Вакансія: full-time journalist


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Вакансія: full-time journalist

Euromaidan Press will hire a full-time journalist.

What we are seeking: 

  • Excellent English and Ukrainian
  • Experience in journalism, communicating with international audiences
  • Knowledge of journalistic standards, fact-checking and critical thinking as a reflex
  • Good knowledge of the political/military/media situation
  • Experience in SMM, night SMM shifts
  • Knowledge of SEO is a plus
  • Willingness to learn new things

What we offer: 

  • Salary starting from 18,000 UAH with growth
  • Flexible schedule
  • Friendly team
  • Growth opportunities
  • Creative freedom and an outlet with genuine editorial freedom
  • A chance to defend Ukraine with the pen (no less important than with the sword)

Please send your CVs with examples of prior work to [email protected].


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