SAFEMed шукає тимчасового консультанта/ку для аналізу залученості пацієнтів до оцінки медичних технологій (ОМТ) – процеси прийняття рішень в Україні з врахуванням відомих ризиків


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SAFEMed шукає тимчасового консультанта/ку для аналізу залученості пацієнтів до оцінки медичних технологій (ОМТ) – процеси прийняття рішень в Україні з врахуванням відомих ризиків

Short Term Consultant to support Landscaping Analysis for Patient Engagement in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) – Informed Decision Making Processes  in Ukraine

Duration: 15th February- 31st March 2022 (total 80 hours)


A. Background

MSH, a global health nonprofit organization, uses proven approaches developed over 40 years to help leaders, health managers, and communities in developing nations build stronger health systems for greater health impact. MSH is implementing the Safe, Affordable, and Effective Medicines for Ukrainians (SAFEMed) Program in Ukraine.

Through SAFEMed Activity, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) will use its role as a recognized technical leader to advance U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Ukraine priorities, as well as Government of Ukraine (GoU) priorities, to strengthen and increase the transparency and cost-efficiency of Ukraine’s pharmaceutical system, as well as access to and appropriate use of medicines.

In September 2017, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded Safe, Affordable, and Effective Medicines (SAFEMed) contract to the Management Sciences for Health (MSH). SAFEMed applies health system-strengthening best practices to create evidence-based interventions and strengthen Ukraine’s pharmaceutical system in line with the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) health care reform objectives. Health policy priority setting is a key focus for SAFEMed and encompasses the development of HTA capability in Ukraine along with the governance and institutional structures required to operationalize the concept.

An HTA is an evidence-based instrument used to identify which medicines, medical devices, and treatment regimens are optimal for the state to support by comparing safety, clinical efficacy, and cost and providing recommendations to the MOH. Based on such scientific recommendations, the MOH selects the technology that provides the best value to manage specific diseases and conditions. SAFEMed’s health policy priority-setting activities contribute to the institutionalization of an HTA function in Ukraine. Building on SAFEMed-supported gains, in 2019, the government approved the institutionalization of HTA under State Expert Center and by the end of 2020, through a Cabinet of Ministers Decree HTA became mandatory for all state funded medicines. SAFEMed currently continues to support MOH to improve all relevant processes that do and use HTA. A major component of a successful process is engagement of relevant stakeholders in the process, which includes the patients.

SAFEMed conducted a series of webinars in 2020-2021 on engaging patients in HTA, and at the HTA International 2021 meeting, the critical role of patient engagement in health technology decision-making was an important topic with many country examples presented. Throughout 2022, SAFEMed will be supporting the Ukrainian Ministry of Health to explore patient engagement strategies in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and health care decision making processes and prepared to implement such strategies in Ukrainian context in line with best practices around the globe. This will require understanding the current landscape in Ukraine with respect to available patient associations, their activities as well as their challenges in engaging with health care decision making processes; exploring level of representation of patient groups; looking into best practices around the globe; creating a model patient engagement strategy for Ukraine and training patient groups on how they can be prepared for this active engagement.

B. Scope

The consultant is expected to provide the following support within a 6 weeks period, between 15th February and 31st March of 2022:

  1. Conduct and report a Landscape Analysis for understanding patient representation in Ukraine that includes
    1. available associations in Ukraine that act as patient representatives,
    2. patient groups that are represented through other organizations
    3. small group of patients with voice without organizational structure
    4. other ways of representation which helps hearing patients’ voice

The analysis must help understanding the structures, represented patient groups with their respective health conditions, their past and ongoing activities and relevant other issues. An interview template will be constructed on the landscape analysis and will be approved by SAFEMed expert.

Expected Completion Timeframe: Three weeks from the start date of period of performance.  Expected time to be spent is 24 hours.

  1. Conduct and report a qualitative assessment of current engagement of patients in health care decision making processes, particularly in HTAs, perception of their engagement, challenges, expectations, opportunities and suggestions. This assessment will include conducting interviews with 10-15 individuals among patient representatives and key decision makers.

Expected Completion Timeframe: Three weeks following the completion of the landscape analysis. Expected time to be spent is 40 hours   

  1. Search, review and report national and international guidance materials and tools that targets patient and/or citizen engagement in the HTAs and health care decision making.

Expected Completion Timeframe: 4 weeks from the start date of period of performance. Expected time to be spent is 16 hours

Components of the landscape analysis and template of reporting, interview guide and search strategies will be prepared by the consultant, and reviewed and approved by the SAFEMed supervisor before conducting the activities. The consultant cannot publish or disseminate any specific materials, articles or news from this service without prior written approval of SAFEMed.

C. Deliverables

  1. Report on the results of landscaping analysis on patient representation in Ukraine

Expected Due Date: report is expected to be 3 weeks from the date of signing a contract.

  1. Report on the qualitative study regarding improvement of patient engagement in health care decision making in Ukraine

Expected Due Date: agenda is expected to be 6 weeks from the date of signing a contract.

  1. Report on the available national and international resources on patient engagement in health care decision making

Expected Due Date: report is expected to be 4 weeks from the date of signing a contract. 

D. Required Qualifications

  1. Complete a higher education, preferably in the field of health care.
  2. Experience of working in health care
  3. Familiarity with the health care system of Ukraine, with HTA and its implementation
  4. Proven skills in literature search, conducting interviews and reporting a qualitative study
  5. Excellent level of computer proficiency , knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
  6. Proficiency in Ukrainian and English, ability in writing reports in English
  7. Experience in interaction with state executive bodies and broader stakeholder groups.

E. Reporting

All reports shall be submitted directly to Dr. Rabia Kahveci ([email protected]), SAFEMed Senior Technical Advisor.

F. Duties performance location

The consultant shall work remotely, although location in Kyiv, Ukraine is preferable.

G. Contract Term/Period of Performance

The term of the contract issued shall be a 6 weeks period starting from the date of the contract signing.

Interested candidates may apply to: [email protected].

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