Economic Development Specialist (1 position in Kyiv or Chernihiv, 1 position in Chernivtsi) / Спеціаліст(-ка) з економічного розвитку (1 позиція в Києві/Чернігові, 1 позиція в Чернівцях)


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Economic Development Specialist (1 position in Kyiv or Chernihiv, 1 position in Chernivtsi) / Спеціаліст(-ка) з економічного розвитку (1 позиція в Києві/Чернігові, 1 позиція в Чернівцях)

Global Communities works at the intersection of humanitarian assistance, sustainable development and financial inclusion to save lives, advance equity and secure strong futures. We support communities at the forefront of their own development in more than 35 countries, partnering with local leaders, governments, civil society and the private sector to achieve a shared vision of a more just, prosperous and equitable global community.

Global Communities is responding to the crisis in Ukraine, delivering humanitarian, recovery, and development assistance through a community-led response. Global Communities’ response is designed with the goal of saving lives, reducing suffering, and addressing urgent needs while supporting communities to lead their own response and prepare for recovery.

Global Communities is implementing the 6 month PEARL (Pilot for Early Recovery and Livelihoods) program in Ukraine, providing livelihoods assistance to individuals and businesses impacted the war. The project will provide grants to small businesses that have been damaged, disrupted, or destroyed by the war, support businesses with technical assistance, and investigate the possibility of providing grants and assistance to business owners who have relocated as IDPs to other oblasts. As a pilot, the program places significant emphasis on learning, with a goal of better understanding the needs and efficacy of early recovery/humanitarian livelihoods support in order to scale programming in the sector.

The Economic Development Specialist reports to the Project Manager and is responsible for the oversight of the technical aspects of the project, including the development of vulnerability/selection criteria, adaptation of economic development and grant assistance tools for the humanitarian context, selection of businesses for grant assistance, and monitoring. Additional responsibilities may include technical assistance and contributing to the development and/or implementation of learning agendas.

Location: 1 position in Kyiv or Chernihiv, Ukraine / 1 position in Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Period of Performance: Apr-2023 to Oct-2023


The Economic Development Specialist will work closely with the PEARL Project Manager and coordinate closely with the DOBRE Local Economic Development Expert to ensure quality technical design and implementation of criteria, tools, and processes for supporting small businesses damaged, disrupted, or destroyed by the war. In addition, the Economic Development Specialist is expected to assist with the harnessing of project learnings and engage in creative thinking around improvement of economic development opportunities for IDPs, returnees, and other people whose livelihoods have been adversely affected by the war.


  • Oversee the delivery of the technical aspects of the PEARL project to scope, budget, and time, in compliance with organizational and donor rules and regulations.
  • Ensure project activities are carried out in alignment with minimum humanitarian standards, including the Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS), Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) as applicable, etc.
  • Travel to oblasts and communities in the selected project geography, as needed.
  • Develop selection/vulnerability criteria for businesses. Determine matching component and criteria for participation.
  • Adapt existing DOBRE tools or other GC tools for humanitarian livelihoods context.
  • Socialize project to communities, LGUs, and LED committees, in coordination with Project Manager and DOBRE staff.
  • Implement survey to determine preferences for modality of support.
  • Design and/or adapt application tools and procedures; determine parameters for application to program.
  • Develop and/or adapt MOUs for program participation.
  • Establish SOPs for application review committee, in coordination with Project Manager, DOBRE staff, LGUs, and LED committees.
  • Lead review of applications with the review committee; select businesses for assistance in accordance with the selection and vulnerability criteria.
  • Oversee disbursement of grants to businesses and follow up visits and/or meetings to supported businesses.
  • Contribute to lessons learned and/or evaluation processes and make recommendations for improved economic recovery and market systems (ERMS) programming.
  • Contribute to development of external-facing materials and events, as needed.


  • Ability to establish strong working relationships with project team, local government officials, business leaders, representatives of education, civil society and donors.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and/or Russian; English proficiency preferred.
  • Experience working/co-operating with business, NGOs, and local governments
  • Relevant experience in project management, local economic development, capacity building/training.
  • Ability to read and interpret documents, and communicate with others as necessary to perform job duties effectively.
  • Strong team player.
  • Excellent communication skills.


  • Master’s degree in economic development or related field preferred.
  • At least 3 years of experience in local economic development or related field preferred.
  • At least 1 year experience working in emergency, conflict, post-conflict, or post-disaster settings preferred.
  • Successful track record in advising local governments on local economic development strategies and related issues.
  • Relevant experience in capacity building/training.


Professional-level of Ukrainian and Russian communication skills required. Must be able to read and interpret documents, and communicate with others as necessary to perform job duties effectively.  

Working proficiency in English preferred.


Ability to work effectively on computer.

Must be able and willing to travel frequently to regional offices and program sites throughout Ukraine.

Interested candidates are asked to send CVs and Cover letters to [email protected] by COB April 25, 2023, indicating position title in the subject line.

Only selected applicants will be contacted. No telephone inquiries will be accepted.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Експерти/ки для проєкту у сфері соціальної політики

Фахівець\чиня відділу цивільного захисту

Менеджер/ка з комунікацій

Менеджер/ка проєкту

Вакансія: Senior Project Manager

Тренер/ка-методолог/иня у сфері ''Децентралізація освіти на місцевому та регіональному рівнях''