Вакансія: Consultant to conduct ITOCA (Integrated Technical & Organizational Capacity Assessment) – Community Action for HIV Control, Pact


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Вакансія: Consultant to conduct ITOCA (Integrated Technical & Organizational Capacity Assessment) – Community Action for HIV Control, Pact

Pact Overview:

At the heart of Pact is the promise of a better tomorrow. The promise of a healthy life.  Of a decent livelihood. Of sustainable natural resources that benefit communities. Now more than ever in its 50 – year history, Pact is helping millions of people who are poor and marginalized discover and build their own solutions and take ownership over their future. Pact enables systemic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy, and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems, and transforming markets into a force for development.

Pact Inc, is implementing a USAID-funded project Community Action for HIV Control. The project goal is to accelerate Ukraine’s efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control by 2030 by improved prevention, testing and linkage to care among key and priority populations.

The Community Action for HIV Control (CAHC) project is seeking 6 consultants to conduct ITOCA (Integrated Technical & Organizational Capacity Assessment) workshops for 6 recently pre-selected Pact subgrantees.

The objectives are:

· to arrange & facilitate self-assessment of organizational & technical capacity for selected subgrantees, the purpose of which is to support NGOs in developing and/or improving their Change Action Plans (CAP) based on the workshop outcomes. ITOCA workshop should be conducted once for every selected subgrantee. Online ITOCA workshop is planned as a 4-days event with 4 hours of activity per day due to online format limitations (2 full days in total). ITOCA workshop design requires 2 facilitators for every workshop.The 2 consultants will co-facilitate ITOCA self-assessment workshop covering the required and customized organizational capacities: governance and legal structure, program planning and management, financial management, procurement and agreement management, human resource management, strategic information, partnerships and communication, sustainability, gender integration. Technical areas will be chosen based on the organization’s focus areas such as gender-based violence, DSD models, HIV prevention, stigma & discrimination, systems strengthening etc. During each workshop the consultants are expected to facilitate up to 7 selected technical and organizational areas.

In close collaboration with the project Capacity Development Team, the consultants will work to ensure the following requirements to the expected output:

· Pre-workshop planning
· Review of workshop agenda, content, materials, etc.
· Develop presentation materials, design activities to maximize participation as per adapted Facilitator’s Guide.
· Co-facilitate the 4-day online workshop on ITOCA in each selected NGOs (4 days, 4 hours per day). Each workshop is facilitated by 2 consultants. ·

Prepare brief analysis of ITOCA report (downloaded from the CSP) to ensure these accurately reflect the actual discussion incl. facilitators’ recommendations on CAP priorities.

· The approach to the workshop design, facilitation and reporting should be validated with the CAHC project.
· Final report for each ITOCA workshop should include CSP-generated ITOCA report & analysis of ITOCA scores, recommendations on CAP priorities, list of participants for each day, screenshot/photo from each day & facilitators’ report incl. key observations &lessons learnt.

Schedule: The estimated duration of the assignment will be approximately (but not exceeding) 90 days (preparation, conducting or development and reporting) starting from the commencement date of the work. The work is expected to start on October 17th & shall be completed before Dec 31st,2023.
Up to 6 ITOCA workshops prepared and conducted, due date – December 31st, 2023.
Facilitators work in pairs.
LoE per 1 facilitator split as following:

  • Preparation – 0.5 day
  • ITOCA is conducted for Subgrantee 1 & report is provided
  • 2 days (or 4h/day per 4 days)
  • Final comments to the list of statements are provided – 0.5 day.

Sub-Total LOE per 1 workshop: up to 6 days (1 subgrantee x 2 facilitators x 3 days)
Total LoE:
up to 36 working days
LoE distribution among facilitators is going to be uneven as schedule depends on participants & facilitators availability. Potentially 1 facilitator can facilitate up to 6 workshops.

Professional Requirements:

  • Participation in Pact conducted ITOCA Training of Trainers
  • At least 1 online ITOCA workshop facilitation
  • Other previous experience with ITOCA in any role would be an asset.
  • Proven experience in conduction trainings & facilitation session
  • Good writing and speaking skills in Ukrainian.
  • Ability to motivate and moderate.
  • Experience with HIV-service organizations would be an asset.
  • Experience with capacity development instruments would be an asset.
  • Experience in methodological or education materials development would be an asset

 To Apply

  • Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] with “Сonsultant to conduct ITOCA” in the subject line.
  • Please indicate your Price offer as hour / daily rate (UAH/USD currency, VAT exclusive)
  • Please include at least three contacts of your former supervisors who can provide reference for you. 

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 

Deadline for submission – 6 pm, October 9th, 2023.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

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Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

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