Оголошення: Сomprehensive support to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH) in the reorganization process of SE “Ukrmedpostach” and SE “Ukrvaktsina”


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Оголошення: Сomprehensive support to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH) in the reorganization process of SE “Ukrmedpostach” and SE “Ukrvaktsina”

Management Sciences for Health (MSH), implementer of USAID SAFEMed Activity in Ukraine, is seeking Proposals from interested vendors to provide comprehensive support to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH) in the reorganization process of SE “Ukrmedpostach” and SE “Ukrvaktsina” and integrating them into the SE “Medical Procurement of Ukraine” (MPU).

Purpose: create a full-cycle procurement agency responsible for procurement and delivery to the regions.

The contractor is expected to provide the following services throughout the process:

  1. Based on the national legislation and best practices, including but not limited to the defined project implementation stages, develop detailed project implementation plan with timelines.
  2. Preparation of various documents throughout the reorganization procedure (applications, orders, decisions, petitions, announcements, etc.) to be signed by relevant authorities.
  3. Preparation of inquiries to public authorities, enterprises, institutions, and organizations in order to obtain clarifications, if applicable.
  4. Upon request, representing the interests of enterprises in public authorities, law enforcement and judicial authorities, other enterprises, institutions, and organizations on issues related to the reorganization procedure. 
  5. Participate as an advisory member of the Commission on reorganization of enterprises, facilitating decision-making as necessary.
  6. Develop summary reports for each project implementation stage and risks’ mitigation plans.
  7. Prepare a short-term operation plan for MPU to optimize integration of these two entities, as well as long-term strategy recommendations.

Interested bidders are requested to collect bidding documents via e-mail. Please send your request to [email protected] with the subject line: “UKRSAFEMED096A: Bidding Documents”

The deadline for submitting proposals – February 23, 2022 by 6:00 pm Kyiv time.

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