Тендер. USAID Financial Seсtor Transformation in Ukraine Project is issuing an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a Feasibility Study on NATIONAL ON-EXCHANGE TRADING IN CAPITAL AND COMMODITY MARKETS IN UKRAINE (NEXT-UA) Concept


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Тендер. USAID Financial Seсtor Transformation in Ukraine Project is issuing an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a Feasibility Study on NATIONAL ON-EXCHANGE TRADING IN CAPITAL AND COMMODITY MARKETS IN UKRAINE (NEXT-UA) Concept


DAI Global LLC, the implementer of the USAID-funded project “Financial Sector Transformation in Ukraine” is issuing this Expression of Interest (EOI) for a feasibility study on the NATIONAL ON-EXCHANGE TRADING IN CAPITAL AND COMMODITY MARKETS IN UKRAINE (NEXT-UA) concept. Qualified vendors are requested to submit their responses in accordance with the enclosed EOI.

The deadline for the receipt of all questions is March 10, 2021, 17:00 Kyiv time to [email protected]. All questions received will be compiled and answers will be distributed to all prospective bidders via email.

The deadline for the receipt of proposals/responses is March 22, 2021, 17:00 Kyiv time to [email protected].

Issuance of this EOI in no way obligates DAI to award a subcontract or purchase order and offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of their responses.

All information provided by vendors in response to this EOI will be treated confidentially. DAI will not use the information in any other context or setting and we will not reveal details to other parties.

We look forward to receiving your responses.

Best regards,
Ukraine FST Project Procurement Team

Expression of Interest REQ-KYV-21-0025 – Feasibility Study on NEXTUA

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