Тендер про надання дослідницьких послуг


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Тендер про надання дослідницьких послуг

Центр міжнародного приватного підприємництва (CIPE) шукає українську організацію для проведення дослідження пріоритетів та потреб бізнес-спільноти щодо розвитку робочої сили. Учасником тендеру може бути аналітичний центр, соціологічна компанія, наукова установа або інша організація, що займається відповідною діяльністю, має досвід проведення подібних досліджень та відповідну мережу контактів серед МСП. Документ має бути підготовлений англійською мовою обсягом 15-20 сторінок. Дослідження має базуватися на запропонованій методології та включати, окрім кабінетного дослідження, результати опитування або інших видів оцінки українського приватного сектору. Далі – англ. 

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is seeking a Ukrainian organization to conduct a study of the business community’s priorities and needs on workforce development. The organization may be represented by a think tank, research institution, sociological company, academia, or other organization engaged in relevant activities with experience in conducting such research and a relevant network of contacts among SMEs. The paper should be produced in English and be between 15-20 pages in length. The research for the paper should be based on a proposed methodology and include aside from the desk research the results of a survey or other types of assessment of the Ukrainian private sector, as well as interviews with the key stakeholders in the government and educational and workforce sectors.   

The issue: The already commenced Ukraine reconstruction phase relies on talented and skilled workforce to handle demands of modernized and digital economy. The key sectors include modern infrastructure, energy, and construction, among others. Workforce development has been one of the key priorities for the Ukrainian private sector due to significant labor shortages and the lack of qualified employees to meet the requirements under reconstruction. The labor sector reform should eliminate frictions in the talent marketplace by leveraging the innovation of a digital Ukraine and support its development of a talent pipeline of the future. The reform would allow for efficient matching the requirements from employers through specialized training and creating learner profiles. The labor sector development is also critical for incentivizing the return of several millions of Ukrainian refugees that have left the country since the full-scale invasion in February 2022. 

Tasks under the assignment:

  • Identify short-term needs of the Ukrainian private sector for workforce development.
  • Identify mid- to long-term needs of the Ukrainian private sector for workforce development.
  • Outline current and potential challenges for workforce development in Ukraine.
  • Determine the parameters of potential collaboration between the private sector, government, and the education sector in Ukraine to achieve medium-term priorities for workforce development.
  • Outline current and potential efforts to integrate mental health into the standard training and educational curricula.


  • The deadline for completion is May 5, 2023 

Requirements for the application

  1. The application must contain

- Vendor name (address, contact person, website)

- Description of the methodology (up to 2 pages max.)

- Project Schedule

- Proposed Budget, USD

- References to similar studies conducted over the past three years. 

Vendors should send the proposals in Ukrainian and/or English via email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] and the subject line: Tender 

for Research Services on the Future of Ukraine Workforce  

 The deadline for submitting proposals is 6 pm Kyiv time, April 12, 2023.


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