CRDF Glоbal (Ukraine Office) is seeking a contractor: Evеnt logistics coordinator (local institution)


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CRDF Glоbal (Ukraine Office) is seeking a contractor: Evеnt logistics coordinator (local institution)

The Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) supports scientists, innovators, and technology entrepreneurs in Ukraine through various activities such as startup competition and tech-challenges, bootcamps and travel events, and individual mentoring. Throughout a typical year, CRDF Global executes four complementary projects: Virtual Incubation Platform (VIP), Global Pivot to Success (GPS), Growth Acceleration Project (GAP), and Open Innovation Tech Challenge.  The main objective of STEP is to identify the most promising technology ideas in Ukraine and assist them to local and international markets. STEP activities also provide tangible support to dozens of promising teams; build institutional capacity of Ukrainian technology entrepreneurship community, create employment opportunities for local innovators. All participants receive mentorship from experienced U.S. serial entrepreneurs to further develop their technology-based products, identify customers and partners, and develop their go-to-market strategies.

To implement the projects in the appropriate manner and to accomplish projects tasks, CRDF Global is seeking services and support from a local event logistics coordinator(institution) in Ukraine. Coordinator’s assistance would be mostly concentrated on the preparation and implementation phases of the key onsite and offsite events. The coordinator will deliver contracted tasks in a manner aligned with CRDF Global project goals and objectives and customers specific requirements. 

CRDF Global programming activities to be held from will be centered around, but not limited to, the following areas of the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program: 

  • Startup incubation & acceleration;
  • Bootcamps;
  • Mentorship Support;
  • Investor Communities;
  • Global Markets Expansion;
  • Angel Investment Process;
  • Ukrainian Innovation Ecosystem;
  • Entrepreneurial Business Management;
  • Innovative ideas development;
  • Business development, and
  • Marketing & Research.

RFP Subject Matter Expertise: Event logistics coordinator

The selected organization serving as a coordinator would be expected to provide contracted services such as, but not limited to:

  • Recruit experienced international and local SMEs/Corporates from specific areas which will be defined depending on the event’s theme – to serve as mentors/judges/presenters during the event;
  • Develop questionnaires for startups to assess project’s results;
  • Organize bootcamps with a certain number of preselected startups in semifinal and startups finalists;
    • Provide informational support and disseminate program information among key target audiences via the company’s network in all regions of Ukraine, namely, established startups of various industries with solid market traction; 
    • Assist with the selection of qualified teams and guide them through application submission steps and procedures;
    • Provide necessary marketing support and public relations exposure to STEP Ukraine – competition and conduct an active search for additional sponsors and partners;
    • Provide necessary assistance during the event and serve as emcee of the event;
    • Conduct necessary communication with the technology entrepreneurs should additional information be necessary to facilitate the initial selection process and day of logistics for both the bootcamps & finale;
    • Assign a point of contact responsible for cooperation with CRDF Global staff before and during the execution of all STEP Ukraine virtual activities;
    • The Program’s website landing page development (TBD); and
    • Additional activities as required and agreed upon between CRDF Global and the coordinator.

Interested candidates must request the Request For Proposal (RFP) document with the detailed requirements from Oleksiy Fomin <[email protected]>.   

Please indicate the RFP number in your request: #RFP-19-UA-2022

Proposal submission deadline: August 20, 2022 (6:00 PM, Kyiv)

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