Операційний(-а) та HR менеджер(-ка) / Operations&HR Manager


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вакансія vacancy робота(1)
Операційний(-а) та HR менеджер(-ка) / Operations&HR Manager
At the heart of Pact is the promise of a better tomorrow. A nonprofit international development organization founded in 1971, Pact works on the ground in nearly 40 countries to improve the lives of those who are challenged by poverty and marginalization. We serve these communities because we envision a world where everyone owns their future. To do this, we build systemic solutions in partnership with local organizations, businesses, and governments that create sustainable and resilient communities where those we serve are heard, capable, and vibrant. Pact is a recognized global leader in international development. Our staff have a range of expertise in areas including public health, capacity development, governance and civil society, natural resource management, poverty, fragile states, monitoring and evaluation, small-scale and artisanal mining, microfinance and more. This expertise is combined in Pact’s unique integrated approach, which focuses on systemic changes needed to improve people’s lives.


Programs – Pact strives for a world where all people are heard, capable, and vibrant. The Programs Team helps realize this objective by bridging program management, technical support, and business development, enabling Pact to achieve its global strategy. We ensure program excellence through continuous learning, monitoring and evaluation and provide organizational and industry-wide thought leadership by leveraging a complementary set of cross-functional, multi-disciplinary skills, expertise, and experiences. The Programs team: influences progressive change through the development and implementation of global and regional strategies and business plans; supports advancement of innovative solutions; pursues new business opportunities; and drives effective internal and external engagement to maximize Pact’s impact across the globe. Across all aspects of its role, the Programs Department adheres to and promotes a culture of inclusion, accountability, and respect.

Position Overview

Pact Inc. is implementing a USAID-funded project Community Action for HIV Control. The project goal is to accelerate Ukraine’s efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control by 2030 by improved prevention, testing and linkage to care among key and priority populations.  Under the Operations Director supervision, the Operations & HR Manager will facilitate the provision of operational support required for the implementation of events, interventions, and tasks, will provide human resource support ensuring compliance with Pact and local law regulations.

Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate the operational planning and support for project activities;
  • Ensure adherence to operational budget and inventory reconciliation;
  • Strengthen and deepen the coordination of project technical and administrative teams in order to achieve project goals by promoting effective in-house communication;
  • Oversee daily administrative operations of the project, including management of human resources, facilities, procurement and IT, and record and file management
  • Maintain and support the development of relationships and contracts with key vendors in the areas of office supplies, insurance, transportation, translations, and other services key to operations;
  • Lead procurement, including purchases under sub-grants following Pact, donor and local regulations;
  • Ensure procurement files are properly documented and closed upon completion of the project;
  • Support organization of the project’s workshops, training events, and other activities requiring logistical support;
  • Analyze and update project procurement and HR policies and procedures, as needed, to ensure they are in line with those of Pact DC, donors’ and local law;
  • Orient and support the onboarding of new staff and ensure that all new and current staff are trained on personnel policies, administrative procedures, and systems;
  • Support contracting consultants and orient on internal project procedures;
  • Ensure regular physical inventory of project property, including regular update of local inventory records and equipment disposition;
  • Oversee petty cash maintenance conducted by project Administrative Assistant;
  • Support project reporting including quarterly reports, annual reports, and other deliverables;
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Basic Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Economics, International Relations, Management, Social Sciences, Social Development, Law or other relevant areas;
  • At least five (5) years of office administration experience with international technical assistance programs funded by USAID;
  • At least one (1) year of management experience;
  • Highly effective administration skills including computing, word processing and internet use;
  • Excellent communication skills (both written and oral) in both English and Ukrainian, proficiency in Russian;
  • Excellent writing skills in English and Ukrainian.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Knowledge and understanding of donor policies and regulations;
  • Excellent organisational skills and ability to manage a complex workload and deadlines;
  • Demonstrated ability to deal – independently and as a team member – with a wide range of people, situations and languages;
  • Excellent inter-personal skills and ability to work collaboratively on a wide range of issues;
  • Expertise in providing training and developing capacity of teams, ensuring quality of work and adherence to established policies and procedures;
  • Pro-active, fast-thinker, and able to work with minimal supervision.

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