Chemonics seeks a Technical Advisor/Технічного(-у) радника(-цю) eHealth/Health Management Information Systems for Furthering Health Reform and Recovery in Ukraine Activity (FHR)


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Chemonics seeks a Technical Advisor/Технічного(-у) радника(-цю) eHealth/Health Management Information Systems for Furthering Health Reform and Recovery in Ukraine Activity (FHR)

Chemonics seeks a Technical Advisor- eHealth/Health Management Information Systems (eHealth/HMIS) for the anticipated USAID-funded Furthering Health Reform and Recovery in Ukraine Activity (FHR). The primary purpose of this project is to establish a transparent, accountable, and effective health system that optimizes the use of scarce resources and is capable of providing equitable access to quality services and expanding universal health coverage to meet the new and emerging health needs of Ukrainians during and following the war to expedite economic recovery of the country.

Responsibilities include:

  • Lead the activity’s overall eHealth technical strategy and implementation, ensuring that eHealth interventions are well integrated across activity components, high quality, and aligned to advance achievement of broader health system reform and anti-corruption goals
  • Collaborate with local partners to improve transparency and accountability in the existing eHealth system, tailoring solutions to local needs and priorities
  • Provide technical assistance and support to government partners and healthcare providers using digital health technologies, applying diverse approaches to leverage and strengthen local capacity
  • Coordinate with local partners to align activities and maximize the impact of interventions aimed at scaling up digital health technologies and improving healthcare access and quality
  • Develop and implement performance improvement frameworks in collaboration with local stakeholders to track progress towards achieving key performance indicators related to expanded reach and capacities of digital health platforms and tools.


  • Bachelor’s degree in information sciences and data management, business or public administration or related/relevant field
  • Demonstrated technical expertise in and at least five (5) years of managing technical assistance in the areas of information technology, eHealth / digital health systems, and health data management
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience working on donor-funded projects; experience with USAID preferred
  • Significant experience in key areas listed above with proven ability to achieve program targets
  • Strong ability and desire to work collaboratively with the government of Ukraine, international donors, and local partners
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Demonstrated leadership, versatility, and integrity
  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English; fluency in Ukrainian preferred.

Application instructions:

To apply, submit your application and CV via this link by April 19, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No telephone inquiries, please. The protection of your personal data is important to Chemonics. If you are located in the EU, please read our EU Recruiting Data Privacy Notice to learn how we process your personal data.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

Chemonics values the protection of your personal data. If you are in the European Union, please read our EU Recruiting Data Privacy Notice to learn how we process personal data. You may access the notice via the following link:


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Експерти/ки для проєкту у сфері соціальної політики

Фахівець\чиня відділу цивільного захисту

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Вакансія: Senior Project Manager

Тренер/ка-методолог/иня у сфері ''Децентралізація освіти на місцевому та регіональному рівнях''