МБФ «Альянс громадського здоров’я» шукає консультанта/ку з вивчення можливостей он-лайн набору представників ключових груп населення (МСМ та ЛВНІ) з метою їх направлення на програми профілактики та тестування на ВІЛ та їх участі в опитуваннях (IBBS)


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вакансія vacancy(1) робота
МБФ «Альянс громадського здоров’я» шукає консультанта/ку з вивчення можливостей он-лайн набору представників ключових груп населення (МСМ та ЛВНІ) з метою їх направлення на програми профілактики та тестування на ВІЛ та їх участі в опитуваннях (IBBS)

Consultant to study feasibility of the key populations (MSM and PWID) online recruitment with the purpose of their referral to HIV prevention and testing programs and their participation in surveys (IBBS)

Project funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and implemented by the Alliance for Public Health

Terms of Reference

1. Background
The ICF Alliance for Public Health is a leading professional organization that in cooperation with key public organizations, the Ministry of Health and other government agencies, fights a number of epidemics, including HIV/AIDS and TB in Ukraine, manages prevention programs and provides high quality technical support and financial resources to local organizations.
The Alliance’s mission is to reduce the spread of infections and mortality and reduce the negative impact of epidemics by supporting public response to it in Ukraine and by disseminating effective approaches to prevention and treatment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
As an independent legal entity registered in Ukraine since 2003 and after gaining managerial independence in January 2009, the Alliance shares values and remains a member of the global partnership of the Public Health Alliance (an international charity that brings together 30 organizations from different countries) with the Secretariat in Howe, United Kingdom).
This procurement is carried out within the project Improving HIV Treatment Cascade for Key Populations through Differentiated Case Detection and Linkage to Care and Increased Capacity at Center for Public Health and Strategic Information in Ukraine funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Alliance for Public Health is looking for an experienced consultant to study feasibility of the key populations (MSM and PWID) online recruitment with the purpose of their referral to HIV prevention and testing programs and their participation in surveys (IBBS).

2. Purpose
The study will consist of two blocks:

1. Study the existing experience of other countries to reach PWID and MSM and enroll them in HIV testing programs, assess the potential of on-line outreach in Ukraine, develop programmatic recommendations for HIV testing programs
2. Performed literature review on how to make IBBS on-line (experience of other countries); assess feasibility to conduct IBBS among MSM through on-line recruitment in Ukraine.

3. Key Deliverables
The consultant is required to produce the following deliverables:
• Deliverable 1: Literature review
• Deliverable 2: Technical report
• Deliverable 3: Final analytical report with executive summary and recommendations and PowerPoint presentation of main findings.

4. Target group

5. Timeframe and Days
The assessment will run from the 10th of January to the 7th of March 2022.

6. Timeframe and Days
your interest in this assignment and highlighting relevant qualifications and skills as well as examples of similar scope of work to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected]. Please submit your documents to us no later than 29th of December 2021.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

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Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader