURGe Project is looking for а Project Manager on the implementation of the Unified State Register of Convicts who will provide support with modernization of Unified Register of Convicted and Detained Persons.

The expert will be based in Kyiv and will be reporting to Team Lead of the initiative and the Deputy Minister responsible for this reform component.

Level of effort: full time, Monday-Friday.

The duration of the contract is 6 months with a possibility of extensions.
For contracting (after the job offer is made), the selected candidate is expected to be registered as a Private Entrepreneur of the 3d group (consultancy services).

Indicative duties and responsibilities (scope of work):

• Ensure general management of the process of implementation and modernization of the Unified State Register of Convicts and Detainees (Register);
• Provide expert support with the improvement of the functionality of the Register regarding digitalization of the process of the offenders’ case management including assessment of risks for reoffending, planning interventions and tracking the progress achieved;
• Provide expert support for the improvement of processes for data collection and analysis from the Unified Register and generating reporting documentation by various parameters in the Register;
• Ensure stakeholders coordination to support development of the Register;
• Develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress on the implementation of the Register and its rollout;
• Prepare proposals regarding prioritization of tasks under this component and submission to the Deputy Ministers of Justice;
• Monitoring the status of the Register’s implementation and submitting proposals to the Deputy Ministers of Justice to address issues that arise;
• Organize meetings on Register’s implementation issues;
• Prepare analytical materials to the Deputy Ministers of Justice regarding implementation of the Register;
• Preparation of responses to partners’ requests about Register’s development and rolling out.

Preferred qualifications and skills:

• Higher education in law, economics, international law, international economic relations, public administration, information technology;
• Experience in project management not less than 3 years;
• Strong business analytics skills;
• Experience in managing development of IT tools (preferred);
• Good command of Ukrainian and English languages;
• Significant organizational skills, multitasking;
• Critical thinking and problem solving;
• Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office.

To apply:
Submissions must be prepared in English and delivered electronically by 17:00 Kyiv time on November 4, 2020 to the following address: [email protected].

All submissions must include:
1) Applicant’s CV (max. 2 pages);
2) Applicant’s letter of interest (max. 500 words).

Please ensure to state Project Manager on the implementation of the Unified State Register of Convicts in the e-mail subject line.

Applications received after the indicated deadline and/or without letter of interest will not be reviewed and considered.

Please note, only short-listed candidates will be contacted for follow-up. We do not welcome unsolicited phone calls.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Послуги локального експерта/ки з адвокації у Миколаївській та Івано-Франківській областях

Послуги менеджера/ки з адвокації для проведення національної адвокаційної кампанії

Послуги адвокаційного/ї асистента/ки з координації та супроводу локальних та національних адвокаційних кампаній


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