Консультаційні послуги з надання технічної допомоги центрам зайнятості


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Консультаційні послуги з надання технічної допомоги центрам зайнятості


Pact, Inc. is implementing “Women included: nurturing growth and security” project (WINGS) with financial support from the Government of Canada.

The project’s goal is enhanced economic prosperity for women and the most vulnerable and marginalized living in Ukraine. The goal will be achieved through:

  • Improved economic security of rural women and the most vulnerable or marginalized, especially those affected by the conflict.
  • Strengthened employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women and the most vulnerable and marginalized.

Pact views employment centers as key stakeholder. Pact and partners will work with the employment centers in the four target regions (20 communities in Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Poltava regions) to enhance their responsiveness to women’s needs and increase access to their services.

Pact seeks a consultant to conduct technical assistance needs assessment, develop and deliver 2 series of 1-day trainings (8 trainings total) for the representatives of 4 regional networks of employment centers in target regions.

Main purpose of consultancy/technical support

  • Conduct technical assistance needs assessment of employment centers in target regions.
  • Develop training package for 2 series of 1-day trainings for the representatives of employment centers networks that serve pilot communities. The package includes training agenda, facilitation guide, training materials and presentations.
  • Deliver 2 series of 1-day trainings for the representatives of employment centers networks that serve pilot communities.


  1. Report on technical assistance needs of employment centers in target regions.
  2. Developed training package.
  • Delivered 2 series of 1-day trainings in 4 regions (8 trainings total).





Conduct technical assistance needs assessment of employment centers in target regions

Report on technical assistance needs of employment centers

Aug 15 – 31, 2021

  • Develop training package for the 1st series of trainings that includes training agenda, facilitation guide, training materials and presentations.


  1. Developed training package

Sept 1 – 30, 2021

  • Deliver 4 trainings in target regions
  • Completed training report

Oct 1 – Nov 30, 2021

  • Develop training package for the 2nd series of trainings that includes training agenda, facilitation guide, training materials and presentations.
  • Developed training package

April 1 – 15, 2022

  • Deliver 4 trainings in target regions
  • Completed training report

April 15 – May 20, 2022


PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: August 15, 2021 – May 31, 2022



  1. Relevant experience in collaboration with public employment centers.
  2. Relevant experience in developing and delivering trainings for public agencies in Ukraine.
  3. Knowledge of gender issues and the needs of vulnerable women in Ukraine.
  4. Experience in conducting trainings with the focus on adult learning techniques.
  5. Strong communication, presentation, and facilitation skills.

To apply please send cover letter and CV to [email protected] no later than August 13, 2021. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Запит цінової пропозиції на обладнання (Надувний екран 4/3 з опорами, Поличка П-33 Компанет, Підвісне крісло-гойдалка кокон)

Запит цінової пропозиції на будівельні матеріали та послуги

Тендер на закупівлю товарів для жіночих гігієнічних наборів (наборів гідності для жінок)

Відкритий тендер на закупівлю Послуг з оренди конференц-залів та організації харчування (кейтерингу) з метою проведення заходу

Закупівля портативних зарядних станцій та акумуляторних світильників для забезпечення центрів Day Care та Family Friendly Space

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