Вакансія: Legal Advisor


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Вакансія: Legal Advisor

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Ukraine is seeking a qualified professional for the project “Strengthening sustainable and digital trade routes and logistics concepts between Eastern Partnership countries and with the EU” to fill the position:

 Legal Advisor (full-time, Kyiv)

(internal SAP code: Law Advisor)

The objective of the respective project is to strengthen the cooperation between stakeholders responsible for sustainable trade routes and logistics concepts in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova). Its support does focus on 3 complementary intervention areas: (1) Green transport and logistics, (2) Cross-border transport and (3) Strong SMEs in the transport, logistics and trade sectors.

In this realm the project aims to assist the Government of Ukraine in its efforts to align Ukrainian legislation with the Acquis Communautaire of the European Union, focusing on the negotiation chapters related to “Transport Policy” (Chapter 14) and “Trans-European Networks (TEN-T)” (Chapter 21) that lie at the heart of the cluster called the “Green agenda & sustainable connectivity” as well as “Customs Union” (Chapter 29). The project aims at enhancing the capacities of key actors within the Ukrainian government to steer and implement a cooperative and participative process of the country’s EU alignment in these chapters.

The advisor will be part of the project’s team in Ukraine, with a focus on supporting national key actors responsible for the alignment to the EU acquis with the specialized expertise needed to work towards the achievement of key reform projects necessary to make progress under the Chapters 14 and 21 and/or 29 of the accession.


The Legal Advisor is responsible for:

  • Conducting a thorough review and assessment of both the EU acquis and pertinent national legislation to pinpoint gaps within the national legal framework in comparison to the EU acquis.
  • Advising line ministries on the requisite measures essential for aligning national legislation with the EU acquis.
  • Supporting in the drafting of the regulatory package for acts earmarked for alignment with the EU Acquis.
  • Providing hands-on training and capacity-building for line ministries’ staff on the EU acquis and the legal alignment process.
  • Compiling analyses, opinions and recommendations and other on-demand legal advice related to the negotiation process to partners and donors to maximize the added value for the Ukrainian partners.
  • Building up partnerships with renowned international and national legal experts and Think Tanks in the field of EU alignment.
  • Ensuring gender equality in the scope of the project’s activities.
  • Staying abreast with the overall strategic approach of the Ukrainian government vis-à-vis the accession process as well as with progress of alignment in all chapters of the Acquis Communautaire.
  • Preparation of technical advice to GIZ team members in the fields related to the EU accession of Ukraine.


  1. Regulatory planning and alignment:
  • Conducts analysis of existing national laws to identify areas that require alignment with EU standards. Assess the compatibility and compliance of national legislation with relevant EU directives, regulations, and treaties.
  • Identifies gaps or discrepancies between national laws and EU acquis. Provide reports outlining the specific areas that need adjustment or amendment to achieve alignment.
  • Supports in drafting and proposing amendments to existing national laws to bring them in line with EU requirements.
  • Ensures the assessment of the potential impact of proposed legal changes (RIA) on various stakeholders, industries, and the general public (including consideration of gender equality aspects), to ensure informed decision-making.
  • Stays informed about the latest developments in EU acquis. Monitors updates, amendments, and new directives from EU institutions that may impact national legislation.
  • Offers expert legal advice to government officials and decision-makers on the interpretation and application of EU law.
  1. Management, coordination and collaboration:
  • Collaborates with technical/legal unit(s) within the line Ministry, to support alignment efforts.
  • Participates in interdepartmental/interinstitutional meetings to discuss the implications and implementation of EU directives.
  • Facilitates communication and collaboration among relevant stakeholders, including line ministries and working groups. Foster a collaborative and supportive team environment.
  • Identifies opportunities for process improvement within the technical/legal department and implements changes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
  1. Capacity building, Knowledge management, Reporting, and Documentation:
  • Provides capacity-building measures for legal professionals, government officials, and stakeholders to enhance understanding of EU legal requirements.
  • Enhances internal capacity within government institutions to navigate and sustain compliance with EU acquis.
  • Facilitates knowledge transfer by employing established methodologies and formats, ensuring alignment with best practices and standards.
  • Prepares regular reports for Ministry management detailing the progress of alignment efforts, challenges faced, and recommendations for improvement.
  • Maintains accurate and organized documentation of legislative changes, correspondence with involved institutions/stakeholders, and related materials.
  • Ensures that all relevant legal documents are readily accessible for reference and further regulatory work.

Required qualifications, competences and experience:

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in EU law, international law or other relevant field of law.
  • Professional experience: 5 years of general professional experience in legal reform in the area of rule of law, transport law related aspects., in regulatory and/or policy field out of which 3 years of direct hands-on involvement in legal drafting and/or alignment. A notable emphasis is placed on a demonstrated proficiency in transport and/or customs policy areas.
  • Sound knowledge of the Ukrainian government’s reform agenda, current Ukrainian transport strategy implementation obstacles, the European Union acquis on transport and market access as well as accession procedures.
  • Familiarity with the structure and procedures of the European Union, in particular regarding EU enlargement processes.
  • Access to a network of legal experts in the area of legal reform, EU alignment.
  • Strong project management skills, including the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines.
  • Experience in preparing reports, briefings, and presentations on policy-related matters.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, with a focus on facilitating collaboration and consensus-building among stakeholders in the regulatory process.
  • Excellent command of written and spoken Ukrainian and English; command of German a plus.
  • Very good working knowledge of ICT technologies and computer applications.

We offer:

  • Official employment.
  • Salary fixed in EUR.
  • Performance-related bonuses and 13th salary.
  • Medical insurance.
  • 29 vacation days annually.
  • Language classes.
  • Hard and soft skills trainings.
  • Individual and group psychological support.
  • Possible remote and flexible work.
  • Meaningful and valuable work, international environment.

Employment conditions

Full-time position with 40-hours working week. Place of assignment is Kyiv. Starting as soon as possible. The contract duration is until the end of 31.01.2026, although this may be subject to extension.

GIZ is an equal opportunity employer and offers an attractive and challenging working environment with opportunities for skill enhancement.


Application comprising of the candidate’s CV and a cover letter in the English language explaining the motivation to apply for the job is to be sent to [email protected] until COB 30 April 2024, Tuesday.

By sending the application the candidate gives the consent for the personal data processing for recruitment processes solely.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next stages of the recruitment process.

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