Координатор/ка з логістики / Logistics Coordinator


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Yuliia Duras

Координатор/ка з логістики / Logistics Coordinator

Location: Kyiv (preferable), Dnipro or Odessa 
Reporting line manager: CARE Ukraine Logistics Manager 
Duration: 12 months
Conditions:  Employment contract, gross monthly salary starting from EUR 3229 depending on proven relevant experience for the post. One time moving allowance EUR 600 if you are recruited from outside the base and gross monthly risk allowance of EUR (depending on duty station).  Annual leave of 28 days per calendar year. 
Starting date: As Soon As Possible

We are seeking to hire a Logistics Coordinator (LC) to manage, coordinate, implement, monitor and report on CARE Ukraine logistics operations in an orderly, optimized, efficient and compliant manner in order to ensure smooth implementation of CARE projects in Ukraine.

Working under the direction of the Logistics Manager, the Logistics Coordinator will be responsible for managing the logistics team (up to 8 employees) in the CARE Ukraine coordination office in Lviv.   This Coordination Office is also supporting our implementing partners and CARE Bases in the oblasts of Dnipro and Odessa. Her/his main responsibilities will be to administrate logistics flows for procurement, storage, assets, transport of people and goods, fleet, and facilities in Lviv as well as supporting the Logistics Coordinator Partnerships.


CARE International (CI) is among the world’s largest international non-governmental humanitarian relief and development confederations. Drawing on more than 75 years of experience, through its 21 Members, as both practitioner and thought leader, CI’s work reaches over 100 countries worldwide to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.

CARE’s vision is to seek a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice; where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE focuses heavily on women and girls; the areas of gender equality, diversity and inclusion are at the center of our work because we know that we cannot overcome poverty and social injustice until all people have equal rights and opportunities. We recognize that power relations between people and within systems and structures are unequal and that these are entrenched in our broader systems, structures, and institutions.

At the core of the CI Confederation is a globally distributed Secretariat, which provides coordination and support its members in areas including governance, strategic planning, communications, membership development and accountability, advocacy, humanitarian response, and program development. In addition, the Secretariat represents the CI Confederation at the United Nations and the European Union, and with other external stakeholders.

Context in Ukraine 

For Care, the ongoing priority for the humanitarian response is to secure access to recently liberated and recaptured areas in the East & South, and to provide aid to previously unreachable and particularly hard-hit areas of Ukraine.


As a new actor in Ukraine, CARE prioritizes a locally led response and is partnering primarily with Civil-Society Organizations (CSOs), National NGOs, local authorities, and INGOs with a longstanding presence in the country and access to hard-to-reach areas. CARE Ukraine deliberately and strategically prioritizes partnerships with local and national Women Led and Women Rights organizations (WLO’s/ WRO’s), further strengthening the Gender in Emergencies (GiE) principle and the Women Lead in Emergencies (WLiE) approach.

In the first few weeks after the escalation of the war, virtually all humanitarian aid inside Ukraine was organized and implemented by local actors. These groups (together with local authorities) remain the principal aid providers but are quickly being exhausted of funds, fuel, and physical energy. Thereby, a considerable proportion of CARE’s resources is dedicated to strengthening and supporting the capacities of local partners.

As of November 2022, CARE Ukraine has established partnerships with twelve local/national organizations(including four WLO’s/WRO’s) and five international NGOs. From the more than 28 million that have been raised for Ukraine thus far, more than half is allocated to local/national partners. Through the activities that have been implemented so far, CARE Ukraine has been able to reach 550,030 people, including IDPs and affected populations in hard-to-reach areas.

While CARE Ukraine us present with two Country Officers in Lviv and Kyiv, and two Area Officers in Dnipro and Odessa, covering both the East and South of the country.

Role Responsibilities: 


  • Deliver support to the Logistics Manager in drafting the procurement and master procurement plan and update it on monthly bases in collaboration with the finance and program focal points for procurements sourced in the Lviv area, in line with the budget and workplans.
  • Coordinate with budget holders from different departments and ensure that Purchase Requests (PR) are sent on time, as per procurement plan and as per the procurement Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
  • Ensure smooth management of the purchase files from acknowledgement of the PR till final delivery point and payment, following procurement plan implementation
  • Ensure that procurement tracker (PR Tracker) at area level is fulfilled by procurement officers and shared on a weekly basis 
  • Ensure contract follow up (for rental, frameworks agreement and services) is updated on a monthly basis
  • Update the master procurement plan on a weekly basis for procurements planned and managed by the Lviv Logistics team
  • Update the cash forecast for Lviv base and share on a monthly basis  with the finance focal point
  • Draft national call for tenders planned to be handled by all bases
  • Review and validate each purchase file as per validation matrix, at PR, Selection, PO and payment stage
  • Ensure smooth and systemic communication between procurement focal points and requesters. Regular micro meeting should take place to identify bottlenecks, needs  re prioritization, blocking points with solutions given.
  • Ensure archiving of Purchase Files is done on daily basis in hard and soft copy, at each step of the procurement process
  • Provide continuous capacity building and support to the procurement focal points based on identified gaps, and workload 
  • Hold regular meetings with the procurement team to provide recommendations, priorities, feedback, team objectives and suggest improvements.
  • Ensure clear and in timely communication and coordination between the team members who will be procuring and receiving goods, eg requesters and stocks colleagues. 
  • Ensure that the needs to outsource transport and delivery, or internalized transport and deliveries are well anticipated, coordinated and organized
  • Ensure substantial value for money within procurement
  • Ensure that a supplier data base is up to date and enriched as procurement develops, referring to  other humanitarian actors’ sources of information
  • Manage sensitive or important purchase files when required
  • Manage the vetting of suppliers before placing orders and ensure they are archived

Stock management

  • Ensure that each stock request is handled as per the SOP, in time and with the correct documents
  • Ensure that the stock report is up to date on daily basis and shared on weekly basis with concerned stakeholders
  • Ensure that the available space inside each warehouse of the all areas is updated and communicated to all concerned stakeholders
  • Ensure that stocks are arranged and organized as per CARE Ukraine SOP and guidelines
  • Ensure that for each entry and each exit, the necessary documents (stock cards, out of stock request, waybill and GRN) are produced/updated on time, correctly entered and archived in soft and in hard copy, as per related SOP
  • Ensure that appropriate safety and security measures are in place and that goods are secured (rodents/fire/flooding/robbery mitigation measures)
  • Conduct regular physical inventory count checks, ensuring these are formalized, and signed. Where appropriate, investigate, report, propose corrective measures and produce necessary documents to justify discrepancy (loss/damage/robbery report)
  • Support the Log Manager in forecasting the storage capacity and solutions for ongoing and new projects
  • Ensure that there is no unnecessary sleeping stock and report when the fulfillment rate is too low over time
  • Support the Log Manager in preparing intermediary and final reports 

Asset and Inventory management 

  • Ensure that each asset or inventory request is handled as per the Assets and Inventory SOP, in time and with correct documents (staff asset form), and that transport is organized to where it is requested
  • Ensure that the asset and inventory report is up updated on a daily basis and shared on monthly basis with concerned stakeholders
  • Ensure that asset and inventory maintenance follow up is existing and up to date, including the warranty follow up, and that necessary maintenance is carried out on time either internally or by outsourcing in order to avoid any breakdown
  • Ensure that all assets and inventories are tagged and that relative documents are well archived in soft and hard copy (insurance, warranty, copy of invoice, user’s manual)
  • Ensure that assets are well stored with appropriate safety and security measures in order to keep them secured
  • Ensure that each user receiving an asset is correctly trained in order to avoid misuse
  • Conduct regular physical inventory count checks, for Assets and Inventories, formalized, and undersigned by inventorying team. Where appropriate, investigate, report, propose corrective measures and produce necessary documents to justify  potential discrepancies (loss/damage certificate)
  • Support the Log Manager in foreseeing the asset needs for coming months/projects according to the wear rate and to the remaining estimated lifespan of existing assets
  • Support the Log Manager in preparing intermediary and final project reports 

Transportation/Fleet management

  • Ensure that movement requests for in city and intercity bookings are correctly communicated, acknowledged, and managed as per the Movement Request SOP
  • Ensure that the security team approves each movement
  • Ensure that the movement of vehicles is optimized, and that fleet capacity is sufficient, where appropriate report and justify the additional extra needs to the Log Manager and Area Manager.
  • Ensure that vehicle maintenance is handled on time as per the asset maintenance follow up
  • Ensure that the logbooks are in place aboard each vehicle, and correctly updated
  • Ensure that each vehicle contains security and safety means, as well as necessary documents (insurance, registration certificate, first ai kit, spare wheels, minimum mechanical tools, yellow jacket and triangle)
  • Ensure that vehicles and drivers documents are valid and up to date, and renewed before expiry date, using the formalized follow up tool, eg Insurances, Registration documents, drivers license, mission orders
  • Ensure that everyday basic checks are carried out by drivers and formalized using a signed check list
  • Ensure that each driver has a good knowledge of the area they are driving to and that they have received  robust security and safety training
  • Ensure that the fuel consumption follow up is up to date, and that each vehicle is refueled every end of week or prior, in the event of fuel shortages
  • Ensure that logbooks are archived in soft and hard copy
  • Conduct regular physical inventories of vehicles, formalized, and undersigned. Where appropriate, investigate, report, propose corrective measures and produce necessary documents to justify anomalies (loss/damage/robbery report)
  • Support the Log Manager in preparation of  intermediary and final project reports for vehicles related matters
  • Ensure that any transport of goods, for outsourced and internally carried items, are always accompanied with necessary documents such as waybill, mission order, packing list, certificate of origin, customs certificate, hygiene certificate, quality certificates and ensure their correct soft communication to the final delivery point
  • Ensure that each shipment loading/unloading is well prepared, on time, with necessary physical means (workers handling tools and PPE), and that loading plans are drafted prior to the loading day.
  • Ensure anticipation, coordination, and communication to concerned stakeholders, for each transport, optimizing  time and resources. 


  • Ensure the lease contract follow up for all facilities in all area is existing and up to date in order to ensure the renewal of contracts on time and forecast expenses
  • Ensure that all lease contracts are correctly archived with  amendments
  • Ensure that an allocation table of all guesthouses is maintained and  up to date, on weekly basis, shared with concerned staff and that all guesthouses are ready on time for any newcomer, visitor
  • Ensure that any issue with the utilities is solved in a time and appropriate manner. Where applicable with the landlord (plumbing, electricity, heating system or internally when landlord’s responsibility is not engaged (breakdown of our own equipment, internet)
  • Ensure keys management for each facility and each room is managed as an asset, with follow up of  keys
  • Manage the utilities follow up as part of the lease contract follow up, ensure it is up to date, and payment instalment for all related bills are paid on time, in collaboration with finance focal point
  • Ensure that a facilities ticketing system is existing (SOP), known and applied by users for them to report any issues and that solutions are found in a timely fashion
  • Forecast any needs for additional building and report i to the Log Manager with justification
  • Identify and assess new buildings planned to be added to the park of facilities, in collaboration with the security department, and edit the comparative table of the different options before submitting it to the Log Manager
  • Ensure an entry inventory report is made when a new building is rented, with landlord’s signature and picture of each room, taking note of each default
  • Ensure necessary rehabilitation works are done when renting  new buildings, negotiating with landlords to have those works done prior  to the start of the rental contract
  • Ensure the installation and maintenance of functional office space(s) and ensure guesthouses facilities are inadequate. Ensure the application of defined safety and security measures and make inspection visits to assess the rehabilitation needs of facilities when required
  • Ensure that facilities have appropriate IT and Communications infrastructure and equipment allowing permanent communication between offices. Ensure that all staff in the mission have proper training on how to use communications equipment available (e.g. satellite phones, PTT, trackers, computers, smart phones, etc.) 


  • Ensure that all documents produced for all above subject are orderly archived in hard and soft copy, as per the SOPs and archiving tree defined by the Log Manager
  • Ensure that all archives in hard copy are marked according to the evacuation plan, by the three categories: to be left, to be taken and to be destroyed (green mark, orange mark, red mark). And ensure that destruction means are ready. Ensure that all electronic devices containing sensitive information are part the evacuation plan 

Reporting and coordination

  • Extract Key Performance Indicators out of monitoring tools and report in logistics dashboard designed in cooperation with the Log Manager according to identified problems
  • Ensure that reporting and monitoring tools are shared on regular bases and to the right managers as per the Logistics Users Guide’s meeting table
  • Ensure a smooth, anticipated, and optimized communication between internal stakeholders of Log department, as well as with other departments and with stakeholders from other CARE Ukraine offices, when necessary, at the appropriate level of management, according to SOP, logistics users guide and to necessity
  • Communicate and meet regularly with other Logistics Coordinators in order to exchange good practice, support needs and help that could be provided, under the supervision of the Logistics Managers 

Human Ressources

  • Manage the logistics team based in all areas by ensuring that they are applying appropriate behavior and procedures according to CARE Ukraine standards, guidelines and SOPs
  • Update Job Descriptions as well as the tasks dispatch according to the evolution of activities and to the evolution of team size, in collaboration with the Log Manager 
  • Define specific, measurable, realistic and in time, objectives for each member of the team
  • Conduct mid term and at terms review of objectives and performance by a formal evaluation for each member of the team
  • Manage the time sheet and the holidays schedule follow up of the log team
  • Ensure and maintain a good atmosphere and a professional spirit within the log team 
  • Assess the workload and the capacity of the team to absorb new projects, on regular bases, according  to KPIs, and report concerning situations to the line manager, with propositions for solving the situation in the short and long term


  • Ensure the readiness of  logistics for potential evacuation, relocation, and hibernation, as well as any other contingency plan
  • Identify and report to the Log Manager and the Security team monitoring on any gaps or issues that may compromise the security setup in place.
  • Ensure the good respect of security rules within logistics operations

 Qualifications, experience & technical skills 

The post holder should be able to demonstrate the following attributes:

  • 4 years university degree preferably in Logistics, or as second choice in Business/Finance, or equivalent experience in logistics, minimum 5 years, including 2 years in non-profit/humanitarian sector, with an experience at similar levels of responsibility
  • Good understanding of humanitarian principles or public/private tenders governing the procurement processes, 
  • Good understanding of basic economic principles
  • Good listening and negotiation skills as well as being comfortable when speaking in a group or in public
  • Detailed oriented, meticulous, efficient, and logical, the ideal candidate should demonstrate a good capacity to administrate and coordinate various type of flows
  • Possesses excellent oral/writing communication skills in English and Ukrainian
  • Ability to work in a stressful environment and able to prioritize high workload with multiple tasks in fast-paced environment with tight deadlines.
  • Strong computer skills – Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, Google, Teams/Sharepoint a plus
  • Willing to travel to the field on a frequent basis.
  • Ability to work as part of a team and culturally sensitive and able to work in multi-cultural team.
  • Results/action-orientation; organizational management skills
  • Unquestionable personal code of ethics, integrity, diversity and trust
  • Organized, and self-starting
  • Strong belief in human rights and gender equality 
  • Highly confidential  


A commitment to CARE values and CARE’s integrity framework is critical to working with CARE. Any candidate offered a job with CARE will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability:

  • Comply with CARE’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety, confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols.
  • Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our programming area.
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a CARE staff or partner.


Children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with CARE as a result of CARE activities must be safeguarded to the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury, and any other harm. One of the ways that CARE shows this on-going commitment to safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates. 

Gender equality:

CARE is committed to meeting the standards of the CARE International Gender Policy (2019). Through this policy, CARE seeks to promote the equal realization of dignity and human rights for girls, women, boys and men in all diversities, and the elimination of poverty and injustice. Specifically, this policy seeks to improve the explicit incorporation of gender in programmatic and organizational practices.

How to Apply:

Please send your complete application package (CV, motivation letter, references) [email protected], no later than 25 Apr 2024, with Safety Security & Access Officer Kharkiv as the subject title of your email. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Site Visit Coordinator, Ukraine Monitoring and Learning Support (UMLS) project/ Kоординатор/ка

Проєктний/а менеджер/ка для створення 1ої черги електронної системи ціноутворення у сфері будівництва

Експерт/-ка з розвитку громад та фасилітації діалогу

Вакансія: Junior Administrative Specialist

Вакансія: Head of Regional office

Експерт/-ка з організації і надання соціальних послуг (послуг соціального характеру)