Координатор_ка з гендерних питань у надзвичайних ситуаціях/Gender in Emergencies Coordinator


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Координатор_ка з гендерних питань у надзвичайних ситуаціях/Gender in Emergencies Coordinator

CARE Ukraine - це представництво міжнародної гуманітарної організації CARE International. CARE  бореться з бідністю та соціальною несправедливістю у світі. Вона була заснована у 1945 році американськими благодійними організаціями, щоб подолати продовольчу кризу в Європі після 2-ї світової війни. За своєю структурою CARE  є конфедерацією. Зараз вона працює у 111 країнах світу, де реалізовує 1631 проєкт. Гуманітарна допомога CARE охопила понад 200 млн людей.  Особливу увагу організація приділяє розширенню прав і можливостей жінок.  

CARE суворо дотримується принципів людської гідності, гендерної рівності, недискримінації, однакового доступу до гуманітарних послуг усіх людей, незалежно від статі, віку, гендерної визначеності, політичної чи релігійної приналежності або походження. 

Із загостренням військового конфлікту на території України CARE розгорнула тут свою діяльність, щоб допомагати людям, які страждають від війни. Так виникло представництво CARE Ukraine. В Україні свої проєкти CARE реалізовує здебільшого через місцеві громадські організації, правові та жіночі організації, які можуть безпосередньо і швидко допомагати людям у потребі. CARE Ukraine надає допомогу в таких сферах: захист, допомога при гендерно зумовленому насильстві, створення місць тимчасового проживання, надання продовольства, води, засобів гігієни та санітарії, грошової допомоги. Проєкти, які CARE впроваджує разом з партнерами, охоплюють майже всі області України. 

Location: Ukraine – Lviv with extensive travels around Ukraine

Duration: 12 months renewable

Conditions: Employment contract, gross monthly salary between 3,105.59 Euros and 3,354.04 Euros depending on proven relevant experience for the post.

Starting date: ASAP


CARE International (CI) is among the world’s largest international non-governmental humanitarian relief and development Confederations. Drawing on more than 75 years of experience, through its 21 Members, as both a practitioner and thought leader, CI’s work reaches over 100 countries worldwide to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.

 CARE’s vision is to seek a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice; where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE focuses heavily on women and girls, and the areas of gender equality, diversity, and inclusion are at the center of our work because we know that we cannot overcome poverty and social injustice until all people have equal rights and opportunities. We recognize that power relations between people and within systems and structures are unequal and that these are entrenched in our broader systems, structures, and institutions.

 At the core of the CI Confederation is a globally distributed Secretariat, which provides coordination and support to its Members in areas including governance, strategic planning, communications, membership development and accountability, advocacy, humanitarian response, and program development. In addition, the Secretariat represents the CI Confederation at the United Nations and the European Union, and with other external stakeholders.


On 24th February 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marked a significant escalation to the conflict that started in 2014. It continues to profoundly impact the lives of people across the country at various levels. The front line is continuously shifting and there are areas controlled by Russian forces as well as cities under siege. Aerial attacks on military installations and critical civilian infrastructures are conducted in the whole territory of Ukraine, often resulting in collateral civilian casualties. The conflict has caused the largest population movement in Europe since World War II, with 6.24 million displaced within Ukraine and 7.68 million refugees having fled to neighboring countries. By October 26, OCHA had counted 17.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

 Amid the upcoming winter, which is anticipated to be the worst in decades, at least one-third of the country’s energy infrastructure is damaged, leaving millions without heating and access to water. In October, the Russian Federation claimed to have annexed four Ukrainian oblasts, further increasing the challenge of access to these areas. Therefore, in addition to preparing the population for the approaching winter, an ongoing priority for the international humanitarian response is to secure access to recently liberated and recaptured areas in the East and to provide aid to previously unreachable and particularly hard-hit areas of Ukraine.

Presentation of CARE UKRAINE

As a new actor in Ukraine, CARE prioritizes a locally led response and is partnering primarily with Civil-Society Organizations (CSOs), National NGOs, local authorities, and when needed, INGOs with a longstanding presence in the country and access to hard-to-reach areas. CARE Ukraine deliberately and strategically prioritizes partnerships with local and national Women Led and Women Rights organizations (WLO’s/ WRO’s), further strengthening the Gender in Emergencies (GiE) principle and the Women Lead in Emergencies (WLiE) approach.

 In the first few weeks after the escalation of the war, virtually all humanitarian aid inside Ukraine was organized and implemented by local actors. These groups (together with local authorities) remain the principal aid providers but are quickly being exhausted of funds, fuel, and physical energy. Thereby, a considerable proportion of CARE’s resources is dedicated to strengthening and supporting the capacities of local partners. 

 As of November 2022, CARE Ukraine has established partnerships with twelve local/national organizations (incl. four WLO’s/WRO’s) and five international NGOs. From the more than 28 million that have been raised for Ukraine thus far, more than half is allocated to local/national partners. Through the activities that have been implemented so far, CARE Ukraine has been able to reach 550,030 people, including IDPs and affected populations in hard-to-reach areas.

 While CARE Ukraine’s office is currently located in Lviv, we are continuously working on strategically expanding CARE’s presence and reach with plans to open an office in Kyiv as well as field offices in Dnipro and Odessa, covering both the East and South of the country.

General objectives

To provide guidance and technical support for gender-integrated programming, enhancing the quality and capacity of CARE’s Ukraine Response.

 The Gender in Emergencies (GiE) Coordinator will support the integration of gender-sensitive and gender-transformative approaches throughout the project cycle. The post holder will have strong GiE skills, as well as demonstrated experience in a range of humanitarian contexts, including large-scale displacement. They will work with the GiE Adviser to support the CARE Ukraine thematic sectors with gender mainstreaming, including gender analysis, proposal development, design and implementation of activities, partner support and monitoring and evaluation of programs. The post-holder will play a key role in the broader strategic, programmatic fundraising and advocacy work of the Ukraine.

 The GiE Coordinator will directly support PQ and operational staff at the Area-Office level, as well as collaborating with all other CARE Ukraine departments (Program Support, Finance, Human Resources, Program Quality, etc.), liaise internally with CARE Partnership and with external stakeholder, and work with the GiE Adviser to ensure that CARE Ukraine delivers quality gender-integrated humanitarian response, according to CARE and international standards. They will work closely with the Women Lead in Emergencies (WLiE) Coordinator to ensure co-ordinated mainstreaming of GiE and WLiE approaches. The GiE Coordinator will report to the GiE Adviser and will provide guidance and mentoring to the Gender & Protection Officers at Area-Office level.

The main responsibilities include:

Program Advisory Support

  • Provide guidance and supervision of integration of GiE approaches in Ukraine programming, working closely with the WLiE Coordinator to ensure this is integrated with the mainstreaming of WLiE approaches.
  • Work with program staff to support the inclusion of GiE approaches in project proposals, including development of activities, budgets and logframes.
  • Support internal linkages and referral mechanisms between the technical sector teams, including Protection, SRH, WLiE, WASH, Shelter and Food Security.
  • Support the Gender Technical Work Stream for the BHA consortium, as well as future relevant project consortia, to ensure effective mainstreaming of GiE and WLiE approaches.
  • Provide technical support to project staff and the Country Office and Area Office to implement recommendations from CARE’s Ukraine Rapid Gender Analysis and other assessments e.g. baseline/needs assessments.
  • Contribute to ensuring CARE’s programming is gender sensitive at a minimum, and gender-transformative where possible.
  • Feed into the contextualisation of GiE tools and resources for the Ukraine context, to be used by project staff across all sectors.

 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

  • Contribute to the monitoring framework in relation to gender-integrated programming, including baseline data, secondary data, reviews, end line surveys, donor reporting and internal/external evaluations and capitalization of activities.
  • Provide inputs for Gender integration in the development of ToRs, methodologies, tools and knowledge products, related to projects. Work closely with MEAL teams on assessments, research and development of customized training and reporting tools.
  • Work with the MEAL team to document projects’ learning and success cases in relation to gender-integrated programming, and support the dissemination of learning on the humanitarian response.
  • Ensure respect for data protection and confidentiality in data collection and storage.
  • Ensure timely preparation and submission of all necessary reports such as progress reports, annual reports, and interim and final reports for donors.

Capacity Building and Support to Partners

  • Meet capacity strengthening needs of project staff at national and sub-national levels to ensure all project activities are gender-sensitive at a minimum, by providing technical assistance, mentoring, training, and cross-partner learning and sharing to partners and project teams.
  •   Provide support to learning and training opportunities for project staff, including in CARE’s Gender Marker, decolonisation of aid, empowerment of WROs/WLOs, and feminist principles.
  • Build strong partnerships with local and national gender and social inclusion stakeholders (experts, practitioners, organizations, and government entities).
  • Working closely with the WLiE Coordinator, contribute to capacity building and mentoring processes to support partner staff in gaining key skills and experience required for gender-integrated programming.
  • Contribute to local partners’ assessment and capacity building, including supervision of activity implementation.
  • Supervision of Gender & Protection Officers and consultants as relevant.

Representation & Coordination

 Establish effective coordination with donors for defining project activities and smooth implementation of the project.

  • Participate proactively and contribute to the Gender in Humanitarian Action (GiHA) group, as well as cluster technical working groups, task forces and communities of practice as required.
  • Share information on CARE activities and promote good relations and collaboration with other actors working on the humanitarian response, including presenting and disseminating findings and recommendations from the Rapid Gender Analysis.
  • Assist the GiE Adviser in advocacy activities that target Ukrainian decision-makers in-country, as required.
  • Contribute to communications and media work as required, including relevant moments e.g. International Women’s Day.


  • Deliver high quality results in line with the terms of reference agreed in advance – to do this in a way which maintains the reputation of CARE.
  • Comply with CARE policies and practice with respect to PSEA, code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
  • Help be responsible for the security of all staff. Ensure that the security, health and wellbeing of staff are ensured and staff management and other processes and policies and systems reflect CARE ‘s principles of equity and fairness.

Additional job responsibilities

  • The duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to carry out additional duties assigned by the DCD PI within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.


Essential criteria

  • A minimum of 5 years’ prior experience of project management and coordination working in Gender-integrated programming. Experience of working in humanitarian emergency, conflict, post-conflict, or post-disaster settings is an asset.
  • Experience in coordinating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Gender-related humanitarian or development projects.
  • Previous experience working with INGOs in Ukraine is an asset.
  • Knowledge of institutional donors. Experience of working directly with national/ oblast governments is an asset.
  • Proven experience of designing projects, including proposal narratives, budgets and logframes.
  • Proven capacity to train staff and partners in technical skills, knowledge and theory to identify and respond to GiE programming needs.
  • Proven experience in supporting collaborative partnerships with national organizations, CBOs and CSOs, especially WROs and WLOs.
  • Experience of, and commitment to working through systems of community participation and accountability.
  • Demonstrated commitment to the decolonisation of aid, empowerment of WROs/WLOs, and feminist principles.
  • Demonstrated commitment to creating an environment within CARE’s workplaces, programming, and communities where CARE works that is free from sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and child abuse (SHEA-CA), including commitment to the principles of confidentiality, survivor-centered approach, and Do No Harm.
  • Strong coordination and team-building skills, including political and cultural sensitivity with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy.
  • Excellent communication skills, including full professional proficiency in written and spoken English and Ukrainian or Russian.
  • The capacity and willingness to be flexible and accommodating in difficult and sometimes insecure working circumstances.

 Accountability within CARE:

 A commitment to CARE values and CARE’s integrity framework is critical to working with CARE. Any candidate offered a job with CARE will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability:

  • Comply with CARE’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety, confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols.
  • Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our programming area.
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a CARE staff or partner.


Children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with CARE as a result of our activities must be safeguarded to the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury, and any other harm. One of the ways that CARE shows this on-going commitment to safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.

 Gender equality:

 CARE is committed to meeting the standards of the CARE International Gender Policy (2019). Through this policy, CARE seeks to promote the equal realization of dignity and human rights for girls, women, boys and men in all diversities, and the elimination of poverty and injustice. Specifically, this policy seeks to improve the explicit incorporation of gender in programmatic and organizational practices.

 How to Apply:

 Please send your complete application package (CV, motivation letter, references) only in English to Jo Fox at [email protected], no later than 11 May with GiE Coordinator Lviv as the subject title of your email.   Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

 Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.  References will only be contacted after the interview. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Inclusion Advisor

Вакансія: Facilities and Inventory Management Lead

DAI Global LLC шукає Technical Copy Editor

Press and Media Coordinator - Посольства США

Public Health Specialist (Strategic Information) - Посольство США

Administrative Assistant in the Community Liaison Office (Посольство США)