Запит цінових пропозицій на надання юридичних послуг рамковий договір Request for Quotation on providing legal services framework agreement RFQ no: RFQ-02-035-KYV-2024


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Запит цінових пропозицій на надання юридичних послуг рамковий договір Request for Quotation on providing legal services framework agreement RFQ no: RFQ-02-035-KYV-2024

HELVETAS is the largest Swiss nongovernmental organization with a dual mandate for long-term development and humanitarian response. It has been present in Ukraine for several year implementing development projects mainly through local partners.    

During 2022 HELVETAS initiated emergency assistance. Currently we are building our operational presence to deliver comprehensive response to the current humanitarian crisis. HELVETAS plan to be active in Ukraine for next 5 years.  

Currently, we are looking for permanent legal services provider. Main task we want to deligate is accurate drafting of grant agreements (scope is not even during the year, but we can say the total number we expect for the whole year) with ready made sample. Some additional services might include development of a bilingual contract samples in accordance with the technical task, general legal consultations, tax law consultations, as well as registration and reporting for non-governmental organizations legal consultation. More information you may find in document attached below


All submissions must be made via email only to the mentioned below email address. Email subject theme shall be marked as: Legal services framework agreement, Reference No: RFQ-02-035-KYV-2024.

Offers must be submitted in English language exclusively to the following address:

[email protected] 

Offers submitted after the deadline mentioned in Timetable of this RFQ will not be considered.

For more details on RFQ, please address a message to the email:  [email protected] , showing the RFQ number in the message title.

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