Запит щодо послуг з синхронного перекладу / Request for simultaneous translation services


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Запит щодо послуг з синхронного перекладу / Request for simultaneous translation services

Dear Sir or Madam,

EnCompass LLC invites qualified firms and experts to submit a price offer for the provision of Simultaneous Translation Services related to the USAID/Ukraine Monitoring and Learning Support (UMLS) activities.

 The purpose of this request is to obtain price quotations for Simultaneous Translation Services (interpretation from English to Ukrainian and vice versa).

 Technical requirements:

  • Provide services of consecutive, simultaneous interpretation online (Zoom, WebEx) and offline (Kyiv).
  • Provide transcription of audio records.

See Scope of Work and template for quotation attached to this letter (see link below).

Simultaneous Translation Services Quotation Template

 Administrative requirements:

 Proposals should list current technical qualifications, certifications and relevant translator/interpreter work experience, contacts of referees who can provide recommendations. Detailed prices for translation and interpretation services.

 If organization: official documents must be filled proving the status of the organization and the document proving the financial capacity (annual turnover and profit/loss) of the organization.

Copies of registration documents (including a copy of the certificates of state registration of legal entities which the Participant plans to apply for the provision of services, a copy of the tax certificate; an Extract from the Statute indicating the activities).

Qualifications and requirements:

  • Education: at least Bachelor’s degree in linguistics, translation, foreign languages, or related areas.
  • Linguistic skills: Fluency in spoken and written Ukrainian, English.
  • At least 5 years’ experience in translation/interpretation of similar tasks.
  • Positive feedback from previous customers
  • State registration of a business entity
  • Desirable expertise in the following topics: agricultural, finance, legal
  • Desirable experience working with ITA projects/ international/ donor organizations

Additional Note: The agreement under which this procurement is financed does not permit the financing of any taxes, VAT, tariffs, duties, or other levies imposed by any laws in effect in the Cooperating Country. No such Cooperating Country taxes, VAT, charges, tariffs, duties or levies will be paid under an order resulting from this Request for Quotations.

 If interested, please submit the quotations via email to [email protected] by February 6, 2024, 18:00 local Kyiv time.  Please refer to RFQ-24-1020-001-001 Simultaneous Translation Services in response to this Request for Quotations.

Quotations must be priced on a fixed-price, all-inclusive basis, including delivery and all other costs. Offerors are requested to provide quotations by filling out the attached Quotation Template.

 If you have any questions, please let us know immediately using this email: [email protected]

 Thank you for your time and attention.

Best regards,

UMLS team


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