Вакансія: Field MEAL Officer (Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist), Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


Operations Manager

Vacancy prostirjob
Вакансія: Field MEAL Officer (Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist), Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

HEKS/EPER UKRAINE is looking Field MEAL Officer in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Base in Zaporizhzhia.

Job objective.

The Field MEAL Officer is a member of the Field Programme and MEAL team, under the supervision of the Field Team Lead with technical linkages to the MEAL team in Odesa. The Field MEAL Officer will work closely with the members of the MEAL Team, especially with the MEAL Manager and Officers, Core Competencies specialists and other HEKS-EPER departments. The overall objective of the Field MEAL Officer is to provide support in data management and processing sets of data of Core Competencies in the respective field location, including data analysis, thus supporting  specialists/Programme Managers through the MEAL Team. S/he will support the development, modifications, and maintenance of the data management models in their field location to secure that it’s operational, efficient, and fully documented.

Main tasks and responsibilities

Generic responsibilities

 – Contribute to the development, implementation, management and administration of the efficient and accountable data management system and related procedures on field level.

- Support in preparation of reports on field level as required by Programmes and management.

- Support in data collection and data analysis.

- Ensure data quality that are being managed and processed.

- Ensure proper filing of documents.

- Promote and share ideas for technical improvement of the data management system on regional level.

- Ensure adherence with HEKS-EPER policies, tools, handbooks and guidelines.

- Adhere to National legislation, HEKS-EPER policies, and GDPR regarding the data protection.

 Specific responsibilities

 – Support in management and maintenance of project- and program-specific databases, spreadsheets and other respective tools contributing to continual improvement and strengthening of the data management system on regional level.

- Ensure accurate and consistent data entry on a regular and timely basis.

- Provide information and explanation to the team(s) on database(s), data management procedures at field level.

- Support in collection, analysis and dissemination of information relevant to the projects’ activities upon requests at field level.

- Contribute to donor and project/program reports, including but not limited to analysis of monitoring data (e.g. output and outcome), GORS, Indicator Tracking Table, assessments, field reports, Power BI reports, etc.

- Provide support and assistance to sub-grantees for better use of data to target beneficiaries most in need.

- Maintain accurate documentation of the projects’ activities (e.g. monitoring data, assessments, compiling beneficiary records, tracking distributions etc).

 – Other duties as assigned by the Field Team Lead and MEAL team

Competencies & requirements

  • Higher education
  • Relevant work experience, i.e. working with data management and/or data analysis
  • Solid background in use of Microsoft Office software package. Strong Excel skills
  • Knowledge of Power BI, Tableau or similar visualization tool is desirable
  • Knowledge of mobile data collection platforms e.g., KoboToolbox or other ODK-based including XLS form coding and troubleshooting
  • Knowledge of GIS packages (e.g. QGIS) is desirable
  • Knowledge of managing data protection, including data encryption, user and group management, views, and security modes is desirable

The position requires a person who is self-starter, who can accomplish the tasks with little or no supervision. He/she must be diligent in paperwork, have integrity and be able to cooperate with field staff

Posting period:

From 08.07.2022 to 22.07.2022

Qualified candidates should send their CV and cover letter in English to [email protected]. Only short-listed candidates will receive notice requesting additional information.

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