Вакансія Consultant to conduct overall EU IcSP programme evaluation


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Dmitry Skichko

вакансія vacancy
Вакансія Consultant to conduct overall EU IcSP programme evaluation

Consultant to conduct overall EU IcSP programme evaluation
Scope of Work (SoW)


The Consultant will work in collaboration with the EU IcSP Team under the guidance of the project coordinator, Livelihoods and Protection Programme Managers, and Operations Manager with the support of the DRC-DDG Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Team. The main responsibility of the consultant is:
– to assess EU IcSP project outcomes in selected communities in Luhansk Oblast through quantitative and qualitative methodologies, inclusive of surveys, key informant interviews and focus-group discussions with beneficiaries, community members and stakeholders;
– to conduct a participatory external evaluation on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact sustainability of the action;
– to prepare an analytical report with key findings, good practices, lessons learnt and recommendations for further programme development and M&E of such programmes based on the collected data in the research areas.


1. To measure the results of the integrated programme activities (namely, HMA, livelihoods, and protection) implemented under the EU IcSP project.
2. To prepare recommendations for further strategic programme development and its monitoring and evaluation, focusing particularly on Area-Based Development (ABD) framework.

Key focus should be made on:
1. Measurement and assessment of the collective project impact and outcomes.
2. Measurement of effectiveness and relevance of the action taken.
3. Assessment of the programme’s results through the lens of Integrated Mine Action and Development and Area-Based Development.
4. Value of the integrated programming in the context of the action.
5. Unintended effects and learnings from the project.

Approximate work plan (45 working days)

Day 1 – 10:
– Desk review of the available information
– Review and approval of the evaluation methodology
– Preparation of a draft questionnaires
– Approval of the questionnaires
– Preparation for the field trips, making appointments
Day 11-25:
– Travel to the identified locations and collect information according to the approved methodology
– Field work – data collection, KIIs, FGDs
– Data analyses
Day 26 – 30:
– Prepare a first draft of report
Day 31 – 36:
– Review and comments on the report by DRC-DDG subject matter experts
Day 37 – 40:
– Editing the report as per feedback/comments provided
– Preparing presentation (PPT)
Day 41 – 44:
– The finalization of the report, including designing
Day 45:
– Presentation of the report

Expected results (NB: all deliverables are to be provided in English):

1. Report on the work done from the desk research, initial data of interviews, focus group discussions, and other sources of information.
2. Consolidated the first draft of analytical report on target communities of Luhansk Oblast; initial data of interviews, focus group discussions, and other sources of information.
3. Presentation of preliminary evaluation results.
4. The final evaluation report should be compliant with DRC-DDGs style guide and should include:
– a summary of the main findings (maximum 2 pages);
– description of the goals and objectives;
– detailed description of methodology and data collection methods (including its limitations);
– evaluation results;
– conclusions and recommendations;
– lessons learnt
– annexes questionnaires, interview questions, and other methodological tools.
5. Presentation of the report results in a PowerPoint presentation (PPT).

The assignment will take forty-five working days, in the time period starting from 1 April until 28 May 2021. The timeline will be adapted according to the final work plan, as agreed with the selected expert. The payment will be made in accordance with the actual number of days worked and deliverables produced.

The candidates will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
(NB: All materials are to be submitted in English)

1. Qualifications / experience, evaluated on the basis of a CV not to exceed 3 pages (40%):
– Proven experience with social research, programme evaluations and assessments.
– Higher (tertiary) education;
– Fluent/native speaker of Ukrainian and Russian languages at the expert level and advanced English level;
– Proficiency in written English is essential;
– Experience in work with humanitarian organizations (with experience in HMA and LLH advantageous).

2. Provided materials (40%):
– The proposed evaluation methodology (no more than 5 pages);
– Examples of conducted evaluations in related fields;
– One piece of English writing (no longer than 10 pages) of sole authorship

3. Interview (20%):
Demonstrated technical capabilities to conduct the assessment.

Proposals from interested consultant(s) should include:

1. Letter of expression of interests (compulsory);
2. Curriculum vitae (compulsory) detailing the consultant’s experience on impact evaluations of humanitarian assistance projects or relevant; reference of previous assignments done or sample of work accomplished;
3. Technical proposal (compulsory) including the evaluation design and methodology, data collection and analysis, activities e.g. development of tools, and confirmed timeline considering contextual limitations;
4. Financial proposal (compulsory) for the external evaluation and the RFQ Bid Form RFQ-UKR-2021-030 заповнити і надати. Any Bids not received on the official DRC Bid Form, will be disqualified for noncompliance with these RFQ Instructions. All costs related to the evaluation without exceptions should be figured into the financial plan of the consultant, including consultancy fees, travel, accommodation, interpreters, data entry, logistics (including stationary and coffee break for the Focus Group Discussions, etc.) NoteNO per diem will be paid to the consultant(s).
5. 3 references of which 2 should be from a previous evaluation experience.

Evaluation of the proposals/ applications will be made through a selection committee in 2 phases:
– Administrative selection: checking for completeness of application (all 7 items listed above and 5 minimum as compulsory).
– Technical selection: criteria to select the best application will be based on the quality of the technical proposal, competitive financial proposal, human resources skills and previous experiences, demonstrated expertise of the applicant.

Deadline for the submission of applications is 21 March 2021 at 14:00. The interested candidates should submit their applications to [email protected]. The title of the e-mail should be ‘Consultant to conduct overall EU IcSP programme evaluation.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Молодший/ша фахівець/чиня проекту з відновлення водопостачання

Послуги асистента/ки проєктної команди

Фахівець/фахівчиня проекту з відновлення водопостачання / Shelter and WASH Officer

Фахівець/чиня відділу розвитку альтернативної енергетики / Shelter and Infrastructure Officer

Вакансія: Health Support Coordinator, NOC, FTA, DS-Dnipro, Nationals only

Старший/а Спеціаліст/ка зі Звітності / Senior Reporting Associate