Тендер. Company to support local authorities to identify pathways towards managing hazardous sites (flooded coal mines), based on local particularities, and determining implications for national and local level policy making in Dоnetsk and Luhansk oblasts


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тендер tender(7)
Тендер. Company to support local authorities to identify pathways towards managing hazardous sites (flooded coal mines), based on local particularities, and determining implications for national and local level policy making in Dоnetsk and Luhansk oblasts

Dear Bidder,

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Proposal to the Request for Proposal (RFP) 543-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP: Company to support local authorities to identify pathways towards managing hazardous sites (flooded coal mines), based on local particularities, and determining implications for national and local level policy making in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts


Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2 to RFP in preparing your Proposal.

The Pre-Bidding Conference with interested bidders will be held on August 25, 2021 at 11:00 (Kyiv time) via Skype.

Interested bidders are required to register for Pre-Bidding Conference by submitting their company name, list of attending representatives and their contact information as well as Skype ID at the following e-mail:
[email protected]
Attn: Procurement Unit
Subject: 543-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP – Pre-Bidding Conference Registration

Proposal may be submitted on or before 23:59 (Kyiv time), August 30, 2021 and via email ONLY to the address: [email protected]

United Nations Development Programme

Procurement Unit  

Additional information and questions: [email protected]

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Закупівля дизельного палива

Конкурсні торги на закупівлю ліків

Тендер: послуги з розробки веб-порталу для БО ММСП

Відбір на тренінгову програму для фасилітаторів/ок груп психологічного ресурсування

Тендер на закупівлю обладнання для харчоблоків навчальних закладів Хмельницької області

Тендерна пропозиція щодо постачання нестандартних непродовольчих товарів