Спеціаліст з розбудови спроможності з питань методології та процедур кримінального розслідування (Кіберзлочинність)


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Спеціаліст з розбудови спроможності з питань методології та процедур кримінального розслідування (Кіберзлочинність)

Background Information – Job-specific

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) helps the United Nations (UN) and its partners provide peace and security, humanitarian, and development solutions. UNOPS services cover infrastructure, project management, procurement, financial management and human resources. 

In response to the request of the Government of Ukraine, UNOPS opened an office in Ukraine in 2017, which provides a broad spectrum of services to the Government and the people of Ukraine. 

The Support for Rule of Law Reforms in Ukraine (PRAVO-Police) is a project funded by the European Union that has the overall objective of supporting the strengthening of the policing, prosecution and civilian governance in Ukraine, aligning them with the best European and international practices. On matters of substance, the project relies on the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) to Ukraine.

The Project is partnered with the following national agencies: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine (NPU), the Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG), the State Bureau of Investigation. Activities include providing technical support tailored to the needs of each individual agency, while some interventions address larger scale and cross-cutting issues, including enhancement of human resources management systems and specific skills.  

One of the Project’s actions is aimed at supporting the Office of the Prosecutor General, developing methodology, guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for prosecutors. This activity should create a foundation for enhanced business processes at the PGO/OPG. It was agreed that one of the SOPs which needs revision (and methodology to be followed while developing the SOPs) will be in the field of Cybercrime.  

The Consultant will be involved in implementation of the activity aimed at developing the methodology, guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for prosecutors. This activity should create the foundation for enhanced business processes at the OPG and will be closely connected to the activities on development of  methodology of specialization of prosecutors and cases assignment.

With regard to this action, the selected Consultant will be responsible for the analysis of business processes (investigative actions by prosecutors, police officers and other actors), coordination of workgroups (WGs), development of SOPs on procedural processes).

Functional Responsibilities

The Capacity Building Specialist for Cybercrime (hereinafter – Consultant) will work under the supervision and guidance of the Programme Manager of the PRAVO-Police Project. While performing the assigned duties the Consultant will interact with the key stakeholders, primarily the OPG and EUAM. The Consultant’s responsibilities and outputs are listed below.

Education/Experience/Language requirements

  1. Education (Level and area of required and/or preferred education)

An advanced (master’s) university degree preferably in the Security Sector or Rule of Law or other related disciplines. 

  1. Work Experience 

At least five (5) years of experience with master’s degree or seven (7) years with bachelor’s degree or nine (9) years with professional diploma in investigation or prosecution of Cybercrime.  

Proven experience in preparing analytical materials, development of procedural guidelines, business processes, strategic policies, etc is required.

Strong communication and presentation skills, including the ability to write detailed analytical reports and prepare and present brief summaries. 

Familiarity with relevant EU best practice on investigation of Cybercrime, as well as experience with similar projects would be an asset (the candidate to provide evidence of such expertise in their CV).

  1. Language Requirements

Working knowledge of English is required; fluency in Ukrainian (and/or Russian) is required.

Please apply directly at:  https://jobs.unops.org/Pages/ViewVacancy/VADetails.aspx?id=21759#1w

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