Асистент/-ка старшого слідчого / Investigation Support Assistant / Global Rights Compliance


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Асистент/-ка старшого слідчого / Investigation Support Assistant / Global Rights Compliance


The Mobile Justice Teams (MJTs) are the ‘boots on the ground’ deployed element of the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) was established in May 2022 to support the Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG) in their efforts to investigate and prosecute crimes relating to the Russian full-scale Invasion of Ukraine.

Global Rights Compliance (GRC), an international legal foundation that focuses on bringing accountability for perpetrators of atrocity crimes, is the Implementing Entity that manages and deploys the MJT. GRC has been active in Ukraine since 2015 and is the only international organization to have maintained an uninterrupted presence in the country since hostilities began.

We have a presence in Kyiv, The Hague, London, and Washington DC. 

GRC’s Ukraine team has, since 2015, acquired an intimate knowledge of the conflict operating environment, and built trust-based relationships with all criminal justice system actors, relevant governmental bodies, CSOs, and international partners. Our blend of local presence, technical expertise, knowledge of the Ukraine context/conflict, and language capability is unrivaled and sets us apart in terms of hands-on delivery and support. 

Based in Kyiv, the MJTs aim to be active throughout Ukraine, working to encourage, facilitate and mentor investigators and prosecutors in the creation of ‘aggregated’ or ‘higher-level’ cases where a) multiple incidents are linked together by common factors, and b) criminal responsibility is attributed to an indirect perpetrator holding a position of command.


GRC will establish an MJT in each of the three ‘Sectors most affected by the war;

  • Sector North, covering Chernihiv, Sumy, and Kharkiv Oblasts
  • Sector East, covering Luhansk, Donetsk, Zhaporzhzhia, and Dnipropetrovsk Oblasts
  • Sector South, covering Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odesa Oblasts

Each MJT will include investigative and prosecutorial capacity. The ‘investigative element’ of each MJT will comprise a Senior International Investigator and an Investigation Support Officer. Each team will be tasked with supporting investigation and case-building capacity in the Sector through direct contact with the NPU, the SBU, Regional Prosecutor’s Offices, and any other agencies that investigate conflict-related crimes.

The Investigation Support Assistant will play a key part in this process; using open-source research to assist with identifying potential local contacts, building and maintaining awareness of the crime-base and ongoing investigations in the Sector, and using this information to help create opportunities for cooperation with the above-mentioned agencies.


To hire three local staff to fulfill the role of ISO, as described below.

The ideal candidate will have some experience working in a law-enforcement investigation-, or military intelligence environment and should have well-developed research skills and experience. Of greater importance is to have an inquiring mind, a creative approach to problem-solving, and a positive can-do attitude. The vacancy will commence as soon as possible after the 1st of August 2023 and run for six months (with a possible extension for a total of twelve months).


  • Conduct OSINT research under the direction of the Senior Investigator
  • Prepare research summaries in support of new or ongoing investigative activities
  • Identify and exploit new sources of information and research tools relevant to the job
  • Suggest and pursue new research methods or topics to complement existing tasks
  • Summarise documents, audio/video recordings, and other such information carriers



  • Skilled and creative in using open-source research tools and methodologies
  • Knowledgeable of social media platforms and publicly available data sources that can be exploited for OSINT research
  • Confident, and able to communicate effectively with colleagues and partners to obtain & share information relating to work.
  • Able to read and write in English, Ukrainian, and Russian languages.
  • Organized, structured, and tidy in their work and disciplined to ensure that all work-related material is sourced and stored in accordance with GRC policy
  • Willing and able to deploy throughout Ukraine, possibly at short notice, in support of MJT tasks 


  • Recent experience in a role requiring the use of investigation skills in dispute/conflict resolution, crime-related matters, or industrial relations issues
  • Willing to undertake other tasks commensurate with the post as required for the safe and effective performance of the MJT
  • Experience producing accurate reports or documents
  • Experience working within a high-pressured environment with high workloads
  • Flexible in terms of working location and be prepared to work temporarily at other locations within Ukraine, under challenging work conditions.


Please submit your CV and cover letter to [email protected] by the 16th of July indicating the position you are applying for in the email subject.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Ментор/ка підліткових курсів з 3D-моделювання та робототехніки (Кропивницький)

Регіональний/а координатор/ка у Сумській, Запорізькій та Миколаївській областях

Адміністративний/а асистент/ка


Експерт/ка з розробки комунікаційної стратегії

Офіс менеджер/ка