Фахівець/ фахівчиня з управління ризиками та відповідністю – Київ


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Фахівець/ фахівчиня з управління ризиками та відповідністю – Київ

All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organisation’s core values: dedication, innovation, inclusivity and accountability. These attitudes and beliefs shall guide our actions and relationships.

The employee is personally responsible for ensuring access to documents, including NRC handbooks and guidelines on the intranet and any other information necessary to the post.


Aiming at strengthening the organisation’s risk management capacity, in 2019 NRC decided to establish a Risk Management and Compliance (R&C) function across the organisation. This function is responsible for: i) enabling NRC to manage risks by supporting organisational efforts to identify, assess, prepare for and respond to risks; ii) fostering a risk management culture by institutionalising processes and systems that embed risk management into operations and build capacity and awareness on risk throughout NRC; and iii) improving organisational effectiveness by streamlining compliance practices and enabling better prioritisation of support resources to highest-risk issues.

At the country office (CO) level, the R&C function has been tasked with supporting risk owners in their efforts to manage risks, providing assurance to the Country Management Group (CMG) on CO compliance within high risk areas/issues, promoting a risk management culture in the CO through training and communication, ensuring CO’s compliance with standards and regulations that fall outside the scope of existing CO functions (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Data Protection (DPR), Code of Conduct, Securing Supporting Documentation, COTER and sanctions) and ensuring that complaints from external and internal stakeholders are properly handled and responded to.

1. Role and responsibilities

The Risk and Compliance Officer is responsible for supporting the CO’s efforts to: effectively manage risks; promote a risk management culture within the CO, support the Risk and Compliance Manager (RCM) in ensuring the CO’s compliance within high-risk areas and with regulations not specific to a given function (e.g. SSD, COTER, sanctions); and responding to any issues or questions that arise relating to the CO’s work on PSEA, DPR, legal and Code of Conduct.c

For details on grades, please refer to: https://www.nrc.no/globalassets/career/pdf/global-grade-profiling-structure.pdf

Generic responsibilities

1. Support the RCM by ensuring:

i) That risks in the CO’s operations are monitored and controlled effectively; and

ii) CO’s compliance within high-risk areas/issues, by:

i. Helping to identify such high-risk areas/issues;

ii. Conducting regular compliance checks on the said areas/issues (e.g. spot checks);

iii. Reporting regularly to the RCM on compliance issues; and

iv. Supporting implementation of compliance improvement measures throughout the CO.

2. Support the RCM by monitoring all risk management and compliance related CO registers, namely the CO Risk Register, Waiver Register, Recommendations Tracker and Standards Operating Procedures (SOP) Register.

3. Support in-country function leaders (Head of Support, Area Managers, Head of Programmes, Health Safety and Security Manager) with implementing compliance improvement measures related to high-risk areas/issues.

4. Support function leaders in the CO with ensuring that all SOPs in the CO are aligned with policies and regulations not related to a specific function, are coherent with other SOPs throughout the CO and NRC and follow basic quality principles. 5. Support the CO’s focal point for audits in the coordination of the work among the different CO’s sections/units to respond to external audits initiated by institutional donors and to facilitate the follow up of these audits’ recommendations.

6. Provide training and support to CO staff on the following: i) Areas of expertise held by the R&C function at HO (Risk management, compliance, PSEA, Data Protection, Code of Conduct, legal and complaints management) and ii) compliance with regulations not specific to a given function (i.e. SSD, COTER, sanctions) under the guidance of the RCM.

7. Contribute to the development of NRC’s risk management framework by documenting lessons learned and best practices in the CO.

Specific responsibilities

· Support in monitoring compliance in the implementation of cross-cutting policies, procedures and controls through regular spot checks, field visits and in-depth reviews.

· Support in developing and monitoring standard filing and referencing system.

· Support in monitoring action plans to implement recommendations made in internal and external audits and evaluations. · Support finance unit to prepare for external audits.

· Ad-hoc assignments on risk management and/or investigation support tasks.

2. Competencies

1. Professional competencies

Generic professional competencies: · Experience from working in risk and/or compliance Function, humanitarian/recovery context would be an asset

· Previous experience working in complex and volatile contexts

· Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities

· Precise writing skills and ability to describe a causal relationship

· Very good knowledge of English (B2+ is an asset)

Context/ Specific skills, knowledge and experience:

· Experience in working in compliance positions both in the private sector as well as in humanitarian/recovery contexts.

· Documented results in establishing /consolidating / running effective compliance systems.

· 1-3 years’ experience in the risk and/or compliance function · Conversancy with INGO and NGO programming (i.e. shelter, education etc.) would be an asset.

· Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile.

· Advanced working knowledge of MS Office (365) package / MS cloud services.

· Bachelor+ degree relevant for the position. Professional certification in relevant field is an advantage.

2. Behavioral competencies

· Handling insecure environment

· Planning and delivering results

· Empowering and building trust

· Communicating with impact and respect

We offer:

Type of contract: till 30.06.2023, contingent upon availability
Salary/benefits: According to NRC salary scale, terms and conditions.
Duty station: Kyiv

This position is for Ukrainian nationals only.

Closing date for this vacancy is 09/11/2022

Please note that we will contact only shortlisted candidates.

NRC retains the discretion to cancel the recruitment.

NRC might review applications before advert deadline, therefore interested candidates are encouraged to apply early.


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