Спеціаліст/ка з грантів / Grants Officer в проєкт USAID «Сприяння доброчесності у публічному секторі»


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Спеціаліст/ка з грантів / Grants Officer в проєкт USAID «Сприяння доброчесності у публічному секторі»

DAI is seeking highly qualified candidates to occupy full-time Grants Officer position to work on the recently awarded Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity), a $90 million, multiyear contract funded by USAID.


The purpose of the Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity) is to reduce corruption incidence and risks to build back a better Ukraine. The Pro-Integrity Activity (also referred heretofore as the Activity) will work to achieve this purpose by addressing three independent objectives:

Strengthen national level anti-corruption institutional capacity to advance corruption prevention, detection, and deterrence;

Strengthen anti-corruption compliance and control in local governance;

Advance transparency and accountability in resilience, recovery, and reconstruction efforts.

The Pro-Integrity Activity will pursue a problem-driven approach addressing the root causes through targeted objectives aligned with mission and U.S. government strategy.


The Grants Officer is responsible for the development, implementation, and management of grant awards. S/he administers the grantee selection process in compliance with relevant DAI and USAID rules and regulations, provides technical and administrative support to build the capacity of local grantees to effectively manage grants, and oversees and monitors the implementation of grant awards. 


Conduct due diligence: 

  • Work closely with program technical teams and the Grants Director and Senior Grants Manager to identify grant concepts into implementable solutions (including solicitations) to further work plan objectives. 
  • Assist in the process and development of calls for proposals and participate in subsequent review processes. 
  • Consult the technical teams in preparing a clear and comprehensive grant SOW/application with eligible grantees. 
  • Analyze and evaluate grant applications and vendors, proposals, and awards to ensure adherence to grants management policies. 
  • Negotiate grant terms, specific conditions, standard provisions, and budgets with selected grantees. 
  • Measure grantee financial and management capacity and propose implementation strategies. 
  • Review and analyze budget estimates for allowability, allocability, reasonableness, and consistency for proposed activities in coordination with the proposed local partners. The Grants Officer will ensure adherence to budget lines and that quantity and frequency/period of performance align with activity design.  
  • Review and assess the capacity of a prospective grantee to manage the type of grant considered, make recommendations to the technical teams and Grants Director on the appropriate grant type, and suggest special conditions. 
  • Co-develop capacity-building plans for grantees, as appropriate. 
  • Draft all grant agreements and ensure the relevant parties have completed all associated documentation. 

Administer grant agreements: 

  • Work closely with grantees, technical teams, and the Grants Director to ensure timely closeout, disposition, and final reports for grants. 
  • Maintain all required grants management documentation and ensure entry of grant information in DAI’s electronic management system (TAMIS and SharePoint) from solicitation to grant close-down. 
  • Manage and consult with the technical teams to ensure deliverables are verified and approved. 
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable USAID grants under contract regulations, the approved Grants Manual, USAID regulations, and DAI internal grants management procedures and forms. 
  • Provide continuous assessments of grantee performance delivery against project objectives through regular review of grantee progress towards deliverables and milestones, escalate issues to Technical Leads and Grants Director for troubleshooting. 
  • Monitor the grant financials to ensure that grant expenditures are in accordance with the grant ceilings.  Take proactive steps to ensure compliance. 
  • Provide procedures, policy guidance, and interpretation for grantees to ensure adherence to their grant agreement. 
  • Review all requests for payment or reimbursement for accuracy, compliance, and sufficient detail to ensure compliance with the grant agreement; submit requests for payment to the Finance department for payment. 
  • Provide regular updates for staff on grant implementation.  
  • Maintain meticulous electronic grant records in the project management system as per checklists, project record map and procedures.  

Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of grant activities: 

  • Support gathering feedback from grant recipients for monitoring, evaluation and learning purpose. 
  • Conduct necessary data collection and provide required information and data to monitoring and evaluation department in required format. 
  • As necessary, perform site visits to monitor Grantee’s Performance. 
  • As needed conduct financial and programmatic audits of grantee during implementation.  
  • Prepare accurate and timely progress reports every quarter and contribute to preparation of annual reports. 
  • Oversee implementation of the award through the review of reports, correspondence, site visits, etc.  
  • Serve as the point of contact for all official communication dealing with grant recipient.  
  • Process all grant agreements modifications, suspension and termination actions and maintaining control the grant records in TAMIS.  
  • Keep respective activity records in DAI corporate system (TAMIS). 
  • Maintain with the Grants team grant trackers and internal price reasonableness analysis tools. 
  • Other duties as assigned by the Grants Director or Chief of Party that are consistent with the overall focus of the assignment. 


  • A bachelor’s degree, preferably in a relevant field of study, such as business administration, finance, or international development, is required; master’s degree preferred. 
  • A minimum of seven (7) years of relevant professional experience, preferably including prior experience in the implementation and administration of grant activities; alternatively, candidates should possess experience in administration, finance, procurement, subcontract management, or project management, or other relevant experience. 
  • Prior experience implementing and administering grants activities for USAID- or other international donor-funded programs preferred. 
  • Strong analytical and interpersonal communication skills, and an ability to work effectively within a diverse, multicultural team of staff, partners, and stakeholders. 
  • Proficiency with MS Office applications, such as Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. 
  • Fluency in Ukrainian with excellent oral and written communication skills required; professional proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English preferred. 


Qualified individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Please submit your Cover Letter and CV to [email protected]

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please include “Grants Officer: your name and surname” in the subject line. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.


All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or status as a protected veteran. 

DAI and its employees are committed to confronting discrimination in all forms, nurturing respect for our interpersonal relationships, and holding ourselves accountable for positive change within the company and in the communities, cultures, and countries in which we live and work.  DAI is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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