Тендер: EU Project “MediaFit Programme for Information Integrity in Southern and Eastern Ukraine”. Team of Mentors for Content Production


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Olesia P

тендер tender(6)
Тендер: EU Project “MediaFit Programme for Information Integrity in Southern and Eastern Ukraine”. Team of Mentors for Content Production

Team of Mentors for Content Production
Ref: #04

1. Project Description

DW Akademie, Germany’s leading organisation for international media development department of Deutsche Welle, in partnership with Transtele Canal France International (CFI) and Lithuanian Radio and Television (LRT) implement the project “MediaFit Programme for building Information Integrity in southern and eastern Ukraine” (ENI/2021/423-657). DW Akademie is Deutsche Welle’s centre for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Our projects strengthen the human right to freedom of expression and unhindered access to information. DW Akademie empowers people worldwide to make independent decisions based on reliable facts and constructive dialogue. The 36-month project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. It is aimed at enhancing the information integrity in Ukraine and the resilience of Ukraine’s media against hybrid threats, including the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The MediaFit Creators Fund is one core element of the project. Expected to be launched in February 2022, the innovative regional programme will provide content support for up to 60 independent regional media productions. The goal of the MediaFit Creators Fund is to help produce non-news products that connect with the needs of regional target audiences.

Particular attention will be paid to improving the capacities for delivering quality content and the digitalisation process of independent local media outlets and individual journalists. The fund will act as a growth catalyst in regions with a low level of investment in independent media.

2. Overall Objective of the Assignment

DW Akademie is looking for motivated local media professionals willing to join the new team of MediaFit mentors for the first season of the MediaFit Creators Fund scheduled to start in March 2022 and last until September 2022. It is envisaged to support up to 15 media products. The mentorship is at the heart of the MediaFit Creators Fund vision to facilitate an innovative creative process. Throughout the whole process of the media production participants of the MediaFit Creators Fund will have the opportunity to be supported by media professionals.
The team of mentors is to provide professional consulting to selected media creators and media organisations. Selected local independent media and journalists will receive not only financial support, but also mandatory mentorship and trainings in order to acquire the skills needed to produce content appealing to target regional audience. Support will be given to diverse formats, preferably innovative digital products, support for media targeting national minorities and indigenous peoples, incl. Crimean Tatars.
page 2 of 3 The role of the team of mentors will be essential to provide guidance during the whole process from content development to production and publication. The team of mentors will develop an approach that will enable MediaFit selected creators to receive constructive feedback and relevant practice-oriented professional advice. Mentors are also expected to identify training needs of creators and any additional expertise needed to ensure the successful completion of the media product.

3. Expected Deliverables

Preparatory Phase

    • Participation in distribution of the call among potential media creators and media organisations.
    • Providing consultancy around applications upon DW Akademie request.
    • Participation in the Creators’ Fund Launch event.

    Mentoring Duties

    • Offline and online mentoring of the Creators including but not limited to consulting on research, scripting, staffing, budget, production process (pre-production, production, postproduction), marketing, publishing and all other stages of creating and publishing of a media product.
    • Quality Management to ensure that the produced content is of high professional quality, in line with the creators’ guidelines, corresponds to expected editorial quality standards and do not contravene EU Grant (Ref. ENI /2021 / 423-657) objectives.


    • Frequent communication with DW Akademie project staff regarding the status of the individual productions. A monthly report summarizing all mentoring efforts.
    • Regular feedback on the identified training needs or specific expertise for creators to work effectively.
    • To participate in the evaluation process of the Creators Fund programme to improve further
      selection seasons.

    4. Qualifications


    • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in working in the professional media sector
    • Demonstarted ability to develop media productions in different formats from A to Z
    • Fluency in English, Ukrainian and Russian


    • Experience with media marketing and advertisement (especially online) Professional journalistic or other media related education preferred
    • Previous experience in mentoring media workers
    • TTT/TTeT training by DW Akademie would be an asset
    • Experience in working with international media development organisations

    5. Working Conditions

  • DW Akademie provides an online on-boarding session for mentors in February. (To become a mentor the participation is mandatory.)
  • Participate in the teamwork of mentors to regularly get and provide feedback on the process to allow for adjustments.
  • Work individually to mentor creators.
  • Use different online collaboration (Jamboard, Miroboard) and communication platforms (email, online messenger like Telegram).
  • Envisaged timeframe for providing mentorship: April-September 2022
  • Expected scope of work: up to 25 working days

6. Application instructions

    Please send your CV and a Motivation Letter with the expected fee (your daily rate before tax) to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] with the email subject “Application to Creators Fund
    Mentors Team Ref.:#04”.

    Applications should be received not later than 7 February 2022 COB.

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