Вакансія: National Inclusion Specialist position


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Вакансія: National Inclusion Specialist position

About DAI

DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, EU, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine and project operations worldwide. We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. DAI works on the frontlines of global development. Transforming ideas into action—action into impact. We are committed to shaping a more livable world. DAI and its employees are committed to confronting racism and holding ourselves accountable for positive change within the company and in the communities, cultures, and countries in which we live and work.  DAI is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner. DAI upholds the highest ethical standards. We are committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment as well as other ethical breaches. All of our positions are therefore subject to stringent vetting and reference checks.

DAI is seeking qualified candidates for the Kyiv-based full-time National Inclusion Specialist position to join USAID Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) Activity’s team. Interested candidates should submit their application through the following portal:


Applications will be accepted until August 16, 2021. Due to a high volume of applications received, we are unable to contact each applicant individually regarding the status of their application. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted in response to this job advertisement.

 Project Background 

DAI Global is implementing the USAID-funded Governance and Local Administration (HOVERLA) Activity, based in Kyiv, Ukraine. This project is designed to support Ukraine advance self-reliant local governance including legislative reforms, participatory strategic planning methodologies, service improvement, local economic development, civil society engagement, and capacity building of sub-national government entities.  The Activity has three objectives: 

Objective 1:  Ukraine’s system of local self-governance is increasingly institutionalized and effective

Objective 2: More self-reliant subnational governance

Objective 3: Citizens play an increasingly influential role in local governance processes

  1. Position Overview

The National Inclusion Specialist plays a pivotal function on the project team coordinating across technical areas the incorporation of the best practices and strategies for inclusion. This position builds project inclusion strategies, policies, and expertise of the program products, activities, and supports project inclusion activities in communities. The National Inclusion Specialist will report to Civic Engagement Lead.

 Objectives and Duties

  • Assist the Civic Engagement Lead in building strategies to reach vulnerable and underrepresented groups in communities
  • Promote inclusive programming that engages vulnerable and disadvantaged populations thoughtfully and effectively
  • Identify “inclusion” gaps to be engaged into the decentralization reform
  • Develop inclusion policies and expertise of the program products and projects
  • Support HOVERLA staff and subcontractors in developing and implementing inclusion strategies
  • Design, develop, implement, and oversee the national and local education and engagement campaigns on inclusion
  • Design, develop, implement, and oversee educational activities and events, including materials for youth, women, and other underrepresented groups
  • Contribute to the development of inclusion strategies in communities
  • Serve as the focal points on inclusion for the development and implementation of policies in communities
  • Provide guidance and scopes of deliverables to regional offices on inclusion
  • Develop scope of work for inclusion consultants and identify consultants in coordination with project leadership
  • Contribute to the annual workplan, weekly, quarterly, and annual reports, and monitoring and evaluation reports
  • Collaborate with the monitoring and evaluation team to ensure that GESI-related results are properly measured and reported
  • Develop database of trainers (short-term consultants)
  • Other duties assigned by the Civic Engagement Lead, Chief of Party, and Deputy Chief of Party


  • Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, education, public administration, or related field
  • At least 5 years of experience in the related area
  • Knowledge of international standards and practices on equality and equity
  • A successful track record of implemented projects and policies on inclusion
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Experience working with USAID or other international donor-funded programs
  • Experience preparing well-researched analytical reports


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