Anticipated USAID Ukraine Public Financial Management Activity шукає кандидатів(-ок) – Call for Resumes


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Alevtyna Merkotan

Vacancy_dfrfycsz вакансія
Anticipated USAID Ukraine Public Financial Management Activity шукає кандидатів(-ок) – Call for Resumes

DAI, a global consulting firm based in the United States, is currently accepting applications from senior candidates for technical and operational long-term positions for an anticipated new Public Financial Management activity in Ukraine funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The new activity will support revenue and expenditure side financial management systems and practices to strengthen revenue generation, public investment management, accounting, and audit functions in alignment with international standards. It will also support financial transparency initiatives for civic oversight of spending and private sector engagement in tax/customs reforms. Long- and short-term experts with seven (7) or more years of experience in the following areas are sought in the following technical fields. Ukrainian nationals are strongly encouraged to apply:

  • Public financial management (general)
  • Public budget planning, formulation, and execution
  • Tax and revenue administration
  • Tax policy reform
  • Customs Reform
  • Public Accounting
  • Public Audit (internal and external)
  • Civic Engagement/ Transparency
  • Public Investment Management
  • PFM IT Systems and digital government
  • Private sector engagement and Public-Private Partnerships
  • Gender and Social Inclusion
  • Monitoring, evaluation, learning, and reporting
  • Strategic communications/ citizen outreach
  • USAID project finance, operations, and contract administration


  • University degree in a relevant field (such as Finance, Business Administration, Economics, Public Administration) from an accredited university required. An advanced degree (master’s or higher) is preferred.
  • At least 7 years of technical experience in area of expertise.
  • At least 5 years of progressive management and leadership experience for managerial
  • Experience in Ukraine and/or Balkans regional experience preferred.
  • Experience with USAID and/or other international donor programs.
  • Strong communication skills – both written and oral – in English preferred and Ukrainian required.

Interested candidates should submit their CV via the below link no later than May 30, 2024.

Early applications are encouraged. No phone inquiries will be accepted, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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